Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder?

Molly Stillman | Speaker, Author, Loud Laugher

Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder? Podcast is a weekly podcast where we have honest conversations about faith, business, life, and everything in between. Hosted by speaker and author, Molly Stillman, her mission is to make you laugh, cry, and laugh till you cry. She wants to create a community of people who are unafraid to be themselves and have honest conversations about the things that matter most. Her vision is to create a safe space for people to explore their faith and share their stories and gifts with the world. read less


#413 What Your Spiritual Gifts Are Really For with Chase Rashad
#413 What Your Spiritual Gifts Are Really For with Chase Rashad
I’m thrilled to welcome the incredible, hilarious, and brilliant Chase Rashad to the show. Chase is the lead pastor at Unison Christian Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He is also a musician and a racial equity coach for many schools, churches, and businesses.  Chase recently released a new book, Seamless: What Your Spiritual Gifts Are Really For, exploring how spiritual gifts, intended by God to transform the world, are often underutilized. He reminds us that, like a human body has many different parts and functions, every believer has a unique role to play in the Body of Christ. This conversation was truly special. We laughed, we got deep, and this quickly became one of my favorite episodes in a long time. Chase’s insights on community, the role of spiritual gifts, and the importance of working together within the church were so inspiring and thought-provoking. Trust me, you’re in for a treat this week! 3:56 – Chase 101 Married for 19 years Parent to 4 humans and a great dane Pastor, singer, writer, musician and author The perfect shade of green and sanctified imagination 12:49 – What Your Spiritual Gifts Are Really For Where Chase’s passion for this book came from The importance of unity among believers 1 Corinthians 12 Spiritual gifts as a way to serve others 24:44 – The Power of Every Gift Recognizing and honoring all gifts The danger of only valuing visible or “up front” gifts The detrimental effects of isolation  How spiritual gifts are often best discovered and used in community 39:30 – Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts Identifying your gifts in community Spiritual gifts as a conversation starter Praying over your skills and talents Connecting with Chase FEATURED QUOTES “It’s not hung on, how big our churches are, how dope our podcasts are, how good our books are, and how great we sing… Our witness for Christ is hung on our love for each other and our unity. And that was really the burden by which I wrote Seamless.” “If you're working against your ability to be united, you're also working against your ability to show the world Jesus.” “Our purpose isn't to memorize Scripture with each other. Our purpose isn't to sing songs to one another. Our purpose isn't even to just make sure that we're good. Our purpose is to make disciples.” Learn more about Chase: Get your copy of Seamless Unison Christian Church Unison Christian Church Podcast Chase’s Music Chase on LinkedIn Connect with me:   GET YOUR COPY of ‘IF I DON’T LAUGH, I’LL CRY” TODAY: Barnes & Noble:  Amazon:  ChristianBook:  Target: Walmart: Indie Bound: Audible:  Kindle:  About Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder? Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder? Podcast is a weekly podcast where we have honest conversations about faith, business, life, and everything in between. Hosted by speaker and author, Molly Stillman, her mission is to make you laugh, cry, and laugh till you cry. She wants to create a community of people who are unafraid to be themselves and have honest conversations about the things that matter most. Her vision is to create a safe space for people to explore their faith and share their stories and gifts with the world.
#412 Meet Me In The Middle: Mother / Daughter Conversations with Sandra Stanley & Allie Stanley Cooney
#412 Meet Me In The Middle: Mother / Daughter Conversations with Sandra Stanley & Allie Stanley Cooney
This week, I'm so excited to welcome Sandra Stanley and her daughter, Allie Stanley Cooney, as our guests. Sandra, a familiar face on the show, is a dedicated foster parent, foster advocate, and co-author of the book Parenting: Getting It Right. This time, Sandra is joined by her daughter, Allie, who has a Master’s in Christian Education and background in student ministry, to discuss their book Meet Me in the Middle: 8 Mother-Daughter Conversations about Life and Faith.  This book is such an incredible resource for those looking to strengthen their relationship with young girls in their lives. As a mom of a tween girl myself, this conversation was so insightful and encouraging. Moms, grandmas, sisters, dads, uncles, and mentors- there is something in this episode for you!  4:52 – Allie 101 Georgia native, pastor family, youngest of 3 Background in student ministry and Christian education Wife and mom 7:27 – Sandra 201 Life as a grandmother Writing a book with Allie 36 years of marriage 8:26 – Writing a Book Together What led Sandra and Allie to write this book  Having hard conversations ahead of time Setting your child up for success 15:24 – The Imperfect Path of Parenting Appreciating a parent’s love when you become a parent Making mistakes as a parent Allowing children to make mistakes in a safe environment The unique dynamic of a mother/daughter relationship  Philippians 4:4-9 as a foundation for this book 28:16 – Meet Me In The Middle How this book is structured  Identity and self-worth in middle and high school What we model matters Parenting in the age of social media Helping your children own their faith 48:17 – Final Thoughts Navigating big feelings with your children Getting your copy of Meet Me In The Middle Encouragement for moms and mentors FEATURED QUOTES “If we can bridge the gap between moms and daughters so that they can have some of the hard conversations ahead of time, before…. there's conflict and tension…it is such a win when those hard times come.” “We really wanted to structure it in a way that a grandmother or an aunt or a mentor could also pick it up and do this with the young lady in their life that they love and who is important to them.” “You don't have to change, you don't have to pretend, you don't have to give up hope, because Jesus did all of that on your behalf… You are enough and you are loved, and you are a child of God.” “What we model matters, and it matters in the development of our children's faith and how they view their Heavenly Father.” Learn more about Sandra and Allie: Get your copy of Meet Me in the Middle Get your copy of Parenting: Getting It Right Allie on Instagram: Sandra on Instagram: Connect with me:   GET YOUR COPY of ‘IF I DON’T LAUGH, I’LL CRY” TODAY: Barnes & Noble:  Amazon:  ChristianBook:  Target: Walmart: Indie Bound: Audible:  Kindle:  About Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder? Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder? Podcast is a weekly podcast where we have honest conversations about faith, business, life, and everything in between. Hosted by speaker and author, Molly Stillman, her mission is to make you laugh, cry, and laugh till you cry. She wants to create a community of people who are unafraid to be themselves and have honest conversations about the things that matter most. Her vision is to create a safe space for people to explore their faith and share their stories and gifts with the world.
