Jess Hisel 4 Governor: Look Forward 4 Wisconsin

Jess Hisel

This platform will focus on the 2022 Wisconsin Gubernatorial race for Jess Hisel. Wisconsin needs to move forward--we need UNITY! Unfortunately, our current two-party system often prevents this as politicians are too entrenched in party loyalty. We need to put people before politics and a 3rd party representative would create a balance to better honor the voice of the people. I want people to join me in this change because they believe in what I believe in…Unity, stopping the inaction, and fixing Wisconsin. We must create a new culture in our Legislature that shows progress and solidarity. If you feel like I do and are willing to help to make this change, spread this message and keep communicating. Only together will we be able to make it through this. Look Forward…Don’t look back, we’re not going that way! read less
