It's the Ahn Shin-Ae Show by PenaVega Universal!

PenaVega Universal Media

Welcome! The purpose of this podcast, is to give you the listener the insight and the leverage needed, to intellectually and logically live life, by exposing the true ideology and intent of the conservative right, and their ongoing attempts to steal our independence, kill our unity, and destroy everything that makes us functional human beings. We will prove, that what the conservatives claim to be true, is indeed false, and vice versa, by using their own words against them. Only on the Ahn Shin-Ae Show! Where your mental fitness, is our business! Be an active listener, and free your mind!! Support this podcast: read less


A lack of creativity is never an excuse, to mock transgender writers and/or misrepresent their content
A lack of creativity is never an excuse, to mock transgender writers and/or misrepresent their content
Gage Kirby is sort of a mystery. The conservative ideology that he holds on to as a whole is clearly understood. However, the desperation to force people to believe in how he sees the world, and how he believes the world should/does function is questionable at best. Gage could easily continue in his mindset and conservative lifestyle in peace. However he desperately tries to drag others into the depths of his illogical mentality, and then he gets mad when people are intelligent enough to see the errors in his belief system. Ignoring the fact that nobody is obligated to believe in what Gage Kirby believes, he goes out of his way, to bully and corrupt the very existence of transgender writers, by changing the context, misrepresenting the true meaning and direction of the text, and corrupting the true belief system of the writer in question. This is what you will experience in this episode. Remember, the thoughts, ideas, and suggestions of Gage Kirby and/or any other conservative in existence, is in no way, shape, or form a representation of the true ideological believes of PenaVega Universal Media, this podcast, and/or the individuals within said entities. Also understand that what Gage Kirby says is merely his own beliefs, and is not in any way correlative or reflective to/of the actual facts. --- Support this podcast:
Out of desperation for negative attention and to find love in conservative circles, Gage Kirby misrepresents and slanders transgender writers.
Out of desperation for negative attention and to find love in conservative circles, Gage Kirby misrepresents and slanders transgender writers.
Pathetic as it may be, Gage Kirby from Michigan has sold his intelligence for a false religion. A religion of hate, murder, victimization, slander, evil and illogical thoughts, racism, sexism, transphobic agendas, anti LGBTQ+ ideologies, etc. His failure in life has always been his ignorance and his lack of self control. Gage has literately destroyed himself with his lack of knowledge. Like any conservative, Gage complains, whines, bickers, and bullies others for the favoritism of the far right groups, believing that they will find true love and acceptance. Instead, all they get are years of experience with destroying families, dividing communities, and oppressing humanity. In this episode of the Ahn ShinAe Show by PenaVega, you will hear conservative pungent Gage Kirby  manipulate and misrepresent the actual and intended context of the book "Not in Service: The Numberwang Code" written by Ahn ShinAe and sold wherever books are sold, in an continued failed attempt to ignore the legitimacy of Transgender writers, authors, publishers, and creators. Gage is desperate to bring down the LGBTQ+ community which he hates the most, more then his proven hatred against people of color, Asians, BLM, Liberals and progressives, women, and immigrates. You will hear Gage call transgender people derogatory names like "faggot",  misgendering them, making ignorant, baseless, and foolish claims about the LGBTQ+ true reasoning for existing in the world, which are a exact copy of conservative media motivators like Candace Owens, Tucker Carlson, Dan Ball, etc.; and abusing them with death threats, threats of violence, and disgusting ways that he and his cult will torture transgender people like "running [them] over with a steam roller". You will also hear Gage not understand proper English and language structure, making up words and using far right slang like "simp", "snowflake",etc; all the while acting irritant, manipulative, and arrogant; and naming people who don't actually exist, mentioning events that never happened except in his delusional and destructive mindset, and  blaming others for his own sick twisted behavior, and his assault on the innocent. We have exposed the conservative violent, bigoted, and targeted bullying of conservatives before, and we are (sadly) doing it again. Only on the Ahn ShinAe Show by PenaVega, where your mental fitness is our business. Make sure to support us in our effort to hold individuals accountable for their actions. Also listen to all of our episodes, Share, donate, and join the movement. --- Support this podcast:
Even during the holidays, Gage Kirby goons continues to make your life a living misery (part two)
Even during the holidays, Gage Kirby goons continues to make your life a living misery (part two)
The continued attacks of far right extremist "Professor Curious", an active member and defender of a cult run by conservative Gage Kirby of Michigan, against the LGBTQ+ community, Asians, democrats, and anyone with actual intelligence and respect for others. This individual continues to promote hate speech with no remorse, he joyfully promotes that transgender individuals should "hang themselves " and "go die in a ditch somewhere", he continues to project his failures of life on other individuals that has nothing to do with him or his mental state, he has zero remorse for being a racist and even makes excuses for his actions, he did this verbal statement, via a request by Gage Kirby in order to bypass the backlash of those who he has victimized, via making "professor curious" a stooge and a lacky of his boss, and he continues to lie about the realities of his and Gage interactions with different sources of individual liberal parties. "Professor Curious" has the habit of always blaming others for what he has done, instead of just owning up to it and who he really is. "Professor Curious" also has beliefs in conspiracy theories that includes but are not limited to, "Israel existence is in direct result of the holocaust and the white (European)man, and nothing else, and that everyone that lives in Israel is a direct victim of the holocaust, and are indeed white (european). Meaning that "Professor Curious (not a real professor)", does not believe in the existence of Palestine or the Palestinian people, the existence of Arabs, people of color, or any other race in Israel, or the existence of the actual history of Israel and the Middle Eastern/Asian region. Which is the same excuse that he gave for being a racist against Asians and non white members of society. Remember that nothing that "Professor Curious" says is true,and is just the daily nonsense that he spews under the direct order of cult leader Gage Kirby. Ignorance is one of the direct consequences of being a conservative, and this conservative in this episode has been exposed. Only on the Ahn Shin-Ae Show by PenaVega, where your mental fitness is our business. Hope you are enjoying your holiday season, stay intelligent and keep a clear head. Till next time. Ciao. --- Support this podcast:
Even on Christmas, Gage Kirby goons are at the ready to make your holiday a living misery. Part One.
Even on Christmas, Gage Kirby goons are at the ready to make your holiday a living misery. Part One.
The continued attacks by conservatives on the unsuspecting public never takes a break. Even on the holidays, they continue to yell, bully, instigate trouble, blame others for their horrible actions, and slander innocent individuals for their own personal and political gain. On this episode of the Ahn Shin-Ae Show by PenaVega, you will hear a active member of Gage Kirby cult the GKC "Professor Curious" (a fake name for a real, loyal, conservative Gage Kirby supporter, not a actual professor),attack transgender individuals as a whole, which includes writers, publishers, and researchers; promote their conspiracies theories that countries don't exist and that intelligence is equivalent to retardation, calls liberals and their books "shit", and even accuse transgender individuals of being "lunatics", alongside promoting a international hate crime campaign, where conservatives put up the pictures of transgender individuals all over the world, and then encourage conservatives in every country to "kill, kill, kill" transgender people. Professor Curious is truly a homegrown terrorist, with a universally proven mental disorder, alongside violent tendencies and a lack of self control. Both Professor Curious and Gage Kirby are a danger to themselves and others. Their conservative transphobia and bigotry, is nothing new in their misinformation promotional game, as they continue to undermine the reality of truth, facts, and reality. "Professor Curious" mocks people who have been victimized, promotes death towards the LGBTQ+ community, he makes delusional claims that transgender individuals are "fake transgenders" with "lanced on tits, who will always be male", he has no respect for people with gender dysphoria, and he celebrates the even the thought of transgender individuals globally being dead and "beaten and shot", alongside being "ran over by a steamroller". "Professor Curious" also does not believe that countries exist and that they  are "made up". This proves that conservative ideology, is truly a mental disorder, and we advice you to not fall for their entrapment and falsehoods. Remember that the claims that are made by this individual are not true, as they were reviewed by fact checkers, and found to be disinformation. This is nothing new, as Gage's people tend to be chronic  liars and slanderers (which includes "Professor Curious").  Happy Festivus, merry Christmas, and happy holidays from our studio to wherever you are. Only on the Ahn Shin-Ae Show, where your mental fitness is our business! --- Support this podcast:
For the sake of humanity,will this actually be the last disinformation campaign from Gage Kirby ever
For the sake of humanity,will this actually be the last disinformation campaign from Gage Kirby ever
Hopefully it will. As you all know, conservatives are well known for their misinformation, lies, slander, and conspiracy theories. Gage Kirby is no exception to this melting pot of madness and delusional thinking. It is sad that people like Gage refuse to have enough self control, to quit bullying people and making slanderous videos attacking liberals and progressives, who voted for Joe Biden and who actually understands how our universe works. Hopefully, this male Karen will stop acting like he is entitled to everything and that he has to manipulate and control the mindset and ideology of others, and keep his own house in order. In this episode of the Ahn Shin-Ae show, you will hear the one and only Gage Kirby tell delusional fairy-tales about non exist people that he made up in the fantasy world that he has created for himself. A world where Gage Kirby is entitled to call transgender individuals "pedophiles", but nobody can call him out for his transphobia. A world where Gage can manipulate reality and call it fact. A world where bullying is somehow equitable to criticism. In this episode, you will hear the voice of a unstable individual named Gage, who has claimed multiple times before, that "this will be the last video ever talking about people". Clearly that was a lie. This is exactly why you should never trust conservatives. We do not hate Gage Kirby. On the contrary, we love him ❤ 💕. Sadly however, Gage has found it satisfactory to hate anyone who disagrees or corrects him. Nobody really knows what ticked Gage Kirby off to create contradictory and blasphemous content on his YouTube channel and social media accounts. Just know that what ever you hear in part one and two of this episode, is simply not true. Gage is known for his defamatory statements against people who don't see the world his way. Hopefully this will be a lesson to all of you listening, that it is important to keep an open mind and respect people's differences in opinion. We don't act like Gage Kirby, because we don't find joy in hurting others. Only on the Ahn Shin-Ae Show, where your mental fitness is our business! Support the podcast and help protect those who are a victim of bullying and harassment, like we are with Gage Kirby and the conservatives. Also feel free to answer our community questions via Spotify 😊 --- Support this podcast:
It never ends because fascist Gage Kirby doesn't want it to end part one: our struggle continues.
It never ends because fascist Gage Kirby doesn't want it to end part one: our struggle continues.
Being a victim of Gage Kirby and his love for cyberbulling liberals and progressives, we continue to create a mental safe space, where knowledge and wisdom is valued more than racism, slander, homophobia, and misgendering individuals who are transgender. Sadly, all of these things exist in this episode, promoted by no other than Gage Kirby. In this episode of the Ahn Shin-Ae Show by PenaVega podcast, we will hear Gage Kirby (not us) concoct delusional narratives about how his bullying is therefore influenced by the left and their ideologies. You will hear Gage call women "he", mock writers and journalists, and hate people for no reason whatsoever. You will hear his homophobic banter, his racist views, and him making excuses for his inexcusable and illogical behavior. Gage Kirby has been cyberbulling individuals well before 2017. He is known for his phycotic and irrational reactions to things that he doesn't understand and/or refuses to address as real. He blames everyone for his own issues, and never takes responsibility for his own actions. Nor does he ever learn from his mistakes and the consequences that comes with them. You will, also hear Gage admit to hating transgender people, and then trying to cover it up via more excuses. Remember, nothing that Gage Kirby says is true. It's just him projecting his own insecurities on others and flaunting his defense mechanisms. Only on the Ahn Shin-Ae Show by PenaVega. Where your mental fitness is our business! Remember to support the podcast and help us continue to expose the hatred that poisons our society and our Families. --- Support this podcast: