Think You Can't? Proving assumptions wrong

Transformations with Jayne

16-01-2025 • 15分

I'm brining you my latest life lessons, while it's still fresh in my mind. I initially thought that this kind of episode would not be "useful", until a friend reached out to tell me that listening to my last episode gave her the push to get out of the winter holiday gym funk and she'd gone back for her first work out. THIS is why I take the time to podcast. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me on these episodes and how they have helped you. It really means a lot!

This episode I riffing on uncovering an assumption I have had about myself that I found to be no longer "true", how I discovered the "relaxing gym visit" and "fixed scheduling" have been winning strategies so far. Listen to hear the challenge I set for you, too!

Time Stamps

00:00 Welcome Back to the Podcast

00:58 Reflecting on the Last Episode

01:10 The Power of Starting Again

01:58 Pairing Habits for Success

03:12 Questioning Assumptions

04:09 Challenging Exercise Assumptions

08:13 Discovering a Relaxing Gym Routine

14:28 Encouragement and Final Thoughts