Episode 126: More Than Our Body

Lovin My Daughter-in-law Podcast

26-06-2024 • 7分

Do you spend a lot of time worrying about the number on the scale and what your body looks like?

I have, and thankfully have learned that we are so much More Than Our Body.

Take a listen to Lovin My Daughter-in-law Podcast, where I share some beautiful insights from Lexie & Lindsay Kite and their book More Than A Body.

For the month of July in Connection Crew we will focus on knowing how to feel, and what we want to do and experience in our bodies.  We will also gain more appreciation and love for the magnificent instruments that our bodies truly are.

I'll teach you how to use your body, regardless of how it appears, as a beautiful instrument for your own experience and benefit.

As a special bonus ONLY for July, if you sign up for Connection Crew by July 1st, or are already in Connection Crew, you get a 10 minute one-on-one session with me to talk about your unique body and the specific steps that you can take to turn your focus inside your body rather than it's outside appearance.

Let's explore being More Than Our Bodies and Connection Crew is the perfect place to do this together.  Join HERE
Look forward to seeing you there~

Get the full show notes and more information here: https://leannaustin.com/podcast/