The Dive Table

The Dive Table

Suffering through a dry spell without scuba diving? Grab your favorite drink and take your seat at The Dive Table every week with Jay and Sarah as they share their stories and adventures of their continuing love affair with scuba diving. You’ll laugh at their stories of minor misfortune. Empathize with their successes and regrets, but ultimately you’ll recognize their journey as your own; where life intersects with Scuba Diving. We know you’d rather be scuba diving, but while you’re out of the water, The Dive Table Podcast is the next best thing. read less


The Dive Table Presents: 'Diversity Below the Waves' with Greg Hamman of Undersea Expeditions - Creating Safe Spaces for LGBTQ+ Divers
The Dive Table Presents: 'Diversity Below the Waves' with Greg Hamman of Undersea Expeditions - Creating Safe Spaces for LGBTQ+ Divers
Greg Hamman, owner of, discusses his experience as a queer person in the diving industry and the importance of creating safe spaces for LGBTQ+ divers. He highlights the role of LGBTQ+ scuba clubs in providing support and resources for divers and the progress that has been made in some destinations. Greg also addresses the challenges of homophobia and discrimination that still exist in the industry and the need for allies to speak up and take a stand. He emphasizes the importance of situational awareness and listening to the concerns of marginalized divers to ensure their safety and comfort.  Greg also discuss the challenges that still exist in the industry and the importance of individual conversations and relationships in promoting understanding and acceptance.Chapters00:00 Introduction and Background03:02 Challenges Faced by LGBTQ+ Divers07:54 The Role of Allies in Creating Safe Spaces13:04 Progress and Challenges in the Diving Industry22:51 Situational Awareness and Diver Safety28:13 Introduction and the Equality of Diving32:58 The Importance of a Welcoming Environment for Divers39:07 Welcoming LGBTQ+ Divers in Destinations44:16 Creating a Safe Learning Environment for Divers48:57 Challenges and the Role of Allies in the Diving Community53:19 Looking Towards the Future and Advocating for ChangeIf you enjoyed this episode and want to be a part of this growing community, you can join us in a couple of ways: Subscribe to the podcast so you get notified when new episodes drop;Leave a rating wherever you listen to your podcastsSend the link to the show, ‘,’ to a dive buddy, your dive team, or your last scuba instructor.Share your thoughts with us by leaving us a voicemail here on our website or say,’Howdy!’Join us on our Facebook group, Greg Hamman Dive Table Dive Table Facebook Group Underwater Millerwww.azulunlimited.comFish Dive Surf, Inc.
The Dive Table Presents: 'Diversity Below the Waves - The Humans of Scuba' with Ara @Diverbliss.  'Promoting Inclusivity in the Dive Industry, Cultural Awareness and Empathy in Diving'
The Dive Table Presents: 'Diversity Below the Waves - The Humans of Scuba' with Ara @Diverbliss. 'Promoting Inclusivity in the Dive Industry, Cultural Awareness and Empathy in Diving'
Note:  I apologize for the technical difficulty that Jay's microphone was experiencing.  It is rectified at the 18:50 minute mark.In this conversation, Jay, Sarah, and Ara discuss the lack of diversity in the scuba diving industry and the impact it has on different communities. They explore the experiences of being a person of color in the diving world, the stereotypes and discrimination faced by divers from different backgrounds, and the role of marketing and representation in perpetuating these biases. They also touch on the financial barriers that prevent many individuals from marginalized communities from accessing diving opportunities. The conversation covers topics such as the lack of access to diving for Filipinos due to financial constraints, the importance of localizing diving and making it accessible to all, the need for awareness and empathy when traveling to different cultures, the presence of casual racism in the diving community, and the importance of being an ally and speaking up against racism. The conversation also highlights the significance of supporting businesses that treat their employees well and have fair practices. Chapters00:00 Introduction and Background08:16 Race and Identity in Scuba Diving15:12 Stereotypes and Discrimination in the Diving Community25:37 Financial Barriers to Diving Opportunities30:45 Promoting Inclusivity in the Dive Industry30:55 Lack of Access to Diving for Filipinos35:02 Cultural Awareness and Empathy38:12 Addressing Casual Racism in the Diving Community41:38 Being an Ally and Speaking Up56:34 Supporting Businesses with Fair Practices01:00:26 Join the Diver Bliss Community and Dive in the PhilippinesIf you enjoyed this episode and want to be a part of this growing community, you can join us in a couple of ways: Subscribe to the podcast so you get notified when new episodes drop;Leave a rating wherever you listen to your podcastsSend the link to the show, ‘,’ to a dive buddy, your dive team, or your last scuba instructor.Share your thoughts with us by leaving us a voicemail here on our website or say,’Howdy!’Join us on our Facebook group, Ara@diverblisswww.diverbliss.comThe Dive Table Dive Table Facebook Group Underwater Millerwww.azulunlimited.comFish Dive Surf, Inc.