#411 Intentional Parenting in a Chaotic World with Jennifer Pepito
#411 Intentional Parenting in a Chaotic World with Jennifer Pepito
As we kick off the new school year, this conversation could not be timelier! My guest this week is the incredible Jennifer Pepito, who is on a mission to help moms create a home filled with peace, wonder, and purpose. Jennifer is host of the Restoration Home Podcast, founder of The Peaceful Press, and author of the book Habits for a Sacred Home: 9 Practices from History to Anchor and Restore Modern Families.  As a homeschooling mother of seven, Jennifer has a deep passion for equipping families to homeschool in a way that is developmentally appropriate, spiritually nourishing, and based on proven methods of education. I’m so excited to have her on the show today to talk about her new book. Whether you homeschool or not, this conversation offers so much wisdom about building good habits in your home. I know you’re going to love it! 2:02 – Jennifer 101 Mom of 7 childrenHomeschooling for 26 yearsEmpowering moms to take action 5:23 – Intentional Parenting in a Chaotic World How Jennifer’s upbringing influenced her intentional parentingHaving strong family practices to counterbalance culture’s chaosThe power of simple habits, like family dinners and reading together 14:48 – Building Good Habits: Foundations for a Purposeful Life Utilizing and caring for what God has entrusted us withBalancing work and presence with your loved onesStaying committed to good practices even when results aren’t immediately visibleFinding balance in consuming the news 27:54 – Final Thoughts Influential women of faithThe Peaceful Press and resources for familiesConnecting with Jennifer FEATURED QUOTES “Just being humans in relationship with other humans, as opposed to living solely in a virtual reality world, is counter-cultural. And I wanted to highlight in this book how powerful it is just to be like a normal, sort of 1980s human.” “Be faithful and trust that you sowed. Somebody else is going to water and make sure the harvest grows, and you don't know when that's going to happen. We aren't the potters. We are just the clay…Stay on the potting wheel and let God do what he's going to do, and just be faithful.” “If we look at stories and we look at the Bible, we can be hopeful, but if we look at the news, we will be dysregulated, and our bodies will feel awful, and we'll have a really hard time being sweet with our kids.” Learn more about Jennifer: Get your copy of Habits For a Sacred Home The Peaceful Press The Peaceful Press on Pinterest The Peaceful Press on Instagram The Peaceful Press on Facebook Restoration Home with Jennifer Pepito Podcast   Connect with me:     GET YOUR COPY of ‘IF I DON’T LAUGH, I’LL CRY” TODAY: Barnes & Noble: Amazon: ChristianBook: Target: Walmart: Indie Bound: Audible: Kindle:     About Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder?   Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder? Podcast is a weekly podcast where we have honest conversations about faith, business, life, and everything in between. Hosted by speaker and author, Molly Stillman, her mission is to make you laugh, cry, and laugh till you cry. She wants to create a community of people who are unafraid to be themselves and have honest conversations about the things that matter most. Her vision is to create a safe space for people to explore their faith and share their stories and gifts with the world.
#410 - Podcast News & Updates!
#410 - Podcast News & Updates!
This month marks a huge milestone for Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder? - 8 amazing years of podcasting! It’s incredible to think that for 8 years, I’ve had the privilege of sharing my thoughts, interviews, and stories with you every single week. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your endless support and encouragement along the way! Since I’ve been a little quieter on social media this summer, I wanted to record a special solo episode this week to catch up and share what’s coming up. Tune in as I fill you in on the last few months and share some exciting updates! We have some incredible guests lined up for the fall that I can’t wait to share with you. But I also want to hear from you! Who would you like to hear on the podcast? What topics are you passionate about? Send me your ideas at – I’d love to hear from you! 1:26 – Podcast Feedback, Guests, and More! Share your thoughts with me at 2:38 – A Quiet Summer An intentional breakCatching up on social mediaThe beach, lake, and a trip to Rome 4:22 – An Exciting Update… Going back to schoolMasters in Theological and Biblical StudiesWords of encouragement (please!) 6:50 – 8 Amazing Years! Grabbing your copy of If I Don’t Laugh, I’ll CryThank you for your endless support!! Connect with me: GET YOUR COPY of ‘IF I DON’T LAUGH, I’LL CRY” TODAY: Barnes & Noble: Amazon: ChristianBook: Target: Walmart: Indie Bound: Audible: Kindle: About Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder?   Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder? Podcast is a weekly podcast where we have honest conversations about faith, business, life, and everything in between. Hosted by speaker and author, Molly Stillman, her mission is to make you laugh, cry, and laugh till you cry. She wants to create a community of people who are unafraid to be themselves and have honest conversations about the things that matter most. Her vision is to create a safe space for people to explore their faith and share their stories and gifts with the world.
#409 Hard is Not The Same Thing as Bad with Abbie Halberstadt
#409 Hard is Not The Same Thing as Bad with Abbie Halberstadt
This week on Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder, we’re sitting down with the incredible Abbie Halberstadt. Abbie is a wife, homeschooling mama to 10 amazing kids, a best-selling author, blogger, and fitness instructor. But most importantly, she's a Bible-believing Christian with a deep desire to know God and make Him known.   Abbie lives by the motto "Hard is not the same thing as bad," and she passionately encourages women to dig deep in the everyday trials of motherhood to uncover the treasures of joy and growth that are abundant if we're willing to look.   In this episode, we dive straight into a rich conversation about her newest book, Hard is Not the Same Thing as Bad, which echoes this philosophy. We explore what it looks like to navigate the trials of life, motherhood, and everything the world throws at us.   It was an absolute honor to have Abbie on the show, and I just know you'll be as inspired by her as I was!   2:30 – Abbie 101   Wife, mom, and Christian living in TexasBest-selling authorMarried to a supportive and wise partnerTrust and teamwork within a family     16:55 – Hard Is Not The Same As Bad   Where the idea for this book came fromThe hard teaches us somethingWho Abbie had in mind when writing this bookMotherhood is not a burden     31:01 – The Gift of Parenting   How motherhood is commonly portrayed todayIgnoring voices that encourage complaining and victimhoodSeeking strength and support from GodGiving children purpose and responsibility at home     48:47 – Takeaways   Psalm 27:13Connecting with Abbie     FEATURED QUOTES   “The hard teaches us something. Hard is not the same thing as bad.”   “Moms need to hear that the Lord is good regardless of your circumstances, that motherhood is not a burden, that it is, in fact, a blessing from the Lord.”   “Dig deep into Jesus and kick out those voices that are telling you can't and you're a victim. And then also take the practical steps to prepare yourself and your children to have peace in your home and good rhythms, because they will pay off over time.”     Learn more about Abbie:   Abbie’s book, Hard Is Not The Same Thing As Bad:   Abbie’s book, M Is For Mama:   Abbie on Instagram:   Abbie on Facebook:   Abbie on Pinterest: Connect with me:     GET YOUR COPY of ‘IF I DON’T LAUGH, I’LL CRY” TODAY: Barnes & Noble: Amazon: ChristianBook: Target: Walmart: Indie Bound: Audible: Kindle:     About Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder?   Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder? Podcast is a weekly podcast where we have honest conversations about faith, business, life, and everything in between. Hosted by speaker and author, Molly Stillman, her mission is to make you laugh, cry, and laugh till you cry. She wants to create a community of people who are unafraid to be themselves and have honest conversations about the things that matter most. Her vision is to create a safe space for people to explore their faith and share their stories and gifts with the world.
