In Between - Week 22 - Screen Recognition -Transformer's - What's Old is New Again
Sean buys Richard and Todd each a Star Wars themed Tamagotchi and challenges them to raise their pet/buddy well. Richard then shfits the talk to the Transformer films, helping Todd attempt to understand them, since he's never seen a minute of any of them. That talk leads into the concept of screen recognition and what it takes to make things and characters stand out to our visaul perceptions.MotA-Minute: Beneath The Minute of the Apes - In Between are the segments wherein the guys take the time to record the cownversations they have in between recording sessions for MotA. Topics range from the personal to various pop culture tangents. "Minute of the Apes" is the daily podcast where Sean, Richard and Todd break down "The Planet of the Apes" movies, one minute at a time. At times they feel that the Netflix series went too far, but were overall good and deserve a new take within the existing MCU. The talk turns to COVID restrictions and a take on how it is handled in different cultures as Todd discusses having attended a funeral during the pandemic. Follow us on:Facebook @MinuteOfTheApesTwitter @MinuteOfTheApesEmail: podcast@minuteoftheapes.comWebsite: https://www.minuteoftheapes.com/http://moviesbyminutes.com/https://www.zeuscomics.com/http://divebarboombox.com/