The Dive Table Presents: Surface Interval #6 with Jay Gardner: Zigging and Zagging as an Independent Scuba Instructor
The Dive Table Presents: Surface Interval #6 with Jay Gardner: Zigging and Zagging as an Independent Scuba Instructor
Being an independent scuba instructor involves managing various aspects of running a small business, serving students, and handling logistics. This includes finding students, defining the target audience, and understanding their needs. It also involves managing the logistics of teaching classes, such as gas fills, dive sites, rentals, and pool access. Building a support system is crucial, including service, retail sales, and knowledge resources. The closure of local dive shops can present challenges, requiring improvisation and finding alternative solutions. Jay shares his experience and invites other independent instructors to share their stories and insights.The Scripps Pier underwater camera was donated by DeepSea Power & Light and proved HD live streaming video from ~4m (13ft) water depth.The Scripps Pier Underwater CameraIf you enjoyed this episode and want to be a part of this growing community, you can join us in a couple of ways: Subscribe to the podcast so you get notified when new episodes drop;Leave a rating wherever you listen to your podcastsSend the link to the show, ‘,’ to a dive buddy, your dive team, or your last scuba instructor.Share your thoughts with us by leaving us a voicemail here on our website or say,’Howdy!’Join us on our Facebook group, The Dive Table Dive Table Facebook Group Underwater Millerwww.azulunlimited.comFish Dive Surf, Inc.
The Dive Table Presents: 'Diversity Below the Waves: The Humans of Scuba'
The Dive Table Presents: 'Diversity Below the Waves: The Humans of Scuba'
We here at the dive table are excited to announce our new diversity in diving series.If you've been involved with the scuba diving community in any capacity, you have probably noticed a lack of diversity. Although this is changing as younger people get into the sport with the help of social media, the general diving population consists of white, middle -aged, straight men. And while we love all the people who keep this sport alive, here at the dive table, we want everyone to feel represented in the sport. So we're creating this series to talk about the different challenges people face.Our purpose is to raise our collective consciousness around diversity and diving and be a part of the continuing evolution of the sport we are all so passionate about. We recognize fully that this topic may be controversial for some. We hope that you'll stick around and learn with us on this journey as we step into other people's shoes. These conversations are important to have out loud and in the open so we can grow together.Throughout the rest of this season, we will be sprinkling in episodes from this series, including the topics of culture, race, sexual identity, and gender. Be sure to subscribe to get the latest episode and join the conversation in our Facebook group. That's forward slash groups forward slash the dive table.If you enjoyed this episode and want to be a part of this growing community, you can join us in a couple of ways: Subscribe to the podcast so you get notified when new episodes drop;Leave a rating wherever you listen to your podcastsSend the link to the show, ‘,’ to a dive buddy, your dive team, or your last scuba instructor.Share your thoughts with us by leaving us a voicemail here on our website or say,’Howdy!’Join us on our Facebook group, The Dive Table Dive Table Facebook Group Underwater Millerwww.azulunlimited.comFish Dive Surf, Inc.