#408 Life is Messy, God is Good with Cynthia Yanof
#408 Life is Messy, God is Good with Cynthia Yanof
You are in for a treat this week! My guest is the hilarious and inspiring Cynthia Yanof. Cynthia is a wife, mom of 3, podcaster, blogger, and everyday girl who believes in embracing life’s messiness with a sense of humor and a whole lot of faith. She spends most of her days hoping her kids won’t embarrass her in public while praying they chase after God-sized dreams. After meeting her husband, Mike, in law school, she swapped legal aspirations for a simpler life (though that only lasted about a day). Now, Cynthia is the host of the popular MESSmerized podcast, a speaker, writer, and a passionate advocate for foster care. We laughed, we got deep, and we covered it all in this episode. Cynthia’s first book, Life Is Messy, God Is Good, is available now, and this conversation is a perfect reflection of that message. Tune in for a fun and relatable chat that reminds us all that while life may be messy, God is always good. 2:13 – Dance Parties in Nursing Homes Embracing 40Having fun at every life stageReminiscing about prom music 11:20 – Cynthia 101 Married for 22 years with 3 kidsA foster parentAuthor of Life Is Messy, God Is GoodLeaving law to become a podcaster 16:21 – Redefining Success + Aligning With Your Calling Being outside of your giftingWhat narratives are you listening to?Measuring success by God’s truthGod wastes nothing 24:46 – The Foundational Things The story of the thigh masterLearning to hear the voice of GodThe ordinary stuff is importantDeepening your relationship with God in hard seasons 36:42 – Embracing The Mess Questioning God’s timing and methodologyGod is GodConnecting with Cynthia FEATURED QUOTES "When you're doing something outside of your gifting, you know." “If you're sitting in a space where you're like, I feel like there might be something next the Lord's calling me into something next…. it takes the most reluctant ‘yes,’ and the Lord will take that and run with it.” " You've got to be putting foundational things in place in your life in order to hear from God.” " Don't buy into the lie that the ordinary stuff isn't significant because it is.”   Learn more about Cynthia: Get Your Copy of Life Is Messy God Is Good MESSmerized Podcast Cynthia on Facebook Cynthia on Instagram Connect with me:   GET YOUR COPY of ‘IF I DON’T LAUGH, I’LL CRY” TODAY: Barnes & Noble: Amazon: ChristianBook: Target: Walmart: Indie Bound: Audible: Kindle:     About Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder?   Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder? Podcast is a weekly podcast where we have honest conversations about faith, business, life, and everything in between. Hosted by speaker and author, Molly Stillman, her mission is to make you laugh, cry, and laugh till you cry. She wants to create a community of people who are unafraid to be themselves and have honest conversations about the things that matter most. Her vision is to create a safe space for people to explore their faith and share their stories and gifts with the world.
#407 How to Strive Less, Stress Less, and Sin Less with Kyle Winkler
#407 How to Strive Less, Stress Less, and Sin Less with Kyle Winkler
I am so excited to be joined by Kyle Winkler this week. He is a bible teacher and the creator of the highly acclaimed mobile app, Shut Up Devil!, which ranks among the top Christian apps. Kyle is also an accomplished author, speaker, and frequent guest on prominent Christian media platforms such as The 700 Club, Praise the Lord, and Sid Roth's It's Supernatural. Outside of this, Kyle is the host of an incredible podcast and author of the book Permission To Be Imperfect: How To Strive Less, Stress Less, Sin Less. I’m always thrilled to have other podcasters on the show, and this chat with Kyle absolutely did not disappoint. In a world that constantly pushes us to do more and achieve more, this discussion is a timely reminder that we are already enough in God’s eyes. I’m telling you, this is an episode that you’re going to be thinking about weeks after you hear it. So sit back, relax, and enjoy this powerful conversation with Kyle! 3:50 – Kyle 101 Living in central FloridaFounder of Kyle Winkler MinistriesCreator of the Shut Up, Devil! show and appAuthor of Permission To Be Imperfect 6:18 – Finding Peace in Imperfection Kyle’s faith journey and struggle with perfectionismThe pressures of modern hustle cultureCommon misconceptions about God’s characterThe true nature of God 20:04 – Shut Up, Devil! Shifting your perspective when reading scriptureGod’s intention for humanityCombatting lies with biblical truthsUnderstanding the enemy’s tacticsRenewing our minds with the truth of God’s word 30:29 – Encouragement for Perfectionists The trap of the “good Christian” syndromePerformance vs. graceYou have permission to be imperfectLeaning into who you are FEATURED QUOTES “We get into this pattern of we've got to do, do, do, do, do, in order to exceed or succeed, and it ends up wearing us down and burning us out.” “Any other thing that isn't grace and isn't unfailing love- any other idea that you have about God is ultimately a lie.” “When you… take yourself out of the picture, and you let the Holy Spirit really take you through things and show you things, you'll see God in ways you never did before.” Learn more about Kyle: Kyle Winkler Ministries Get Your Copy of Permission To Be Imperfect Permission to Be Imperfect: How to Strive Less, Stress Less, Sin Less - Kyle Winkler Ministries Kyle’s Other Books The Shut Up, Devil Show Download the Shut Up, Devil! App Shut Up, Devil! - Apps on Google Play Kyle on Facebook Kyle on Instagram Kyle on X Kyle on YouTube Connect with me:     GET YOUR COPY of ‘IF I DON’T LAUGH, I’LL CRY” TODAY: Barnes & Noble: Amazon: ChristianBook: Target: Walmart: Indie Bound: Audible: Kindle:     About Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder?   Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder? Podcast is a weekly podcast where we have honest conversations about faith, business, life, and everything in between. Hosted by speaker and author, Molly Stillman, her mission is to make you laugh, cry, and laugh till you cry. She wants to create a community of people who are unafraid to be themselves and have honest conversations about the things that matter most. Her vision is to create a safe space for people to explore their faith and share their stories and gifts with the world.
#406 How to get “Unstuck” with Kim Jones aka: Real Talk Kim
#406 How to get “Unstuck” with Kim Jones aka: Real Talk Kim
My guest this week is the incredible Kim Jones, who you might also know as Real Talk Kim. She is a pastor, entrepreneur, mentor, motivational speaker, entertainer, best-selling author, and mother of two sons, Morgan and Lincoln. I’m thrilled to have her on the show today to talk about her new book, Unstuck. This is a powerful 90-day guide designed to help you break free from pain and regret through God’s truths and prepare your soul for new beginnings.  In our conversation today, Kim talks about hitting rock bottom after a devastating divorce. It was during this time that she realized she needed to take charge of her life, forgive others and herself, and embrace joy. I hope you’ll join us for this great reminder that, no matter where you are in life, it's never too late to get unstuck and start anew. This is probably one of my favorite episodes of the summer and I’m so excited to share it with you! 2:55 – Kim 101 Real Talk Kim on social mediaMother, pastor, and coachAuthor of six books 6:58 – Turning Scars Into Stars Embracing joyForgiving yourself and letting goGod’s perfect timing and plan 14:24 – Breaking Free: Getting Out Of Your Own Way Kim’s catalyst for changeHow Kim used prayer and affirmations to change her mindsetThe role of forgiveness during the healing processThe story of Jesus and Judas 24:52 – The Heart Behind Unstuck Forgiving others and yourselfTaking one day at a timeGod isn’t done! FEATURED QUOTES "I remember when I got my laugh. And it was when I stopped caring what people thought about me.” “Every season is strategic by God. Even if you did it, even if you messed up, he's gonna turn them scars into stars.” "As long as you ain't dead, God ain't done." "Forgiveness is about getting your heart right with God." Learn more about Kim: Real Talk Kim Get your copy of Unstuck Real Talk Kim on Facebook Real Talk Kim on X Real Talk Kim on Instagram Real Talk Kim on YouTube Connect with me:   GET YOUR COPY of ‘IF I DON’T LAUGH, I’LL CRY” TODAY: Barnes & Noble: Amazon: ChristianBook: Target: Walmart: Indie Bound: Audible: Kindle:     About Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder?   Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder? Podcast is a weekly podcast where we have honest conversations about faith, business, life, and everything in between. Hosted by speaker and author, Molly Stillman, her mission is to make you laugh, cry, and laugh till you cry. She wants to create a community of people who are unafraid to be themselves and have honest conversations about the things that matter most. Her vision is to create a safe space for people to explore their faith and share their stories and gifts with the world.
#405 How To Rise Up After Life Knocks You Down with Courtney Joseph Fallick
#405 How To Rise Up After Life Knocks You Down with Courtney Joseph Fallick
I’m so excited to welcome Courtney Joseph Fallick onto the show today. She is a best-selling author and founder of Women Living Well Ministries and Good Morning Girls. Since 2014, Courtney has been blogging through the Bible, one chapter at a time, and her impactful work has been featured on platforms like the Rachael Ray Show and Proverbs 31 Ministries.   Courtney’s latest book, Still Standing: How to Live in God's Light While Wrestling with the Dark, dives into her personal journey through a dark season marked by fear, shame, and grief. Listen in as she shares her story of overcoming the pain of her husband's infidelity and offers powerful insights on how to stand up after life’s most crushing struggles.   Whether you’re wrestling through a dark season or are supporting someone who is, I hope you’ll join us for this incredible reminder of God’s faithfulness!   3:09 – Courtney 101   Blogging since 2008Navigating a dark season of lifeNew book to help women face struggles with courage and faith     5:30 – Blogging Through The Bible   How Courtney started blogging though the BibleThe blog’s format and scheduleThe soak method     12:18 – Finding Peace After Infidelity   The early stages of shock and denialThe struggle of public perception and adviceFinding healing and a new normalCourtney’s marriage before this event     22:52 – Faith In The Silence   Navigating unanswered prayers and painHow God provided strength and comfort in unexpected waysStanding on God’s word   27:49 – Choosing Joy Over And Over   Struggling with resentment, bitterness and angerSurrendering to GodThe continual process of healing   34:54 – For Those Feeling Stuck…   Are you ready for change?The book of PsalmsMaking your home a haven   38:25 – Takeaways   What life looks like for Courtney todayGetting your copy of Standing Still     FEATURED QUOTES   “What ​I ​needed ​was ​people ​to ​just ​show ​up ​and ​give ​me ​a ​hug. To ​show ​up ​and ​love ​me. ​To ​listen. To ​just ​be ​sympathetic ​and ​care ​and ​not ​judge.”   “Our ​feelings ​are ​liars ​and ​we ​cannot ​believe ​our ​feelings ​because ​God's ​word ​is ​true. ​And ​we ​stand ​on ​the ​promises ​of ​His ​word.”   “I've ​been ​through ​all ​those ​emotions that ​we ​all ​humanly go ​through. ​But ​God's ​word ​is ​really ​​what ​kept ​me ​standing ​and ​pulled ​me ​through.”   “Change only comes when we decide we’re going to change.”   Learn more about Courtney:   Get your copy of Standing Still   Women Living Well Ministries   Women Living Well YouTube   Women Living Well Facebook   Women Living Well Instagram   Good Morning Girls           Connect with me:     GET YOUR COPY of ‘IF I DON’T LAUGH, I’LL CRY” TODAY: Barnes & Noble: Amazon: ChristianBook: Target: Walmart: Indie Bound: Audible: Kindle:     About Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder?   Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder? Podcast is a weekly podcast where we have honest conversations about faith, business, life, and everything in between. Hosted by speaker and author, Molly Stillman, her mission is to make you laugh, cry, and laugh till you cry. She wants to create a community of people who are unafraid to be themselves and have honest conversations about the things that matter most. Her vision is to create a safe space for people to explore their faith and share their stories and gifts with the world.
#404 How to use your creative gifts for the glory of God with Clare McCallan
#404 How to use your creative gifts for the glory of God with Clare McCallan
My guest this week is Clare McCallan. She founded and serves as the Creative Director at St. Joseph’s Home for Artisans, is a touring spoken word poet, and host of the podcast Letters From the Least. She is also the creator and host of The Renaissance Room and co-host of This Is The Day on CatholicTV, where she works as a writer. I am so excited to have her on the show today to talk about her upcoming book Courage to Create: Unleasing your Artistic Gifts for Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, which serves as both a roadmap and an inspiration for young creatives and those who may not yet see themselves as artists. This book dives into how we are all creatives who can unleash our gifts for truth, beauty and goodness for the glory of God. 4:04 – Clare 101 Author of a new bookHost and co-host of shows on CatholicTVCreative Director at St. Joseph’s Home for ArtisansFilm critic for the National Catholic Reporter and Christian channel 6:11 – Clare’s Creative Journey Being heavily involved in politics in collegeBackpacking through Europe and losing a family memberLeaving politics and volunteering with the Missionaries of Charity in KolkataDiscovering and pursuing spoken word poetry 13:58 – The Power of Community The importance of community in nurturing creativityThe challenges and joys of living in a tight-knit communityFostering environments where young singles can thrive and feel included 20:51 – Reflections on Courage To Create The two groups of people Clare hopes her book speaks toClare’s friend Karina, who integrates creativity into mission workWriting a dystopian novel this summer FEATURED QUOTES “You look the most like your dad when you act like him. And we serve a creative God. The creator- it's kind of the thing He does.” “If you were made in the image of the creator, then you're a craftsman.” “We are all creative. And the moment that you accept that part of your identity, it adds so much richness to your life.” Learn more about Clare: Get Your Copy of Courage To Create Clare’s Other Books Letters From the Least Podcast Summary In this conversation, Molly Stillman interviews Claire McCallan, an author and creative director, about her creative journey and the intersection of faith and creativity. They discuss the importance of community in nurturing creativity and serving the Lord as an artist. Claire shares stories of artists and creatives she has worked with, including a friend who operates shelters for pregnant women on both sides of the border. Claire also talks about her book, Courage to Create, which encourages young creatives to step into their creativity and shows that everyone is creative in their own way. Connect with me:   GET YOUR COPY of ‘IF I DON’T LAUGH, I’LL CRY” TODAY: Barnes & Noble:  Amazon:  ChristianBook:  Target: Walmart: Indie Bound: Audible:  Kindle:  About Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder? Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder? Podcast is a weekly podcast where we have honest conversations about faith, business, life, and everything in between. Hosted by speaker and author, Molly Stillman, her mission is to make you laugh, cry, and laugh till you cry. She wants to create a community of people who are unafraid to be themselves and have honest conversations about the things that matter most. Her vision is to create a safe space for people to explore their faith and share their stories and gifts with the world.  Keywords faith, creativity, community, artists, shelters, book Takeaways Creativity is a part of everyone's identity as they are made in the image of the Creator. Community plays a vital role in nurturing creativity and serving the Lord as an artist. The intersection of faith and creativity can have a powerful impact on culture and the world. Even small acts of creativity in everyday life, like cooking a meal, can bring richness and beauty. There is a need for more community and support for adult singles, who often feel left out by the church. Writing a book or pursuing a creative project takes a lot of work and effort, but it can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience. Sharing stories and experiences of artists and creatives can inspire and encourage others to step into their own creativity.
