Everyday Prayers with Million Praying Moms

Million Praying Moms

Helping you learn to pray God's Word for your children in the areas they need it most. Join author and speaker, Brooke McGlothlin, in making prayer the first and best response to the challenges of motherhood. read less


A Prayer for Being a Living Testimony
A Prayer for Being a Living Testimony
A prayer based on Matthew 16:13-17. I recently heard a story about a little boy who, because of abuse and neglect at the hands of his own parents, went to live in a foster home. His foster parents were loving people who longed to give him a stable home. On the first day of school, his foster dad drove him to the front of the school and told him, “I’ll be here waiting when school is over.” Immediately the boy began to cry uncontrollably. After some probing, the patient foster dad discovered that in the little boy's past experience, even when the adults in his life had promised to be there—to pick him up after school—most of the time they didn't follow through. He was fearful of being left alone. Do you know God well enough to live in a way that testifies to the gospel? Is your life a living testimony? Listen to today's podcast episode from Gina Smith.   Would you like to have today's episode in written form? Consider joining our Patreon! It's a fantastic place to connect with other praying moms, and get lots of free prayer resources to help you make prayer a more practical priority!  Your support helps Million Praying Moms keep this podcast going—all funds provide for the work of the team and systems necessary to bring you a new episode each weekday Would you be a part of His provision? GO DEEPER FREE RESOURCE: Summer of PrayersFREE: Join the Everyday Prayers Podcast Facebook Group Discover more Christian podcasts at LifeAudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at LifeAudio.com/contact-us. Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
A Prayer for God's Mercy
A Prayer for God's Mercy
A prayer based on Psalm 51:1-2. A strange tickling sensation on my face woke me with a start. Then I yelped and leaped off the couch as I realized my toddler had been doodling on both the couch and my face and arms, with a black permanent marker! I frantically ripped covers off the cushions and fled to the basement to scrub away my son's artistry before stains could set in. I look back on this scene now with laughter, but at the time all I could think of was erasing this transgression, and in the moment, I wasn't incredibly merciful as I fumed about ruined fabric. What shame are you still holding on to? How can you show your kids the power of God's sacrifice in erasing our shame and guilt? Listen to today's podcast episode from Julie Kieras.   Would you like to have today's episode in written form? Consider joining our Patreon! It's a fantastic place to connect with other praying moms, and get lots of free prayer resources to help you make prayer a more practical priority!  Your support helps Million Praying Moms keep this podcast going—all funds provide for the work of the team and systems necessary to bring you a new episode each weekday Would you be a part of His provision? GO DEEPER FREE RESOURCE: Summer of PrayersFREE: Join the Everyday Prayers Podcast Facebook Group Discover more Christian podcasts at LifeAudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at LifeAudio.com/contact-us. Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
A Prayer for Seeking Rest
A Prayer for Seeking Rest
A prayer based on Psalm 23:1-2. My son shared how grateful he was that a shepherd would not forget his sheep even when it was lost. His vivid explanation of the shepherd's relentless search, care, and comfort for his sheep touched a soft place in my son's heart as he was struggling with his own recent behavior issues and felt like he kept getting stuck in his efforts to find his way back to his time with the Lord. What a true shepherd we have who comforts and cares for us even when we wander. How do I lead my children to the Good Shepherd who can care for them like only a true shepherd can? Will I intentionally seek rest, allowing him to meet all my desires and be enough that my soul is satisfied? Listen to today's podcast episode from September McCarthy.   Would you like to have today's episode in written form? Consider joining our Patreon! It's a fantastic place to connect with other praying moms, and get lots of free prayer resources to help you make prayer a more practical priority!  Your support helps Million Praying Moms keep this podcast going—all funds provide for the work of the team and systems necessary to bring you a new episode each weekday Would you be a part of His provision? GO DEEPER FREE RESOURCE: Summer of PrayersFREE: Join the Everyday Prayers Podcast Facebook Group Discover more Christian podcasts at LifeAudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at LifeAudio.com/contact-us. Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
A Prayer to Trust God for Provision
A Prayer to Trust God for Provision
A prayer based on 1 Timothy 6:17. Josiah read a number of books about investing and studied the lives of some of the most successful men in the world of finance. However, at the same time, he was reading other books by a great deal of amazing men like C.S. Lewis and St. Augustine, as well as the Bible. Josiah will tell you that if one truth stood out to him above all others, it is the fact that nothing, no worldly success or status symbol or material possession will ever satisfy the human heart. How can we live in this world but never lose sight of God as our provider? How might we teach our children to do the same? Listen to today's podcast episode from Monica Swanson.   Would you like to have today's episode in written form? Consider joining our Patreon! It's a fantastic place to connect with other praying moms, and get lots of free prayer resources to help you make prayer a more practical priority!  Your support helps Million Praying Moms keep this podcast going—all funds provide for the work of the team and systems necessary to bring you a new episode each weekday Would you be a part of His provision? GO DEEPER FREE RESOURCE: Summer of PrayersFREE: Join the Everyday Prayers Podcast Facebook Group Discover more Christian podcasts at LifeAudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at LifeAudio.com/contact-us. Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.