Vidal Speaks

Deborah Vidal RS Hom (NA), CCH - Pro Athlete, Homeopath, Nutritionist, Biot

The Vidal Speaks Podcast or videos are about applying the art of detoxification by using homeopathy, food & lifestyle medicine to your daily life to regain or improve your health. Learn how to put your health in your own hands by using nature’s powerful God-given medicines as intended. Vidal, a homeopath with 26+ years of clinical practice, teaches & speaks about using homeopathic remedies to heal everyday ailments. She offers an online membership called VS CLUB to teach practical homeopathy or other natural healing remedies so people can take charge of their health rather than toxic medications that suppress and don't heal. Many lies are being fed to us, resulting in a world filled with sickness. Vidal exposes these lies & speaks the truth about alternative options that have been used for hundreds of years. Learn truths that shock you, hear stories to inspire you & get ready to take action to turn your health around. You can choose to get on the wellness path once & for all! Vidal is not only a certified homeopath but also a certified plant-based nutritionist and detox specialist. As a retired professional golfer she was poisoned by the pesticides used on the golf courses & healed herself using homeopathy & detox protocols, which she uses to help others. Sickness is mostly due to all the poisons we are being bombarded with internally & externally and detoxification now is a must! .Knowledge is Power - Health is Freedom! Be Healthy, Be Free, LIVE LIFE! read less


Mercury Toxicity / How To Detox From Mercury - Part 1
Mercury Toxicity / How To Detox From Mercury - Part 1
EPISODE LINKS   vidalSPEAKS sign up, VS Club, Consultations & Online Courses Join VS Club for $15/month Buy Vidal’s Supplement Course here Book A Homeopathic Consult here Sign up to be on the mailing list & receive lots of free info, tips & recipes Check out for lots of great info   Podcast & Blog links Read vidalSPEAKS BLOG here Listen to vidalSPEAKS PODCAST here If you prefer to listen to the podcast via iTunes here click here Leave your review of Vidal Speaks podcast   Amazon Banner Links Click here to use AMAZON BANNER for Vidal Speaks – Thank you for using!   Social Media Links Vidal Speaks Facebook Page Connect with VidalSPEAKS on Instagram here Patreon Vidal Speaks!       Guest Info & Website & Book Links Website:   Youtube channel:   BIO Dr. Bill McGraw is originally from the United States, but he has lived and worked in four other countries for a total of 19 years, including Panama where he currently resides with his Panamanian wife. He has three degrees, three different majors, from three different universities including a Ph.D. in aquaculture. Dr. Bill writes and publishes research articles in scientific journals and websites, while periodically teaching an online class called Basics of Aquaculture. His current passion is healing people from chronic disease using Rife technology, heavy metal detox and diet, and lifestyle changes. During the last 3 years, he has published two books on heavy metals, both available on Amazon. Dr. Bill hopes to finish a degree in naturopathic medicine as soon as time and travel allow, in the meantime, he will continue with his passion for research and publishing in the fields of health, agriculture, coral reefs, and GMOs.    Books Mercury, The Ultimate Truth and Chronic Disease   Ever wonder why so many modern chronic diseases that were unheard of a century ago seem to have no cure? Mercury is the second most toxic element known. It has been around long before modern humans ever began but its concentration in our environment and food has increased by over a factor of 10 times since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Dr. Bill McGraw describes in amazing detail the whole story of mercury and how it came to be one of the biggest contributors of toxicity in the human body. From when and where it has been mined in the earth to how it became prevalent in so many polluting industries and most importantly, how it gets into our bodies and why it is so very hard to remove. Mercury, The Ultimate Truth and Chronic Disease contains the most complete description of the history of mercury toxicity, including the Minimater disaster from the 1950s to the present day. All major polluting industries are detailed including processes, locations, and current outputs. Chapters on mercury in fish and marine mammals are unprecedented in their scope and range while chapters on the description of pain and inflammation in the human body will leave no questions unanswered. Mercury is responsible for deadly Alzheimer's, debilitating chronic fatigue, ubiquitous cataracts, kidney