Debunking Shark "Facts" | S3E14
Debunking Shark "Facts" | S3E14
Sharks have a bad reputation, mostly due to sensationalism and fear, however, they are important for the environment and play a vital role as apex predators. Shark attacks are rare, with the odds of being bitten or killed by a shark being extremely low and in fact, you're more likely to be struck by lightning.  We think it goes without saying, but Humans are the biggest threat to sharks through overfishing, fear-based killings, by-catch and of course being only partially used for shark fin soup. Sensationalized media, like Shark Week, perpetuates negative stereotypes about sharks, but social media influencers and conservationists are working hard to show the real side of sharks and their importance to the ecosystem. In this conversation, Sarah and Jay discuss common myths and misconceptions about sharks. They debunk the idea that all sharks are big and have sharp teeth, emphasizing the diversity of shark species and their different tooth structures. They also address the misconception that sharks are man-eaters, highlighting that most sharks eat fish or invertebrates. Chapters00:00 Introduction: Sharks and Shark Week01:00 Sharks' Bad Reputation03:24 The Rarity of Shark Attacks06:07 Sharks' Behavior and Misunderstandings11:03 Human Threats to Sharks12:23 Sensationalism in Media: The Case of Shark Week14:37 Changing the Narrative: Showing the Real Side of Sharks23:11 Introduction and Talking to Kids about Sharks24:36 Myth #1: All Sharks are Big with Sharp Teeth25:53 Different Teeth Structures and Shark Diversity27:22 Myth #2: Sharks are Man-Eaters28:42 Myth #3: Sharks are Not Important29:48 Myth #4: Can Anything Hurt a Shark?31:21 Myth #5: Sharks Attack People Often33:00 Challenging Sensationalism and Advocating for the Truth35:19 The Low Rate of Shark Attacks37:41 Divers as Advocates for Sharks40:32 Get Involved in Shark Conservation42:02 Closing Remarks and Call to ActionIf you enjoyed this episode and want to be a part of this growing community, you can join us in a couple of ways: Subscribe to the podcast so you get notified when new episodes drop;Leave a rating wherever you listen to your podcastsSend the link to the show, ‘,’ to a dive buddy, your dive team, or your last scuba instructor.Share your thoughts with us by leaving us a voicemail here on our website or say,’Howdy!’Join us on our Facebook group, The Dive Table Dive Table Facebook Group Underwater Millerwww.azulunlimited.comFish Dive Surf, Inc.
Reality Check - 10 Myths That Scuba Students Should Question | S3E13
Reality Check - 10 Myths That Scuba Students Should Question | S3E13
In this episode, Jay and Sarah discuss the top 10 student myths for scuba divers. They address misconceptions such as the belief that paying for certification guarantees expertise, the idea that scuba diving is challenging, scary, and always expensive, and the notion that instructors should always be trusted without question. They also touch on the importance of choosing the right instructor and questioning your dive buddy if necessary. They also cover the importance of experience, the need for communication, the value of ongoing training and refreshers, and the fallacy of relying solely on equipment. They emphasize the importance of being open-minded, adaptable, and constantly learning in order to become better divers.Chapters00:00 Introduction01:28 Myth 1: Certification Does Not Equal Expertise07:18 Myth 3: Blind Trust in Instructors31:29 Myth 5: Never Question Your Dive Buddy33:20 Debunking Scuba Diving Myths: Instructor Worship38:27 The Myth of 'I Don't Need More Training'45:20 The Fallacy of Relying on Equipment48:45 The Flexibility of Diving Techniques55:19 The Journey to Mastery in Scuba DivingIf you enjoyed this episode and want to be a part of this growing community, you can join us in a couple of ways: Subscribe to the podcast so you get notified when new episodes drop;Leave a rating wherever you listen to your podcastsSend the link to the show, ‘,’ to a dive buddy, your dive team, or your last scuba instructor.Share your thoughts with us by leaving us a voicemail here on our website or say,’Howdy!’Join us on our Facebook group, The Dive Table Dive Table Facebook Group Underwater Millerwww.azulunlimited.comFish Dive Surf, Inc.
Sarah's Return to Komodo:  The Good, The Bad and the Lessons Learned | S3E12
Sarah's Return to Komodo: The Good, The Bad and the Lessons Learned | S3E12
In this episode, Sarah shares her experience diving in Komodo and other places in Indonesia. She discusses the challenges of traveling to Indonesia, the strong currents in Komodo, and the different dive sites in the area. Diving in Komodo is not just for advanced divers and she highlights the beauty and diversity of the marine life. She also talks about the importance of stepping out of your comfort zone and learning from new experiences.  She shares her personal journey and the connections she made during her trip.Chapters00:00 Introduction and Return to Indonesia01:08 Diving in Indonesia: Challenges and Jet Lag03:55 Freediving and Different Dive Sites in Komodo07:47 Batu Balong: A World-Renowned Dive Site09:40 Manta Point: Drift Diving and Manta Ray Encounters10:39 Komodo: The Best Place for Dive Master Certification13:29 Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone and Learning as a Diver16:19 Diver Safety: Underwater and on the Boat23:01 Personal Journey and Connections Made25:18 Conclusion and Call to ConnectIf you enjoyed this episode and want to be a part of this growing community, you can join us in a couple of ways: Subscribe to the podcast so you get notified when new episodes drop;Leave a rating wherever you listen to your podcastsSend the link to the show, ‘,’ to a dive buddy, your dive team, or your last scuba instructor.Share your thoughts with us by leaving us a voicemail here on our website or say,’Howdy!’Join us on our Facebook group, The Dive Table Dive Table Facebook Group Underwater Millerwww.azulunlimited.comFish Dive Surf, Inc.
