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ElitTalk: ESG Implementation & Challenges in Financial Services
ElitTalk: ESG Implementation & Challenges in Financial Services
EN:In this episode of ElitTalk podcast, we dive deep into the world of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) reporting with Zuzanna Kopaczyńska-Grabiec, an accomplished legal counsel recognized by Forbes as one of the top 25 women lawyers in business. As the Director of Legal, Compliance, and HR at Wonga, Zuzanna shares valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities that ESG reporting brings to the financial services sector. Key Topics Discussed: The transition to mandatory ESG reporting under the CSRD directive and SRS standardsManaging regulatory compliance in the non-banking financial sectorStrategies for implementing ESG reporting while maintaining operational efficiencyThe importance of standardized reporting in combating greenwashingBuilding ethical business practices in financial servicesThe impact of ESG on employee recruitment and retentionPractical advice for managers handling social and governance aspects of ESGZuzanna emphasizes the importance of early preparation for ESG requirements and suggests a proactive approach to implementation. She discusses how standardized reporting can enhance transparency and help companies build more competitive, stable businesses in a changing regulatory environment. The conversation also explores how ESG reporting can benefit consumers by providing transparent information about company practices, similar to how product labels inform purchasing decisions. Zuzanna shares her perspective on the future of financial services and how ESG initiatives can drive innovation in product development, such as green bonds. Whether you're a business leader preparing for ESG implementation or interested in the future of sustainable finance, this episode provides valuable insights into navigating the complexities of modern corporate responsibility. PL:W tym odcinku ElitTalk zagłębiamy się w świat raportowania ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) z Zuzanną Kopaczyńską-Grabiec, uznaną radczynią prawną wyróżnioną przez magazyn Forbes jako jedna z 25 najlepszych prawniczek w biznesie. Jako Dyrektor Działu Prawnego, Compliance i HR w Wonga, Zuzanna dzieli się cennymi spostrzeżeniami na temat wyzwań i możliwości, jakie raportowanie ESG przynosi sektorowi usług finansowych. Główne omawiane tematy: Przejście na obowiązkowe raportowanie ESG zgodnie z dyrektywą CSRD i standardami SRSZarządzanie zgodnością regulacyjną w sektorze finansowym pozabankowymStrategie wdrażania raportowania ESG przy zachowaniu efektywności operacyjnejZnaczenie standaryzowanego raportowania w walce z greenwashingiemBudowanie etycznych praktyk biznesowych w usługach finansowychWpływ ESG na rekrutację i utrzymanie pracownikówPraktyczne porady dla menedżerów zajmujących się aspektami społecznymi i ładu korporacyjnego ESGZuzanna podkreśla znaczenie wczesnego przygotowania do wymogów ESG i sugeruje proaktywne podejście do wdrażania. Omawia, jak standaryzowane raportowanie może zwiększyć transparentność i pomóc firmom budować bardziej konkurencyjne, stabilne biznesy w zmieniającym się środowisku regulacyjnym. Rozmowa eksploruje również, jak raportowanie ESG może przynieść korzyści konsumentom poprzez dostarczanie przejrzystych informacji o praktykach firm, podobnie jak etykiety produktów wpływają na decyzje zakupowe. Zuzanna dzieli się swoją perspektywą na temat przyszłości usług finansowych i tego, jak inicjatywy ESG mogą napędzać innowacje w rozwoju produktów, takich jak zielone obligacje.
ElitTalk: Data News & Updates from the Microsoft Build
ElitTalk: Data News & Updates from the Microsoft Build
The analytics landscape for data-focused application developers is evolving at lightning speed. With the rise of AI, the demand for real-time analytics, the exponential growth of data sources, and the continuous influx of new tools, keeping up can be overwhelming. But what if you could streamline your processes and amplify your data capabilities with one integrated platform?In this episode, our experts Maciej Chojnacki, Head of Delivery and Andrzej Ermel, Digital Strategy Executive, delve into Microsoft Fabric—a revolutionary platform that brings together data, AI, BI, and application development into a single, seamless experience:Discover how Microsoft Fabric can transform the way your data teams work by unifying, transforming, analyzing, and unlocking the value of your data within a comprehensive SaaS environment.Listen in as we explore how Microsoft Fabric provides a feature-rich yet simplified user experience, ensuring top-notch security and governance. Whether you're a data professional, a BI enthusiast, or an application developer, this episode is packed with insights to help you harness the full potential of your data.Tune in and learn how Microsoft Fabric stands as a complete data platform designed to empower your team to achieve more with your data. Don't miss out on this opportunity to stay ahead in the fast-paced world of analytics.Listen to the full episode now and transform the way you work with data !
ElitTalk: Data Science at Scale - Feature Store in Azure Databricks
ElitTalk: Data Science at Scale - Feature Store in Azure Databricks
In this episode of ElitTalk, we dive deep into the transformative power of Feature Store in Azure Databricks, a pivotal tool for scaling data science. Join us as we explore the current challenges in the market, including the integration of machine learning into core business processes, and the crucial role of time-to-value in ML projects. We break down the model lifecycle, highlighting the bottleneck of feature engineering, and discuss how Feature Store addresses these challenges.Our experts explain how Feature Store, introduced by industry giants like Uber, acts as a collaborative platform for managing, storing, and providing access to features. Learn how it bridges the gap between data engineers, data scientists, and ML engineers, shortening model time-to-market and ensuring consistent feature definitions across organizations.We also delve into the technical advantages of using Azure Databricks as the foundation for Feature Store, including its scalability, real-time data processing capabilities, and support for a range of programming languages. Plus, we showcase a practical implementation in the banking sector, highlighting compliance with KNF regulations, high performance, and the ease of configuring complex calculations.Whether you're a data scientist, engineer, or business leader, this episode offers valuable insights into leveraging Feature Store for efficient and scalable machine learning. Tune in to discover how you can enhance your data science workflows and achieve faster, more reliable results.