Adventures On The Road

Shane Adamson

Come Camping and Caravanning all around Australia with us, on our twice-monthly travel podcast. Visit great destinations, places to stay and hear about new products, travel tips, and hacks. read less


A Yarn with Ranger Nick
A Yarn with Ranger Nick
Shane Welcome back to The Adventures On The Road podcast proudly brought to you by Ranger Nick bush cook and his new recipe book radio recipe collection. He's considered a dinky-di Ozzy character who walks his talk. With no dull moments, Ranger Nick's colloquial language and unique sense of humor have earned him the reputation of the entertaining bush cook, keeping heritage and traditions alive. He combines educational information, yarns, poetry, and ballads during his camp oven cooking demonstrations without any further ado, welcome Ranger Nick. Ranger Nick Top of the morning to you, brother. How you going, mate I am on top of the world. What about you? I am unreal as always, Well that's good Now. Let's do a little bit of a quick catch-up. We're into 2021. And things are sort of getting back to what we think might be a new normal. What have you been up to? And what shows and events have you been at so far this year? Whoo, mate her tell you what the last? What is it now 16- 18 months has been a real slog. I mean, here everyone's had concerns, and all the rest of them no Robinson Caruso. We've certainly hit the ground running. But in that time, when we had nothing on no events to attend, and things like we were pretty well-grounded. I thought, gee, Wizz better do something about income. And I think I'm too grumpy to work for someone else. So we started looking at other things to what we could do. So we did a bit of live streaming and stuff like that with animal Action Day and so forth. We've launched a new product If you love your curries, it's good for your immune system get into this stuff. It's absolutely beautiful restaurant quality, easy cooking, do it at home, or on the road in your camp ovens and all that absolutely fantastic flavors you very good, very good. Very, very good. So and released the book. So over the last five to six years, I've done a session on the radio every Saturday morning with Danny P Hoyland. And yeah, we I thought, well, what am I gonna do with all these recipes? Let's chuck them into a book though. He published a new book radio recipes, which is the book that we're sponsoring the show with. So that's about the thick and thin of it. And now we've hit the ground running and hooly dooly, we've done Capella Mildura, six days of Brisbane Nimbodah, camp oven festival. Gosh, I'm sure I missed a couple in amongst that but we're about to head up the Cairns tomorrow. We'll be at the Cairns show what's going on. lots going on. He's very busy for the rest of the year. So keep a lookout around the place because I'm likely to show up on your doorstep. But do you ever sleep? yeah mate sleep like a baby no guilty conscience? Work hard play hard sleep well at night, Shane, that sounds like a good recipe to me. Now talking of recipes. Let's talk about this new book of yours. So you mentioned that it's a combination of all the recipes you've put on air during your radio program. Is that right? Yes, yes. Maybe not all there's probably a few that are on bits of paper because we were up the paddock or whatever and got misplaced and not used. Probably a good place for some of them. But mate Look, just just every Saturday morning we get together have a bit of a chat about the camp oven cooking, on West Bremmer radio now, an online radio site. So if you're interested in seeing what's going on some great stuff on me. But I'll do that every Saturday morning is free recipe comes up and shared on Facebook. And you can get added to the through the theme club on the website. Shane Excellent. All right now, I've got a copy of your, your book here. And I've been having a little bit of a browse. And there's a couple of things I want to bring up for us to chat about. First of all, in sort of the the introduction to the book you you talk about first of all, why you sort of started this anniversary...
Merry Christmas | Border Update (Take 2) &  Ranger Nicks' Christmas Recipe
Merry Christmas | Border Update (Take 2) & Ranger Nicks' Christmas Recipe
Hi Everyone and welcome back to take two of the Adventures On The Road Podcast, the last for 2020, and as usual proudly brought to you by Overedger Outdoors.Check out the Overedger Pack to make your camping a breeze. If you would like to know more about it have a listen to EP26.EP 31 | {EDIT}In our last episode for the year, we were going to do a short wrap up of restrictions but with the now every changing NSW situation, we will just list all the relevant websites pertaining to border restrictions on our website and in our show notes. And of course a Christmas recipe from Ranger Nick.Qld bordersNSW- bordersVictoria, see COVID Safe Summer restrictions, as there still are requirements for facemasks and other limits based on your activity.Entry into the ACTEntry into NT requires a Permit.Entry into SA