Choosing a Dive Operator/Instructor: Considerations and Criteria | S3E11
Choosing a Dive Operator/Instructor: Considerations and Criteria | S3E11
In this episode, Jay and Sarah discuss how to choose a dive operator or dive instructor. They emphasize the importance of considering factors such as eco-conservation efforts, integration with the local community, and safety protocols. They also highlight the need to research and gather information from word of mouth, social media, and review platforms like TripAdvisor. The conversation touches on the challenges of greenwashing and the importance of supporting operators that align with your values. They conclude by emphasizing the power of consumer choices in shaping the diving industry. Chapters00:00 Introduction and Initial Impressions00:53 Importance of Eco-Conservation and Local Community Integration07:09 Beware of Greenwashing10:35 Educating Yourself and Making Informed Choices13:10 Word of Mouth and Online Research23:27 Considering Safety and Personal Values24:55 The Power of Consumer Choices25:00 Choosing Dive Operators: Understanding Your Values26:02 Asking Open-Ended Questions: Ensuring Alignment with Your Goals27:01 Choosing Instructors: Considering Learning Style and Experience28:29 Diving the Way You Want: Selecting Instructors with Desired Skills31:05 Teaching Style Matters: Finding Effective Communicators35:37 Knowing Your Preferences: What Works Best for You as a StudentIf you enjoyed this episode and want to be a part of this growing community, you can join us in a couple of ways: Subscribe to the podcast so you get notified when new episodes drop;Leave a rating wherever you listen to your podcastsSend the link to the show, ‘,’ to a dive buddy, your dive team, or your last scuba instructor.Share your thoughts with us by leaving us a voicemail here on our website or say,’Howdy!’Join us on our Facebook group, Dive Ninja Expeditions Dive Table Dive Table Facebook Group Underwater Millerwww.azulunlimited.comFish Dive Surf, Inc.
Boat Etiquette | S3E10
Boat Etiquette | S3E10
In this conversation, Jay and Sarah discuss boat etiquette for divers. They cover topics such as being a minimalist and bringing only necessary gear, being tidy and compact to save space on the boat, being prepared by calling ahead and knowing the boat's facilities, taking seasickness medication, keeping dry areas dry, and the importance of communication with the boat crew and fellow divers. They emphasize the need for divers to be respectful, follow the rules, and set a good example for others. In this conversation.  Also, the importance of tipping the boat crew and considerations for boat diving. They cover topics such as communication with the crew, being mindful of the boat layout, avoiding judgmental behavior, and tipping the crew. They also emphasize the importance of being prepared, knowing the location of safety equipment, and being aware of the downline and upline during dives. The conversation provides valuable insights for both experienced and novice boat divers.The bottom line is making sure you're being respectful of the crew that are working hard to make sure you have a fun and safe dive!Takeaways:Be a minimalist and bring only necessary gear to save space on the boat.Be tidy and compact to keep your gear organized and prevent accidents.Call ahead and be prepared by knowing the boat's facilities and requirements.Take seasickness medication and keep dry areas dry to ensure a comfortable dive.Communicate with the boat crew and fellow divers, follow the rules, and set a good example for others. Effective communication with the crew is crucial for a smooth boat diving experience.Being aware of the boat layout and positioning oneself in a considerate manner helps maintain a safe and organized environment.Avoid being judgmental or critical of other divers' gear or diving techniques.Tipping the crew is a common practice and shows appreciation for their hard work.Knowing the location of safety equipment and being mindful of the downline and upline during dives enhances safety.Chapters00:00 Introduction00:26 The Importance of Boat Etiquette06:27 Tidiness and Compactness12:16 Preparation is Key13:21 Conquering Seasickness22:25 Mastering Communication with the Crew24:12 The Joy of Boat Diving26:06 Avoiding Judgmental Behavior: Don't Be a Boat Karen29:18 Don't Be a Back Deck Driver36:07 Navigating the Boat Layout: Tips and Considerations39:12 Tipping the Crew: Showing Appreciation42:59 Safety First: Knowing the Location of Safety Equipment44:36 ConclusionIf you enjoyed this episode and want to be a part of this growing community, you can join us in a couple of ways: Subscribe to the podcast so you get notified when new episodes drop;Leave a rating wherever you listen to your podcastsSend the link to the show, ‘,’ to a dive buddy, your dive team, or your last scuba instructor.Share your thoughts with us by leaving us a voicemail here on our website or say,’Howdy!’Join us on our Facebook group, The Dive Table Dive Table Facebook Group Underwater Millerwww.azulunlimited.comFish Dive Surf, Inc.
Rescues and Emergencies | S3E09
Rescues and Emergencies | S3E09
In this conversation, Jay and Sarah discuss the importance of being prepared for emergencies in diving. They talk about the significance of rescue training and the goal of being able to help others in distress. They also discuss the timing of taking a rescue course and the importance of having experience and comfort in your own diving skills before pursuing rescue training. They emphasize the need for situational awareness and the ability to recognize when something is not right. They also discuss the importance of having access to oxygen and a well-stocked first aid kit. In this conversation, Sarah and Jay discuss the importance of safety equipment and preparedness in scuba diving. They cover topics such as first aid kits, oxygen administration, rescue techniques, and the role of insurance in diving accidents. They also emphasize the need for proper training and staying up to date with skills. The conversation highlights the importance of having a plan, knowing the location of local hospitals and hyperbaric chambers, and having emergency contact numbers readily available. They also discuss the significance of understanding the limitations of one's training and equipment, as well as the importance of finding a doctor who understands diving-related issues.Chapters00:00 Introduction00:17 The Importance of Being Prepared for Emergencies in Diving05:15 The Timing of Taking a Rescue Course07:28 The Role of Situational Awareness in Diving10:17 Recognizing the Escalation of Emergencies15:10 The Key Takeaway: Adequate Care Provided is Better than Perfect Care Withheld21:50 The Significance of Oxygen in Diving23:49 The Importance of First Aid Kits in Diving31:00 The Importance of First Aid Kits in Scuba Diving33:07 Safety Equipment: SMB, Mirror, Whistle35:00 The Role of Insurance in Diving Accidents37:19 Rescue Techniques and Equipment: SMB, Spinner39:29 Emergency Preparedness: Knowing the Location of Hospitals and Hyperbaric Chambers41:08 Understanding the Limitations of Training and Equipment43:46 The Importance of Finding a Doctor Who Understands Diving-Related IssuesIf you enjoyed this episode and want to be a part of this growing community, you can join us in a couple of ways: Subscribe to the podcast so you get notified when new episodes drop;Leave a rating wherever you listen to your podcastsSend the link to the show, ‘,’ to a dive buddy, your dive team, or your last scuba instructor.Share your thoughts with us by leaving us a voicemail here on our website or say,’Howdy!’Join us on our Facebook group, The Dive Table Dive Table Facebook Group Underwater Millerwww.azulunlimited.comFish Dive Surf, Inc.
Diving From Your Vehicle - Prepping Your Car or Truck to be Your Mobile Scuba Platform | S3E08
Diving From Your Vehicle - Prepping Your Car or Truck to be Your Mobile Scuba Platform | S3E08
In this conversation, Jay and Sarah discuss the topic of diving from vehicles. Sarah shares a funny story about her van breaking down on the freeway and the importance of being prepared for breakdowns. They discuss the essential items to have in your vehicle, such as jumper cables, fix-a-flat, fire extinguisher, tow cables, and water. Jay and Sarah operate different vehicles and they discuss the benefits of an open bed truck for diving versus the need for privacy, like a van that Sarah drives. They talk about the challenges of transporting tanks and securing gear in their vans and trucks. Jay shares his method of using pool noodles to secure tanks in his truck bed, while Sarah uses her wetsuit to wedge tanks in her van. They also discuss the importance of securing gear to prevent damage and theft. Overall, they provide insights and tips on how to safely transport and store diving equipment in vehicles.If you enjoyed this episode and want to be a part of this growing community, you can join us in a couple of ways: Subscribe to the podcast so you get notified when new episodes drop;Leave a rating wherever you listen to your podcastsSend the link to the show, ‘,’ to a dive buddy, your dive team, or your last scuba instructor.Share your thoughts with us by leaving us a voicemail here on our website or say,’Howdy!’Join us on our Facebook group, The Dive Table Dive Table Facebook Group Underwater Millerwww.azulunlimited.comFish Dive Surf, Inc.
Being Physically Ready To Dive - Diver Health and Nutrition | S3E07
Being Physically Ready To Dive - Diver Health and Nutrition | S3E07
In this episode, Jay and Sarah discuss the importance of nutrition and hydration in diving. They share their personal experiences of not properly fueling their bodies before dives and the negative effects it had on their performance and well-being. They emphasize the need for a well-rounded diet with complex proteins, fats, and carbs, and the importance of staying away from processed foods. They also discuss the role of hydration and electrolytes in preventing cramps and maintaining energy levels. Overall, they highlight the interconnectedness of nutrition, hydration, and diving performance.  It emphasizes the need for balance and understanding one's body.  Jay and Sarah share their personal experiences and strategies for fueling their bodies before and during dives. They discuss the role of food as medicine and the cultural and emotional aspects of eating. The conversation also touches on the importance of being prepared for worst-case scenarios and making judgment calls based on the conditions and individual capabilities.Chapters00:00 Introduction and Diving Experience07:50 Fueling Your Body for Dives14:53 Timing of Nutrition and Hydration33:24 Listening to Your Body: The Key to Optimal DivingIf you enjoyed this episode and want to be a part of this growing community, you can join us in a couple of ways: Subscribe to the podcast so you get notified when new episodes drop;Leave a rating wherever you listen to your podcastsSend the link to the show from our website at ',’ to a dive buddy, your dive team, or your last scuba instructor.Share your thoughts with us by leaving us a voicemail here on our website or say,’Howdy!’Join us on our Facebook group!The Dive Table Dive Table Facebook Group Underwater Millerwww.azulunlimited.comFish Dive Surf, Inc.
An Off the Cuff Discussion About Cave Diving | S3E06
An Off the Cuff Discussion About Cave Diving | S3E06
In this conversation, Jay and Sarah discuss their experiences about cave diving.  They discuss their different preferences and experiences.  Sarah shares her motivation for revisiting cave diving and her desire to understand and explore it more. She also discusses the challenges and stress she faced during her recent cave dives and the importance of self-awareness and setting oneself up for success.  She reflects on her fear and plans to further explore and dissect her own fears in an upcoming YouTube video on Azul Unlimited. Chapters00:00 Introduction and Under Construction01:11 Cave Diving: Different Experiences and Preferences04:05 The Fascination of Cave Diving07:02 Facing Challenges and Recuperating10:08 The Unforgiving Nature of Cave Diving22:19 The Importance of Self-Awareness and Mindset27:59 The Role of Trust and Teamwork in Cave Diving30:02 The Mental Game in Challenging Environments30:52 The Importance of Mental Training in Diving31:40 Exploring Fear in Diving32:35 Different Perspectives on Diving Experiences33:35 The Importance of Building a Foundation in Cave Diving34:30 The Learning Process in Diving35:16 The Role of the Brain in Diving36:15 The Power of the Brain's Processor37:05 The Challenges of Dry Suit Diving37:29 The Importance of Being Switched On in Diving39:38 Progressing Along the Plateau41:29 The Humbling Experience of Diving43:23 Overcoming Navigation Challenges46:01 The Danger of Diving Accidents48:53 The Importance of Being a Thinking Diver51:19 The Role of the Brain in Diving Accidents53:15 Mitigating the Risks in Cave Diving55:52 Understanding Human Factors in Diving Accidents58:40 Closing RemarksIf you enjoyed this episode and want to be a part of this growing community, you can join us in a couple of ways: Subscribe to the podcast so you get notified when new episodes drop;Leave a rating wherever you listen to your podcastsSend the link to the show, ‘,’ to a dive buddy, your dive team, or your last scuba instructor.Share your thoughts with us by leaving us a voicemail here on our website or say,’Howdy!’The Dive Table Dive Table Facebook Group Underwater Millerwww.azulunlimited.comFish Dive Surf, Inc.
Diving With "New To You" Divers | S3E5
Diving With "New To You" Divers | S3E5
The conversation revolves around the topic of diving with new people and the challenges and considerations that come with it. Both Jay and Sarah share their experiences and perspectives on the matter. They discuss the importance of building a team and finding compatible dive buddies. They also talk about the need to keep dives simple and gear minimal when diving with new people. Communication and understanding each other's experiences and comfort levels are key to ensuring a safe and enjoyable dive.  They emphasize the need for open and honest conversations about fears, anxieties, and expectations before the dive. They also highlight the importance of observing the whole diver and being mentally prepared for the dive. Slowing down, being present, and taking the time to check in with oneself and the team are crucial for a safe and enjoyable dive. They also stress the significance of debriefing after the dive and building relationships outside of diving.Chapters00:00 Introduction and Personal Experiences02:03 Diving with New People03:04 Different Perspectives as Instructors04:01 Challenges of Building a Dive Team06:22 Finding Dive Buddies09:08 Upcoming Meetup in San Diego10:08 Benefits and Challenges of Diving with New People13:27 Using Online Platforms to Find Dive Buddies22:19 Observing and Communicating with New Divers23:16 Supporting New Divers and Managing Expectations24:28 Building Trust and Communication27:26 Taking Time and Being Mindful29:15 Observing the Whole Diver30:40 Slowing Down and Being Present36:32 The Importance of Debriefing43:29 Building Relationships Outside of DivingIf you enjoyed this episode and want to be a part of this growing community, you can join us in a couple of ways: Subscribe to the podcast so you get notified when new episodes drop;Leave a rating wherever you listen to your podcastsSend the link to the show, ‘,’ to a dive buddy, your dive team, or your last scuba instructor.Share your thoughts with us by leaving us a voicemail here on our website or say,’Howdy!’The Dive Table Underwater Millerwww.azulunlimited.comFish Dive Surf, Inc.
Tips On How To Prepare For A New Dive Season | S3E04
Tips On How To Prepare For A New Dive Season | S3E04
In this episode, Jay and Sarah discuss getting back into diving after a surface interval. They cover topics such as preparing and servicing gear, buying gear and prioritizing purchases, time vs. number of dives for gear servicing, buying secondhand gear, and preparing yourself as a diver. This conversation discusses the importance of refreshing diving skills and the timing of skill refreshment. It also explores the concept of recall and mental preparation, including the use of visualization and YouTube as tools. They emphasize the significance of communication and support in diving, while cautioning against judgment and ego. Additionally, Jay and Sarah announce a dive meetup as a means of community building. 00:00 Introduction and Surface Intervals01:27 Preparing and Servicing Gear07:30 Time vs. Number of Dives for Gear Servicing15:40 Buying Secondhand Gear23:33 Importance of Refreshing Diving Skills24:24 Timing of Skill Refreshment25:22 Recall and Mental Preparation26:28 Building a Second Brain27:56 Mental Load of Diving28:32 Visualization and YouTube as Tools31:34 Communication and Support in Diving33:31 Avoiding Judgment and Ego in Diving37:23 Community Building and Dive Meetup Announcement44:08 Keeping Dives Simple and Building Confidence47:46 The Joy of DivingIf you enjoyed this episode and want to be a part of this growing community, you can join us in a couple of ways: Subscribe to the podcast so you get notified when new episodes drop;Leave a rating wherever you listen to your podcastsSend the link to the show, ‘,’ to a dive buddy, your dive team, or your last scuba instructor.Share your thoughts with us by leaving us a voicemail here on our website or say,’Howdy!’The Dive Table Underwater Millerwww.azulunlimited.comFish Dive Surf, Inc. (00:00) - Introduction and Surface Intervals (01:27) - Preparing and Servicing Gear (07:30) - Time vs. Number of Dives for Gear Servicing (15:40) - Buying Secondhand Gear (23:33) - Importance of Refreshing Diving Skills (24:24) - Timing of Skill Refreshment (25:22) - Recall and Mental Preparation (26:28) - Building a Second Brain (27:56) - Mental Load of Diving (28:32) - Visualization and YouTube as Tools (31:34) - Communication and Support in Diving (33:31) - Avoiding Judgment and Ego in Diving (37:23) - Community Building and Dive Meetup Announcement (44:08) - Keeping Dives Simple and Building Confidence (47:46) - The Joy of Diving