101 - Brad returns to talk about his relapse

Church & Other Drugs

26-11-2018 • 1時間 19分

Greetings, congregation! This is why I love the community we've built. Everyone's favorite co-host has been AWOL of late, and a lot of you guys have been asking about him, how he's been doing, etc. So, I finally got him back on the show to talk about what has been happening. Brad relapsed after dental surgery, and moved quickly from pain pills back to meth. Brad talks very candidly about what was going on in his mind that led him to this point, and what he plans on doing going forward. He and I appreciate your continued prayers and well-wishes for him as he goes through this difficult time. We are all in this thing together. churchandotherdrugs@gmail.com patreon.com/churchandotherdrugs Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


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