109 - The Demon Debate with Nick Lucky!

Church & Other Drugs

28-01-2019 • 1時間 23分

Greetings, congregation! This weeks starts off with Besh and Jed recounting some stories from Jed's recent trip to Colorado, so thoughts on Psychedelic drugs, a story from Jed's meth days, and Besh saw a ghost. Then, in an interview borne from a facebook argument, Jed brings on Nick Lucky to discuss the reality or nonreality of demons and demonic attack. Nick was raised in a very fundamentalist fashion, and was formerly very interested in demonology. He has since changed his views, so Jed gets to the bottom of it. churchandotherdrugs@gmail.com patreon.com/churchandotherdrugs Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


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