In defense of Ronald Reagan and the 1980s!!!!

The Big Mic

01-10-2021 • 29分

The Left Wing of the United States is about to fundamentally change our country with a $3.5 - $5 Trill bill.  EVERYONE's taxes will go up.  To the point of hurting our economy.  Is there really such a thing as a $5 Trillion bill that has a cost of $0?  Do the richest countries in the United States really pay $0 in taxes?  Or, are the Liberals lying through their teeth?  Ultimately, the answer to everything is Conservatism!  Conservative Tax Policies!

Ronald Reagan did it in the 1980s and generated the longest peacetime period of economic expansion in US history!!  Maybe we should revisit those days.

In this episode, I talk about the tax policies of almost every President since the 1960s.  Why Liberal policies don't work!  And why Conservatism is the Answer!!  The Only Answer!!!!


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