#403 How to Overcome Temptation with Kirby Kelly
#403 How to Overcome Temptation with Kirby Kelly
My guest this week is the lovely Kirby Kelly. She is a Christ-centered content creator and influencer who runs the Bought + Beloved podcast. Whether it’s on stage, through writing, or in one-on-one conversations, her passion is teaching God’s truth everywhere she goes. Kirby desires to see this generation and culture flourish in freedom and confidence, rooted in their identity and walking in the victory won on the cross. I loved getting to hear her story and learn more about her new book, You Can Be Free: Overcoming Temptation and Habitual Sin by the Power and Promises of the Gospel, which just released. Kirby has such a powerful testimony and shares so many valuable and practical strategies for those struggling with addiction and habitual sin in this episode. I always find talking to younger generations so inspiring and hope this conversation brings you encouragement today! 2:26 – Kirby 101 Content creator, author, podcaster and wifeMaster’s in theologyPassionate about making Jesus’ name known 4:19 – Digging Deeper Into Kirby’s Story  Growing up in a Catholic householdLosing her father to alcoholismStruggling with addiction, depression and anxietyGiving her life to JesusMaking social media content to spread the gospel 14:37 – The Journey To “You Can Be Free” Kirby’s story of overcoming habitual sinFeeling a calling to write this bookHow Kirby’s struggles have resonated with manyEquipping those struggling with sin with tools and knowledge 21:24 – Conviction vs Condemnation Romans 7:15-20Conviction leads us toward lifeGreen and red light zonesThe importance of community and accountability 36:30 – Takeaways Connecting with KirbyGetting your copy of You Can Be FreeKirby’s hope and prayer for this book FEATURED QUOTES “I ​just ​really ​wanted ​to ​provide ​a ​practical ​and ​biblical ​strategy ​for ​anybody, ​wherever ​they're ​at ​in ​life, ​in ​faith, ​in ​sin, ​to ​be ​able ​to ​look ​at ​it ​and ​understand ​that ​in ​partnership ​with ​Jesus, ​we ​can ​be ​free.” “There's ​no ​condemnation ​in ​Christ. ​There's ​no ​longer ​shame ​for ​the ​things ​that ​he ​has ​freed ​us ​from ​and ​delivered ​us ​from.” “Condemnation ​has ​a ​sitting ​in ​death. ​Conviction ​leads ​us ​towards ​life.”   Learn more about Kirby: Get your copy of You Can Be Free The Bought + Beloved Podcast Kirby on Instagram Kirby on X Kirby on Facebook Connect with me:     GET YOUR COPY of ‘IF I DON’T LAUGH, I’LL CRY” TODAY: Barnes & Noble: Amazon: ChristianBook: Target: Walmart: Indie Bound: Audible: Kindle:     About Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder?   Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder? Podcast is a weekly podcast where we have honest conversations about faith, business, life, and everything in between. Hosted by speaker and author, Molly Stillman, her mission is to make you laugh, cry, and laugh till you cry. She wants to create a community of people who are unafraid to be themselves and have honest conversations about the things that matter most. Her vision is to create a safe space for people to explore their faith and share their stories and gifts with the world.
#402 The Science (and More) Behind "Mom Brain" with Hannah Keeley
#402 The Science (and More) Behind "Mom Brain" with Hannah Keeley
Join us this week for an incredible conversation with Hannah Keeley, the founder of Mom Mastery University, the #1 life coaching app for moms. Hannah is a parenting expert, master board-certified life coach, and mother of seven, who integrates faith and psychology to help moms achieve radical transformation in their lives. I’m thrilled to have her on the show today to talk about her book, Mom Fog: 8 Steps To Overcoming Mom Fatigue Syndrome, and dive into the fascinating science behind "mom fog" or "mom brain." After recording this episode, I couldn't wait to share what I'd learned with my husband- so many concepts just clicked into place for me. If you're a mom, dad, aspiring parent, caregiver, or teacher, I know you're going to find this discussion incredibly enlightening! 6:29 – Hannah 101 Mom and grandmotherA behavior therapistFacing challenges in early motherhoodHearing God’s voice + developing effective strategies to help moms 12:27 – Taking The First Step Getting up and doing the hard thingGetting curious about our thoughtsLearning how to be 18:33 – Speaking Your Vision The profound impact of the words we speak about ourselvesSpeaking positively to transform our mindset and our realityHow Hannah visualized living in her dream home before it was a reality 28:06 – The Concept of “Mom Brain” Why the brain changes post-childrenHow mom brain leads to feelings of overwhelm and overstimulationThe unique role moms play in holding a family together 43:40 – Takeaways Hannah’s 5-day boot camp for momsMom Mastery UniversityGetting a free copy of Mom FogConnecting with Hannah FEATURED QUOTES “The ​most ​strategic ​action ​to ​get ​you ​out ​of ​the ​negative ​place ​that ​you ​are [in] ​will ​always ​be ​the ​most ​counterintuitive. ​It ​will ​always ​be ​the ​thing ​that ​you ​least ​likely ​want ​to ​do.” “Whatever ​you're ​saying, ​you ​will ​become. ​So ​just ​understand ​that ​your ​life, ​your ​subconscious, ​your ​future ​is ​always ​eavesdropping ​on ​what's ​coming ​out ​of ​your ​mouth.” “Without ​a ​vision, ​we ​perish. ​So ​if ​you're ​perishing, ​change ​the ​vision. Create something new.” Learn more about Hannah: Mom Mastery University Get your copy of Mom Fog Hannah on Instagram   Connect with me:     GET YOUR COPY of ‘IF I DON’T LAUGH, I’LL CRY” TODAY: Barnes & Noble: Amazon: ChristianBook: Target: Walmart: Indie Bound: Audible: Kindle:     About Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder?   Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder? Podcast is a weekly podcast where we have honest conversations about faith, business, life, and everything in between. Hosted by speaker and author, Molly Stillman, her mission is to make you laugh, cry, and laugh till you cry. She wants to create a community of people who are unafraid to be themselves and have honest conversations about the things that matter most. Her vision is to create a safe space for people to explore their faith and share their stories and gifts with the world.