disease, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, depression, arthritis, and allergies. The link between all of these ailments and mercury are explained in relation to all the relevant information available providing the ultimate truth about the relationship of this heavy metal to so many problems we now face. The modern forms of chelation, sweat therapy and other techniques for mercury removal from the human body are described in their entirety. This book has 45 graphs, maps, tables and pictures and includes information from over 500 sources from the latest scientific research papers to all of the well-known, modern health books so many readers of this book will recognize. This is the complete story of mercury that no one can afford to miss.       Aluminum Detox, An Easy Solution   Measurable amounts of pure aluminum has not existed in our environment before the process to separate it from aluminum ore began on an extraordinary large scale during the last few decades. It has been shown through experimental research that as much as 85% of the aluminum that we take in through air, water, food, medicine, vaccines and cosmetics ends up in our brains, resulting in killing 35% of all  elderly over the age of 80 in our modern world. This number is expected to increase to 50% during the next 20 years. Imagine if the 100s of millions of deaths from aluminum toxicity can be stopped with one easy solution. Moreover, vaccines containing aluminum provoke an entirely different inflammatory response compared to live attenuated vaccines that don’t contain any heavy metals. It has been shown through documented research repeatedly, that heavy metals in vaccines are detrimental to health and have caused countless amounts of suffering and death. The importance of this information currently goes without saying. From the blue zone with the special mineral waters that have been imperative to reinforce the answer, follow this incredible journey with Dr. Bill McGraw. He provides all the details of how to prevent aluminum toxicity in the human body and how to remove this deadly heavy metal. Alzheimer's is a leading cause of death and the cause and cure of this disease is not only known but being widely suppressed by modern medicine. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Read this book and spread the word so that the horrible suffering of neuro-degenerative disease can end.
Dr. Alan Goldhamer Speaks About the Crazy Benefits Of Water Fasting - EP 142
Dr. Alan Goldhamer Speaks About the Crazy Benefits Of Water Fasting - EP 142
EPISODE LINKS Check out my new youtube channel: SOL Canyon Kitchen Wisdom: Click here Check out Sol Canyon Kitchen recipes: click here   vidalSPEAKS sign up: VS Club, Consultations & Online Courses Join VS Club for $15/month special offer here Buy Vidal’s Supplement Course here Book A Homeopathic Consult here Sign up to be on the mailing list & receive lots of free info, tips & recipes Check out for lots of great info   Podcast & Blog links Read vidalSPEAKS BLOG here Listen to vidalSPEAKS PODCAST here If you prefer to listen to the podcast via iTunes here click here Leave your review of Vidal Speaks podcast   Amazon Banner Links Click here to use AMAZON BANNER for Vidal Speaks – Thank you for using!   Social Media Links Vidal Speaks Facebook Page Connect with VidalSPEAKS on Instagram here Patreon Vidal Speaks!       Guest Info & Website & Book Links     Links that Dr. Goldhamer provided that are interesting. (lymphoma case report update in British Medical Journal)  (fasting and Lymphoma case report in British Medical Journal) (fasting and high blood pressure) (fasting and moderate high blood pressure) (fasting mechanisms) (interview with Dr. Goldhamer) (tedx talk on the pleasure trap by Dr. Lisle) (TV show on fasting with Goldhamer and McDougall) (GQ article on fasting at TNHC) (fasting lecture by Dr. Goldhamer) (TV news reports on fasting and TNHC) (Dr. Goldhamer I-thrive) (Fasting safety study) (booking a stay) (what to expect) NEW WEB SITE ON FASTING Dr. Goldhamer and Patrick Bet-David
Martha Rosenberg - Viruses From Eating Animals - Ep 134
Martha Rosenberg - Viruses From Eating Animals - Ep 134
