6: Seeing, Doubt, Contemplation and Action

Learning How to See with Brian McLaren

09-11-2020 • 32分

On this last episode of Learning How to See, Brian, Jacqui, and Richard review of the biases, and reflection on how doubt, action, and contemplation enrich our ability to see. Resources: The transcript for this episode. Brian's e-book: Why Don't They Get It? Connect with us: We’d love to hear your thoughts, comments or feedback. Send us an email at podcasts@cac.org Center for Action and Contemplation: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter Brian McLaren: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter Rev. Jacqui Lewis PhD: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter Richard Rohr: Twitter | Sign up for his Daily Meditations here This podcast is made possible, thanks to the generosity of our donors. If you would love to support the ongoing work of the Center for Action and Contemplation and the continued work of our podcasts, you can donate at cac.org/podcastsupport Thank you!


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