Quorum — The Gambler’s Tale: “All That Glitters,” Part 6 of 10

Jabberwocky Audio Theater All-in-One Audio Buffet

26-11-2021 • 35分

July 2012. Jimmy Harmon and Robin Freeman have managed to find the hidden documents they’ve been seeking — but after finding themselves unexpectedly cornered by corrupt police detective Malone, they must find a way to escape the homicidal gunman. Moreover, Harmon is anxious to complete the perilous assignment he has taken on from venture capitalist Anton Kreitzer… but he may discover his troubles are more connected than he realized.

Rated AD-PG, so parental guidance is suggested
Contains semi-adult language (“SOB,” a few uses of variants of “damn,” three uses of “hell,” JC’s name taken in vain, use of “Godawful,” “screwed” and “screwed up”), gambling (horse racing), identity theft and trespassing, drinking alcohol (and a veiled reference to underage drinking), and two egregious instances of illegal parking.

Click here for complete show notes.