Today’s episode is an interview with Martha Rosenberg. She speaks about how COVID-19 originated from eating animals & how this won't be the last time we will have a pandemic from an animal virus based on her life work. She has dedicated her life to informing the public about the truth about what is the meat you are eating & what they do hide all the drugs they feed the animals, all the viruses & illnesses they have & what they put in the meat during packaging. You will be surprised that meat is almost the last ingredient of the product if they would have to put a label on it! She also exposes the truth about the cruelty animals experience, which is important for everyone to know so they can make a choice to eat meat, based on true facts. What you hear today in this episode will shock you, I promise.   Also in this episode is a once in a lifetime offer to join the online classroom called VS CLUB for only $10/month. Join today as Vidal will start her first online teaching ever in a few days. The price will never be this low again and it is only for a limited time. Learn how to put homeopathy to use in your life effectively & immediately. learn vegan or plant-based truths & lies, learn great recipes & so many natural remedies to heal & improve your immunity & life quality! You won’t regret it… there is no value on what you will learn, I promise.  Go here to join: - Welcome 1     Episode Links vidalSPEAKS links: Join VS Club for $10/month special offer here   Buy Vidal's Supplement Course here   Book A Homeopathic Consult here   Sign up to be on the mailing list & receive lots of free info, tips & recipes   Check out for lots of great info   Read vidalSPEAKS BLOG here   Listen to vidalSPEAKS PODCAST here   If you prefer to listen to the podcast via iTunes here click here   Leave your review of Vidal Speaks podcast   Click here to use AMAZON BANNER for Vidal Speaks - Thank you for using!   Vidal Speaks Facebook Page Connect with VidalSPEAKS on Instagram here Patreon Vidal Speaks!   Guest Info & Website & Book Links Read Martha Rosenberg’s articles here:   Facebook: Twitter: Her book on Amazon
Toni Okamoto - How To Be Plant-based On A Budget - Ep 131
Toni Okamoto - How To Be Plant-based On A Budget - Ep 131
This episode is not only for those on a budget but if you want to cut down your food costs and still eat healthily then you will love this one, however, if you have no food budget you will still love this episode because you will learn how to plan your meals.  Why plan?  Well, it helps stop food waste, saves you time during the week and most importantly helps you eat healthy home-cooked meals every day.  If you don’t plan it is so easy to grab already made processed food which is loaded with fat, sugar, and salt not to mention chemicals or pesticides or both!  I am pretty sure everyone will find this episode useful and if you are new to the vegan lifestyle or you are trying to eat healthier for less money then be sure to listen and check out Toni’s free meal planner on her site.   Episode Links Visit Deborah Vidal and subscribe to this podcast! Vidal AMAZON banner-thanks you for using for your shopping. Leave your review of Vidal Speaks podcast Vidal Speaks Facebook Page Patreon Vidal Speaks!   Guest Info & Website & Book Links Website of Toni Okamoto   Plant-based On A Budget Facebook Support Group   YouTube Channel:   Instagram   BOOK- Plant Based On A Budget:   BOOK- Super Easy Vegan Slow Cooker:
meSPEAKS- Vidal Speaks ON Raw Vegan Diet VS. Cooked Vegan - EP 129
meSPEAKS- Vidal Speaks ON Raw Vegan Diet VS. Cooked Vegan - EP 129
Can you help me? First here is the link for you to answer my 2 quick questions: As I said in the show I'm really close to wrapping up my long-awaited course "To Supplement or Not to Supplement...Here Lies The Answer". I will be relaunching it in a couple weeks. But before I do, I have to ask you a couple questions so I can be sure I cover your questions. Can you help me out? You can answer the questions here (and get a little more detail on my course) at this link: Thanks for taking a few minutes to do this. Vidal   Details about this episode: In this episode I discuss my personal journey eating an all fruit diet & how so much changed when I transitioned to an all raw vegan diet.  I get asked so many times to compare a raw vegan diet with a cooked vegan diet & today I wanted to share with you my opionion based on many trial and errors of doing a raw vegan diet.  I thik I will answer many of your questions & you will love this episode.  I end with all my conclusions based on my own experience of my 18 month all fruit diet and my many failures to go raw & what I learned from them. Enjoy! Be Healthy, Be FREE, Live Life Knowledge is Power; Health is Freedom!   Episode Links Visit Deborah Vidal and subscribe to this podcast! Vidal AMAZON banner-thanks you for using for your shopping. Leave your review of Vidal Speaks podcast Vidal Speaks Facebook Page Patreon Vidal Speaks!   Links to join VS Club   Links to buy courses in my Academy   Questions I answer in this episode: Why do you not think a raw food diet is the best diet? Why is it so hard to maintain weight on a proper raw food diet? Do I advocate a cooked vegan diet? What are the challenges of eating an all fruit diet? What are the biggest benefits of eating an all fruit diet?   I discuss my personal journey and my conclusions in this episode.
