Fed to Fed Podcast - A Conversation with Clement Chen and Ethan Tu

Fed to Fed

26-03-2024 • 48分

Artificial Intelligence, AI, is a hot topic in government and industry. How can we use this powerful tool responsibly? What challenges does this technology present in the government and private sector?

Join us for today's exciting episode of the Fed to Fed podcast where we sit down with Clement Chen of DS Federal, and Ethan Tu of Taiwan AI Labs to talk about the real applications of AI in government. We discuss ethical considerations, security, case studies, and more as we just scratch the surface of how AI technology impacts our world!

About today's guests:

Clement Chen
Clement Chen is the chief executive officer of DSFederal, a woman-owned small business focused on data science, data services, and digital solutions for the Federal government. He is responsible for achieving the company’s strategic, financial, and operational goals as the firm embarks on its next phase of transformation and growth.

Ethan Tu
Ethan Tu founded Taiwan AI Labs, Asia’s first open AI research organization specializing in next-generation AI solutions. AI Labs has shown significant results in medical AI/imaging applications, which contributed to the detection of Covid-19 from chest x-rays during the pandemic. He also started The Taiwan AI Federated Learning Alliance to encourage the pooling of data samples for better AI advancement while protecting privacy rights. Ethan also leads teams to develop AI solutions for drones, Smart Cities, speech and facial recognition, and the fighting of fake news.

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