David and Goliath, and four chalkboards of math

Buzz King: Grace & Joy thru Scripture

22-12-2024 • 24分

When I was getting my Ph.D. in Computer Science, I had to take an oral exam where I was told to prove a mathematical theorem.  It was not the most natural task for me.  We look at the story of David and Goliath - and how a determined, faithful man was able to do something that must have surprised many of those around him.  We consider how putting full trust in God can enable us to do things we might otherwise not be able to do - and how it can empower us to find the life that God truly wants us to live.


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氣功ヒーラー 吉村竜児
リアルスピリチュアリスト 橋本ゆみ
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曹洞宗 慶昌院
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