SoupElina's Soup Cleanse: How She used Plant-Based Soups to Heal Her Body & Transform Her Life
SoupElina's Soup Cleanse: How She used Plant-Based Soups to Heal Her Body & Transform Her Life
In this episode you will learn the story of how Elina Fuhrman over came the pressure from the medical doctors in order to follow her intuition about how to heal her breast cancer.  In the end she healed herself with her soups , which were delicious bowls of medicine. She speaks frankly about how she was confronted with fear and shock after the diagnosis, but how her many years of being a reporter helped her do the best research possible. Even if are healthy you will love her soups.. trust me!  Don’t miss this episode.. it is full of critical healing info along with delicious soup ideas you can use just to eat a yummy meal or to heal with.  Enjoy and learn!   BIO of Elina Fuhrman Elina Fuhrman is a best-selling author and wellness warrior, Founder, CEO + Chef of Soupelina, and cancer conqueror. While revered among Hollywood elite and luminaries, Elina’s fresh approach to healthy eating has made her a sought-after talent, inspiring mentor and credible wellness expert. Elina is also an award-winning journalist who covered international news and wars for CNN, and traveled to Afghanistan to report from the front lines following the September 11th terrorist attacks. But it is her personal war against breast cancer that has inspired many and led to the creation of Soupelina, the company that delivers healing organic plant-based soups and soup cleanses. On a mission to heal herself and treating cancer as a health opportunity, Elina relied on Ayurveda, Naturopathy and Traditional Chinese Medicine, to guide her in learning about the power of herbs and plants, and creating her own blends of therapeutic soups that targeted different health issues. She became a voracious student of all things health + wellness, integrating ancient healing traditions to transform a cancer diagnosis into vibrant living. Elina’s mission-driven company not only serves her community but also revolutionizes the way America looks at food with its food-as-medicine philosophy, sustainable and innovative cooking, known for elegant style, texture and layers of flavor. With names like LENTIL ME ENTERTAIN YOU, KALE-IFORNIA DREAMIN’ and I YAM WHO I YAM, Soupelina wants people to have fun while eating healthy. Elina’s invention of the Soup Cleanse and tongue-and-cheek line, Souping Is The New Juicing, have become headlines in publications like The New York Times, Vogue, Gwyneth Paltrow’s GOOP, Harper’s Bazaar, ABC’s Good Morning Americaand many others. Vogue wrote that “Soupelina has been gaining so much attention that even juice companies” have begun to stock “their own versions of soup cleanses.” ABC News dubbed Soupelina soups “soups with a purpose,” and VegNews reported that Soupelina’s “wellness-inspired” soups have “captured the hearts and taste buds of LA’s discerning diners.” Elina’s debut book, Soupelina’s Soup Cleanse (DaCapo Lifelong, 2016), has resonated with thousands of health seekers and foodies alike. It has been translated into multiple languages published throughout Europe. Elina has become Hollywood’s go-to vegan chef to help her clients findthe perfect balance and restore health. Her celebrity fans include Gwyneth Paltrow, Jessica Alba, Alicia Silverstone, Coco Rocha, LeAnn Rimes among others. Part visionary and part teacher. Elina translates her clients desires to eat + live healthy into a stylized culinary experience with genuine passion, authentic vision and knowledge of ingredients. A graduate of University of Wisconsin-Madison, Elina lives in Los Angeles with her two daughters, singer/songwriter Madeline and actress, Isabelle. When she isn’t cooking, writing, or spending time with her daughters or traveling the world, you can find her on the beach meditating or thinking up a new recipe. Her favorite past times include dinners with family + friends, soaking up the California sunshine, and creating (and eating!) delicious food.   Episode Links   Visit Deborah Vidal and subscribe to this podcast! Vidal AMAZON banner-thanks you for using for your shopping. Leave your review of Vidal Speaks podcast Vidal Speaks Facebook Page Patreon Vidal Speaks!     Guest Info & Website & Book Links   SOUP ELINA BOOK     Other VS Podcasts mentioned with similar content: Valerie Warwich Ep 36   Valerie Warwick Ep 37