#401 But God Can... with Becky Kiser
#401 But God Can... with Becky Kiser
My guest this week is the amazing Becky Kiser. As a certified life coach, author, and host of the Hearers and Doers podcast, she has used her relatable approach and biblical insights to teach at women’s events, churches, conferences, prisons, and more for the last two decades. In our conversation today, we dive into Becky’s new book, But God Can. This sets the stage for such an important conversation about embracing our vulnerabilities, understanding true freedom in Christ, and navigating life's ups and downs in faith. I hope you’ll join us for a powerful reminder that, even in your deepest moments of self-doubt, God remains constant.  3:39 – Becky 101 Mom of three girls in The Woodlands, Texas Author of two books Author, life coach, business consultant, and podcaster Raised in a home with diverse religious influences Helping women live full lives and find freedom through Jesus 9:10 – True Freedom In Christ Freedom in Christ vs the world’s freedom How self-help mantras fall short on their own Relying on God’s strength and guidance 17:22 – What Is Truth? Having people in our lives who can help decipher truth Being consistent in God’s word The truth is in us Trusting God to redirect us and guide us back to His truth 26:51 – But God Can  Navigating emotions in faith Learning from Jesus’ example Trusting in God through feelings of inadequacy and impostor syndrome Connecting with Becky FEATURED QUOTES "We are not enough, but God completely is enough. God can do absolutely anything in our lives." “A path to freedom is simply acknowledging that you can't and then opening your hands enough to see if God could and would and can.” "The truth is that even in our pursuit of truth, it's going to be messy, but we have to pursue. We have to keep going. We have to attempt in faith, to trust the Spirit in us." ADDITIONAL RESOURCES OR LINKS THAT NEED TO BE INCLUDED IN POST Learn more about Becky: Order your copy of But God Can Molly’s Episode on the Hearers & Doers Podcast Becky on Facebook Becky on Twitter Becky on Instagram   Connect with me:     GET YOUR COPY of ‘IF I DON’T LAUGH, I’LL CRY” TODAY: Barnes & Noble: Amazon: ChristianBook: Target: Walmart: Indie Bound: Audible: Kindle:     About Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder?   Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder? Podcast is a weekly podcast where we have honest conversations about faith, business, life, and everything in between. Hosted by speaker and author, Molly Stillman, her mission is to make you laugh, cry, and laugh till you cry. She wants to create a community of people who are unafraid to be themselves and have honest conversations about the things that matter most. Her vision is to create a safe space for people to explore their faith and share their stories and gifts with the world.
#400 | The 400th Episode Celebration & FAQ!
#400 | The 400th Episode Celebration & FAQ!
Wow! Can you believe it? Can I Laugh on Your Shoulder? has hit its 400th episode! If you had told me back in 2016 when this all started that we'd make it this far, I don’t know if I would’ve believed you. But here we are, and it feels incredibly special. I'm beyond grateful for each and every one of you who's supported the podcast over the years.   In celebration of this huge milestone, I’m going to take some time today to share some of my favorite memories and answer some listener questions that I’ve received over the years! From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being a part of this journey. Here’s to many more episodes filled with laughter, tears, and growth!     0:49 – Reflecting On 400 Episodes   8 years in podcastingTHANK YOU!The highs and the lows of the last 8 years     4:46 – “Why Did You Start This Podcast?”   Working in radio, blogging, and starting “Business with Purpose”Rebranding the podcastCreating a space for diverse conversations     8:53 – “Most Memorable Moments + Favorite Guests?”   Turkeys interrupting a recording sessionKevin Fredericks’ episode     12:00 – “How Do You Prepare For Each Podcast?”   Booking and communicating with guestsReading books + light-to-moderate internet stalkingComing up with interview questionsRecording sessions, graphics and more   14:50 – “How Do You Remain Inspired Amidst Setbacks?”   Thinking of ways to keep the show funThe challenges of podcastingMolly’s “why”   16:31 – “What’s One Piece Of Advice From A Guest You’ve Implemented?”   Ginny from 1,000 Hours OutsideBeing present in daily lifeTaking the summer off     FEATURED QUOTES   “When I started this podcast eight years ago, if you'd told me that I would still be here, eight years later, and I will have published 400 episodes…I don't know that I would have believed you.”   "Podcasting is hard. I’ve done this every single week for nearly eight years. This is not something that you go into lightly."   “My why and my motivation for doing this is because of the stories that I hear from listeners when they share how a particular episode has impacted or inspired them or changed their lives.”   Connect with me:     GET YOUR COPY of ‘IF I DON’T LAUGH, I’LL CRY” TODAY: Barnes & Noble: Amazon: ChristianBook: Target: Walmart: Indie Bound: Audible: Kindle:     About Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder?   Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder? Podcast is a weekly podcast where we have honest conversations about faith, business, life, and everything in between. Hosted by speaker and author, Molly Stillman, her mission is to make you laugh, cry, and laugh till you cry. She wants to create a community of people who are unafraid to be themselves and have honest conversations about the things that matter most. Her vision is to create a safe space for people to explore their faith and share their stories and gifts with the world.
My guest this week is the incredible Stephanie Quayle. She's a Nashville recording artist, founder of the record label Big Sky Music Group, and has been recognized by Rolling Stone Country and CMT for her talent. With two Billboard charted singles, she's an independent artist who frequently performs at CMA Fest and the Grand Ole Opry. I’m thrilled to have her on the show today to talk about her new book, Why Do We Stay? How My Toxic Relationship Can Help You Find Healing. It’s not only an incredibly powerful story but an excellent resource for spotting red flags and starting your journey toward healing. She’s here to share her story with us today, reflect on life post-toxic relationship, and share some of the steps she took to navigate the most difficult times of her life. If you’ve ever experienced an unhealthy relationship or are supporting someone who is going through one, this conversation is so important. Stephanie has such an incredible story and was such a joy to talk to! 2:45 – Stephanie 101 Growing up on a farm in MontanaStarting a record label in 2015Performing at the Grand Ole OpryBecoming an author 4:14 – Digging Deeper Into Stephanie’s Story Facing bullying and discovering a love for musicExperiencing the underbelly of the industry in LALosing partner in a plane crash and discovering infidelity shortly afterMoving to Nashville, starting a label, and falling into another toxic relationshipConfronting the past and writing a book to help others 20:22 – Reflections On Toxic Relationships Staying in unhealthy relationshipsForgiving toxic partners and yourself during the healing processFinding the unconditional love of Jesus 34:18 – Life After A Toxic Relationship Seeking out professional support in the healing processLeaning on faith and God’s toolsYou are not the problem, but you are the solutionYou are enough on your own 42:03 – Stephanie’s Advice For Those In Toxic Relationships Listening to your intuitionRecognizing red flagsSurrounding yourself with trusted peopleConsidering the advice you would give to others FEATURED QUOTES "We are not meant to do this on our own. God gives us tools. God gives us people. And we need to utilize those." "You are not the problem, but you are your solution. And that only happens by us getting stronger." “Until we fix ourselves, there's, there's really no way around it, there's no way of getting over it… The only way to get over it is by getting through it to get to the other side." “No one is going to fix you. No one is going to complete you. You know, I think that sometimes when we think of equally yoked, we think of ourselves as only 50%. And that then our other 50% will be this person that comes in like saves our lives, right? Well, there's only one that does that. That's Jesus.”   Learn more about Stephanie: Stephanie’s website Get your copy of Why Do We Stay? Stephanie on Facebook: Stephanie on Instagram: Stephanie on X: Stephanie on YouTube:
This week's guest is Ally Fallon, an award-winning author, ghostwriter, and expert book coach who has helped countless individuals find their voice and share their stories through her community Find Your Voice.   Her new book, Write Your Story: A Simple Framework to Understand Yourself, Your Story, and Your Purpose in the World is incredibly powerful, and a testament to her belief that everyone has a story worth telling.   I’m thrilled to have her on the show today to share insights on why writing can be such a powerful tool for personal growth and healing. If you’ve ever thought about writing a book, starting a blog, or even starting to journal, this conversation is sure to inspire you to pick up that pen and start writing! 2:32 – Ally 101 Passion for books and writing at a young ageBecoming a teacherFinding a niche in coaching aspiring writers 6:33 – The Transformative Power Of Storytelling The desire to write should be pursuedSeeing life through the lens of storytellingGaining new perspectives and finding empowerment 11:09 – The Science Behind Writing The physical and emotional benefits of writingDeveloping your writing skills through consistent practiceAnyone can write! 19:32 – The Keys Elements To A Good Story Recognizing oneself as the heroEmbracing problems as a pathway to growthTransformation as the heart of the storySelf-reflection and honesty in storytelling 37:01 – The Path To Healing Spiritual growth through storytellingAuthentic change and growth cannot be rushed or forcedConnecting with Ally FEATURED QUOTES “Writing your story will connect you to yourself and your own intuition. It connects you to the people around you, especially your family members and the people who are immediately related to you. And it also connects you to the broader world at large.” “Problems are the lighter fluid on the fire of stories. Without problems, there's no story.” “Consistently the people who come to the Write Your Story workshops, who pick up this book, who come to me asking for help with a book 100% of the time, these are people who are hungry for spiritual growth. And they're like, ‘I don't care what it takes. I don't care how uncomfortable it is. I want this for myself.’ And I hope that the book can help them to achieve that.”   Learn more about Ally: Get your copy of Write Your Story Ally on Instagram   Connect with me:     GET YOUR COPY of ‘IF I DON’T LAUGH, I’LL CRY” TODAY: Barnes & Noble: Amazon: ChristianBook: Target: Walmart: Indie Bound: Audible: Kindle:     About Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder?   Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder? Podcast is a weekly podcast where we have honest conversations about faith, business, life, and everything in between. Hosted by speaker and author, Molly Stillman, her mission is to make you laugh, cry, and laugh till you cry. She wants to create a community of people who are unafraid to be themselves and have honest conversations about the things that matter most. Her vision is to create a safe space for people to explore their faith and share their stories and gifts with the world.
#397 How to Practice Radical Kindness in an Us Vs. Them World with Pastor Terry Crist
#397 How to Practice Radical Kindness in an Us Vs. Them World with Pastor Terry Crist
My guest this week is Terry Crist. He is the co-lead pastor of City of Grace in Phoenix, alongside his wife, Judith. As a fifth-generation pastor, Terry is dedicated to community transformation and advocates for adoption and foster care through his involvement in state government.  Outside of his pastoral duties, he's a passionate outdoorsman, a skilled communicator, and has shared the gospel in 65 countries. Terry and Judith have three married sons and three grandkids, and their family is dedicated to spreading the good news of Jesus. Terry’s new book, Loving Samaritans: Radical Kindness In An Us VS. Them World, explores the transformative power of radical kindness. I am so excited to dig into the meat of his book with him today and talk about how even the smallest acts of kindness can pave the way for deeper connections and understanding.  I know you’re going to love this one! 2:43 – Terry 101 Raised as a church kid Falling in love with ministry Planting 3 churches 6:38 – Faith In The Everyday World  Why Terry felt called to write this book The significant polarization and division in today's world Feeling a call to live more intentionally on mission 13:02 – The Woman At The Well The significance of this story Jesus’ radical inclusivity Jesus' reconciliation and healing What is truth? 26:30 – Living On Mission Anywhere Jesus became a neighborhood kid The distinction between hospitality and fellowship Being hospitable to people outside the church Jesus’ model of loving people 38:15 – Walking In Love Looking for traces of grace every day Walking through the day with eyes open Identifying everyone we meet as a neighbor Understanding God’s love in order to love others well FEATURED QUOTES “I think all people have some fundamental things in common. We all want the best for ourselves and our family, we all want to be seen, we want to be heard, we want to be loved, we want to be valued, we want to be known.” “All people are worthy of being heard. All people are worthy of hearing the truth without insult, and all people are worthy of unconditional love. Even if they don't accept our gospel, we can and should still give them our love, in the hopes that they do receive our gospel.” “We don't need to assume that we don't have strangers around us, because we do, even in the smallest of towns. Hospitality is really opening our doors to them, just as Jesus did to us.” “Loving people unconditionally, with strength, faithfully, enduringly, blessing our enemies, being compassionate to those who are in need, welcoming strangers- these are the practices of the gospel.” ADDITIONAL RESOURCES OR LINKS THAT NEED TO BE INCLUDED IN POST Learn more about Terry: Get your copy of Loving Samaritans Terry on Instagram Terry on X City of Grace Church The Chosen Woman At The Well Scene   Connect with me:     GET YOUR COPY of ‘IF I DON’T LAUGH, I’LL CRY” TODAY: Barnes & Noble: Amazon: ChristianBook: Target: Walmart: Indie Bound: Audible: Kindle:     About Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder?   Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder? Podcast is a weekly podcast where we have honest conversations about faith, business, life, and everything in between. Hosted by speaker and author, Molly Stillman, her mission is to make you laugh, cry, and laugh till you cry. She wants to create a community of people who are unafraid to be themselves and have honest conversations about the things that matter most. Her vision is to create a safe space for people to explore their faith and share their stories and gifts with the world.
