Interview with OB, Stephen Campbell Moore

In the Berkhamsted spotlight

15-01-2024 • 28分

055 - This is the Berkhamsted Spotlight, the podcast showcasing a remarkable community. Now today we’re speaking to someone really quite special. When Stephen Thorpe is on TV or in the movies he’s more commonly known as Stephen Campbell Moore. But today he’s not with some of the biggest names in the industry (I’m talking Stephen Fry, Rowan Atkinson, Dan Aykroyd) he’s not with them at all because he’s with us. And he’s about to talk about his life when he was at Berkhamsted.

We find out how the school helped him with his love of drama, what it was like featuring in a major movie when he was right at the start of his career and how things might change in the industry in the future.

But we also find out what he’d say to a student who was considering if an acting career was right for them, interesting to get his thoughts on this.

Anyway, that’s all coming up in this episode. So let’s cut the intro and instead step into this conversation as we talk to theatre, film and TV actor, Stephen Campbell Moore.

Stephen Campbell Moore

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