Cross Border travel registrationEntry to Tas - through the Tas-e-Travel systemEntry to WA - G2G passEntry to Norfolk Island Entry passPlease remember folks these restrictions are subject to change at any time, so as we said, check the websites linked for up-to-the-minute advice.See the show notes or our website episode page EP 31We will be back bigger and better next year with some exciting news early on.2020 has been horrendous for the travel tourism and hospitality industries, so we need to do our best to get out and travel domestically and support the towns, operators, accommodation, and help start 2021 with some much-needed love for the local industries.To our various sponsors and our great guests through-out the year, thank-you you make this possible and great fun.To you, thanks for listening, your loyal support, keeps us inspired to make it bigger and better, so please tell your friends about us.May you have a safe and happy Christmas period and a great New Years' celebration, and we look forward to entertaining, informing, and educating you again in 2021.Until next month, I'm Shane have a safe journey everyone.
Season 2 begins | Overedger Product Review
Season 2 begins | Overedger Product Review
Hi Everyone and welcome back to the Adventures on the Road podcast Episode 1 Season 2. So much has happened or not happened in the world of travel both here in Australia and around the world, due to the Covid pandemic. Now with several states easing restrictions we are able to travel around our own state region or visit some other states with certain conditions. Our best wishes to the state of Victoria which at the time of recording are back to lock down .On a brighter note it's so important that we get out and about supporting all the various business in the tourism industry including cafes, caravan parks, pubs and regional towns.This is a slightly different episode to kick off the 2nd half of 2020, as we told you we have a brand new sponsor, Overedger Outdoors who has a great product. But we want to introduce the Aussie story behind the product, as it is now important more than ever, we support local Australian businesses. I meet Bevan at a local pitch night where a start-up program for entrepreneurs was being run, that was 18 months or so ago, we hit it off with so much in common. Fast forward to now and Bevan reached back out to us and here we are, happy to get the word out. Hope you enjoy the journey of the business and product and if you need a new way to store all that kitchen stuff! check it out.Well that's it for the first episode of Season 2 of AOTR, all be it slightly shorter than normal . Thank you for returning if you have been with us through season 1 and if you are new welcome, we hope to bring you great places to visit, stay eat and play along with camp cooking , tips and tricks as we get back to the new normal. Until then take care I'm Shane have a Safe Journey everyone.Produced and edited by | SJA Media Services
Season Wrap Up | Southern Queensland Country
Season Wrap Up | Southern Queensland Country
Hi Everyone and welcome to the Adventures on the Road Podcast. Proudly brought to by Overedger a great new product for those enjoining the camping lifestyle, more on this product next episode 1st July and we will have a special offer for our listeners. Well we are starting to see the light at the end of tunnel call Covid 19. It has been a very time for all of us involved in the caravanning and camping industry. With no one allowed to travel many businesses have gone through a long period of zero income. We have even missed out on our annual trip to state caravanning and camping shows. where we do research on where to travel to next and what's new in the way of vans and equipment. We all know its going to be awhile before we can travel overseas,so now is a good time to do as much domestic travel as we can visit places that we have not been to before and may be some of our favourite places along the way. Now more than ever it is time to travel, shop and support as many businesses in our local regions and state. If you are having trouble with where to go I suggest you visit your states Caravanning Associations website for some ideas also check out the websites of regional tourism groups. And some of park chains have some great information on their website like Family Parks, Big 4, Kuwi Discovery Parks, and Holiday Parks Down Under or you can also listen to some of our previous episodes to get some ideas of places to visit. I do highly recommend that you plan your trip at the moment and phone ahead and book your accommodation stays so you are not disappointed or find that some places may still not be open or are operating under certain restrictions or conditions. We will put some links in the show notes however it will not complete as there are so many. Next I have a chat to Peter Homan the CEO of Southern Qld Country Tourism with some suggestions on what there is to see and do in the region, so if your planning a trip to Western Qld there is plenty to do along the way.Links for Destinations and Travel Advice |