Julie and Chris Bennett have spent the majority of their 23 years of marriage working in vocational ministry. Through overwhelming challenges- a cancer diagnosis, a relapse, and a pandemic- they have learned how to fight for the things that matter and devote themselves to helping others do the same. Today, they are the founders of Welcome Home Lifestyle which exists to create and promote content that celebrates all things family. Their new book Fighting For Family: The Relentless Pursuit of Building Belonging, was just released in March and is all about embracing togetherness in a time when so many suffer from loneliness. I’m so excited to dive into the heart of their new book with you and talk about how vulnerability, intentionality, and grace play pivotal roles in nurturing healthy relationships, whether with family, chosen family, or friends. 2:50 – Chris and Julie 101 Met at 19 and married at 21Working in ministry in OklahomaA calling to move their family to LAJulie’s stage 3 breast cancer diagnosisChallenges after the move + writing a book 7:34 – Guided By Faith   Life is not linearTrusting God's plan and remembering His track recordInviting children into the journey and allowing space for emotionsRelying on His guidance 16:57 – Cultivating a Healthy Family Culture Chasing after a healthy family instead of a perfect familyThe greenhouse effect at homeModeling vulnerability and self-awareness as parentsRemembering God’s faithfulness 28:37 – Building Belonging The 3 commitments for healthy relationshipsCreating space for understanding, vulnerability, and belongingBeing intentional about building relationshipsConnecting with Chris and Julie FEATURED QUOTES   “We find out what we really believe about God, not when we get answers- it's when we're tested.”   “The idea of a greenhouse is that no matter what is happening externally- if it's scorching heat, if it's freezing cold, if it's raining- inside that greenhouse is a culture that things can grow year-round. And so we know that our kids are being exposed to all types of things. The world we're living in is very difficult for our kids… so we've tried to create this greenhouse effect at home.” “Remembering what God did yesterday is what gives us faith for tomorrow.” “Belonging is not something that you find, it’s something that you bring… people are able to do that and bring belonging when we give space for not having it all together and being messy.” Learn more about Chris and Julie: Fighting for Family Get your copy of Fighting For Family Julie on Instagram Chris on Instagram Chris and Julie on Facebook Connect with me: GET YOUR COPY of ‘IF I DON’T LAUGH, I’LL CRY” TODAY: Barnes & Noble: Amazon: ChristianBook: Target: Walmart: Indie Bound: Audible: Kindle: About Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder? Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder? Podcast is a weekly podcast where we have honest conversations about faith, business, life, and everything in between. Hosted by speaker and author, Molly Stillman, her mission is to make you laugh, cry, and laugh till you cry. She wants to create a community of people who are unafraid to be themselves and have honest conversations about the things that matter most. Her vision is to create a safe space for people to explore their faith and share their stories and gifts with the world.
#395 Really Very Crunchy with Emily Morrow
#395 Really Very Crunchy with Emily Morrow
My guest this week is Emily Morrow who founded the social media channel Really Very Crunchy with her husband, Jason, in 2022. Since then, her platform has rapidly grown, amassing over 3 million followers and more than a billion views across various video platforms. Emily is passionate about living a natural and sustainable lifestyle, and she uses her platform, along with her incredible sense of humor, to educate and inspire others on their journey to a healthier, toxin-free life. Her new book, Really Very Crunchy: A Beginner's Guide to Removing Toxins from Your Life Without Adding Them to Your Personality, is now available wherever books are sold, with her upcoming children's book, Little Helper, Big Imagination, set to release in July 2024. Stay tuned as we chat about her journey into crunchy living, navigating the comparison trap, the power of small changes, and so much more. I absolutely loved getting to know Emily and hope this conversation leaves you smiling and feeling inspired! 1:45 – Emily 101 Emily’s new book release A mom of two boys Moving to South Korea Falling into content creation 15:52 – The Crunchy Journey How Emily started making healthy lifestyle changes Finding what works for your family Creating relatable, non-judgemental content online Navigating feedback and perception along the way 26:28 – Crunchy Living in Practice  How family members have supported this lifestyle What crunchiness looks like on a day-to-day for Emily’s family Universal childhood experiences 37:51 – Takeaways Focusing on what’s best for your family Making realistic lifestyle changes for you Connecting with Emily FEATURED QUOTES “If you can't make all the changes, choose one thing…It doesn't have to be this big, extreme, and scary thing. You can make little changes.” “I hope that people are able to resist falling into a comparison trap. Honestly, I hope that people realize the only person they have to convince that they're doing their best is themselves.”   Connect with me:     GET YOUR COPY of ‘IF I DON’T LAUGH, I’LL CRY” TODAY: Barnes & Noble: Amazon: ChristianBook: Target: Walmart: Indie Bound: Audible: Kindle:     About Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder?   Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder? Podcast is a weekly podcast where we have honest conversations about faith, business, life, and everything in between. Hosted by speaker and author, Molly Stillman, her mission is to make you laugh, cry, and laugh till you cry. She wants to create a community of people who are unafraid to be themselves and have honest conversations about the things that matter most. Her vision is to create a safe space for people to explore their faith and share their stories and gifts with the world. Learn more about Emily: Get your copy of Really Very Crunchy Tik Tok: YouTube: Instagram: Facebook:
#394 Hurt and Healed by the Church with Ryan George
#394 Hurt and Healed by the Church with Ryan George
In today’s episode, I’m joined by the remarkable Ryan George. Ryan is the author of the book, Hurt and Healed by the Church: Redemption and Reconstruction After Spiritual Abuse.  He spent the first 20 years of his life in a cult, attending a series of independent fundamental Baptist (IFB) churches, including one where his dad was a pastor with ultimate authority. Later in life, Ryan was confronted with the devastating truth of his father's serial sexual abuse. Despite the trauma he experienced, Ryan didn't abandon his faith. After leaving the spiritually abusive IFB movement, he embarked on a 25-year journey of reevaluation and reconstruction. Today, through his blog, books, interviews, and spiritual adventure company, Dude Group, Ryan offers hope for those navigating their own paths of healing.  I do want to warn our listeners that this episode focuses on sensitive subjects like church hurt and sexual abuse. However, Ryan’s story is so powerful, and filled with hope, compassion, and healing.  2:48 – Ryan 101 Oldest of six homeschooled children + a pastor’s son Husband and adoptive father Adventurer and blogger Author of 3 books 6:51 – The Path To Healing  Discovering his father’s abuse Navigating the aftermath Sharing his story to help others 18:16 – Jesus’ Model Of Justice Jesus as a model for handling anger and betrayal Pursuing justice with compassion Seeking Heaven on Earth 33:31 – Finding The Real Jesus  What identifies a cult from a healthy church environment  Ryan’s experience with IFB churches Seeking out the authentic Jesus  Recognizing that churches have both moments of beauty and moments of failure 54:54 – Takeaways Being the person that confesses first Podcast recording stories Connecting with Ryan FEATURED QUOTES "Wounds from relationships are only healed in relationships... And I think that wounds from the church can only be healed not necessarily in a church building, but by people who also love Jesus."   “Give people the gift of going second... You have to start with yourself, or it can spin in some very horrible places. You become a bomb thrower…. I want to be the person that confesses first, so that people go, ‘Oh, that’s the real thing.’”   Learn more about Ryan: Instagram: Facebook: Ryan’s Website Check out Ryan’s books: Explorience:   Connect with me: GET YOUR COPY of ‘IF I DON’T LAUGH, I’LL CRY” TODAY: Barnes & Noble:  Amazon:  ChristianBook:  Target: Walmart: Indie Bound: Audible:  Kindle:  About Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder? Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder? Podcast is a weekly podcast where we have honest conversations about faith, business, life, and everything in between. Hosted by speaker and author, Molly Stillman, her mission is to make you laugh, cry, and laugh till you cry. She wants to create a community of people who are unafraid to be themselves and have honest conversations about the things that matter most. Her vision is to create a safe space for people to explore their faith and share their stories and gifts with the world.