I am back!!! Happy New Year

Our Collaboration Station

07-01-2023 • 10分

Hello my AMAZING listeners and welcome back to the show! I know it has been a minute and a half but I am so glad to be back! This is simply a soft episode, letting you know where I have been and what is to come for us here on the podcast. Thank you so much for listening! As always, I want to encourage you to take your time in all that you do, and also to remember to relax, pray, and obtain your peace. Always remember to pray. #pray #peace #love #businessminded #thecoop email me at mywritingsinthesand@gmail.com Also check out my YouTube channel TRAVELING GRACE by clicking this link below here https://youtube.com/channel/UCfYNyZ27VOK3PJbgDT5LMAQ Here’s the link to my journal on Amazon! daily mindful meditations: A notebook designed for journaling your most creative daily thoughts https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09H94S296/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_BX83RCKH1CK1JRSWY9S6 Link to my episode on Finding the Oasis Within with host Tamara Kailany https://youtu.be/G_1dioTkjCo