
Dr Kate Hixson

Join Kate Hixson and the Dauntless Podcast as we meet other dauntless and inspiring individuals who have found success through their own means. Dauntless seeks to not just tell the story- but to offer clues and hints to unlocking your own secret sauce to achieve beyond what you think your limits are. Dauntless is for chronic over achievers as well as those who are looking to unlock their dauntlessness. Kate Hixson is an entrepreneur and notorious over achiever. After earning her PhD, she went to work for NASA and has since gone on to run her own business. Kate continues to be dauntless in both her personal and professional life. read less


Becoming Dauntless with Dr Keith Keating
Becoming Dauntless with Dr Keith Keating
Dr Keith Keating is a real deal leader. A speaker. A writer. A visionary. Keith holds two master’s degrees, and a Doctorate from the University of Pennsylvania’s Chief Learning Officer program. He’s held HUGE roles at organizations like General Motors, GP Strategies, McKinsey, Hearst Magazine, and now- Archwell. But this podcast isn’t about all that. It’s not about his remarkably impressive resume. Or his thought leadership.  It’s about…his struggle. His journey. His path from being a high school dropout with two suicide attempts, challenges with mental illness and addiction, and set back after set back…to where he is today- which is still dealing with fear (despite his success). So how does he do it? How has he overcome, and what does this mean for you, listeners? How can you apply Keith’s journey to your own life, and learn how to learn? Join me, Dr Kate Hixson, on this episode on the Dauntless podcast, where we are uncovering and sharing life lessons from the worlds preeminent movers and shakers.  First- a quick virtual hug over the airwaves to our sponsor, WeLearn Learning Services. Without their support and encouragement, episodes like this simply wouldn’t be possible. WeLearn- just like the spirit and soul of this podcast- is committed to helping to create better humans through creative and thoughtful learning experiences. Check them out at www.welearnls.com and join the conversation.  Now, sit back, pour yourself a cup of coffee or tea, and prepare to be truly inspirited by today’s guest- Dr Keith.