Dr. Tumi Johnson MD - Living The Raw Food Fruitarian Lifestyle & Advice To Move In That Direction - EP 127
Dr. Tumi Johnson MD - Living The Raw Food Fruitarian Lifestyle & Advice To Move In That Direction - EP 127
Today's Episode is with Dr. Tumi Johnson MD who is a traditionally trained medical doctor that now used food as medicine with her patients.  She tells her story, which is interesting in itself, but also answers so many of your questions about raw food, fruits or a plant based vegan diet.  No matter where you are on your journey of health this episode with help you learn so much & motivate you to add more raw foods & fruits to your life.    I asked her many questions... for example: Are cooked vegan diets as healing as raw food?  How much raw food should be in our diets?  Is fruit dangerous for type 2 diabetics?  Is fruit better than fruit juice? When should I juice vs. when should I use smoothies?  I think many of you have these questions & more & will find this episode very informative & helpful.   Dr. Tumi is a genuine & compassionate human being & this comes thru in my interview with her.  She genuinely cares about helping people learn the truth about how they can heal themselves, but also counsels them medically which is what makes her so special.  She is also a professional dancer & if you have not yet seen her videos on youtube it is a must to watch her dance.  Wow.   If you are interested in knowing all the components of a healthy lifestyle she helps her clients with then you should buy her book called Delicious Healing.  (Link below)   Links for this episode: Visit Deborah Vidal and subscribe to this podcast! Vidal AMAZON banner-thanks you for using for your shopping. Leave your review of Vidal Speaks podcast Vidal Speaks Facebook Page Patreon Vidal Speaks!     Guest Info & Website & Book Links   Dr. Tumi’s book:
Jeff Chilton - Healing with Medicinal Mushrooms - Ep 126
Jeff Chilton - Healing with Medicinal Mushrooms - Ep 126
In this episode Jeff Chilton, mushroom cultivator and expert, shares his lifetime experience & knowledge of using medicinal mushrooms to improve well-being.  Medicinal mushrooms are known as a superfood that have many immunological benefits along with many other benefits that aid in detoxification, which is one of the biggest keys to maintaining wellness.   Mushrooms are known as the network to all nature. Listen now to learn all about mushrooms & how to use medicinal mushrooms into your daily life so that you can take your health & energy to another level.  Put mushroom powders in your coffee, hot cocoa, soups or meals and be ready to feel the difference.   Links for the show Be sure to enter your email on my website to receive my FREE video of me making my favorite LIVING bread recipe.  That will keep you on the list for updates when I post a new blog, podcast or video & any news! Please subscribe to my podcast from link below.   Episode 125 Links Visit Deborah Vidal and subscribe to this podcast! Vidal AMAZON banner-thanks you for using for your shopping. Leave your review of Vidal Speaks podcast Vidal Speaks Facebook Page Patreon Vidal Speaks!     Guest Info & Website & Book Links Jeff Chilton - President Nammex Organic Mushroom extracts   You can buy his products from this site:   Books by Jeff Chilton