Remembrance Sunday | Andy Elmes | 10th November 2024

Family Church Portsmouth

10-11-2024 • 43分

On this Remembrance Sunday, Ps Andy speaks about a theme of Extreme Generosity. Many people laid down their loves for the sake of others, for the freedom of generations they would never see or know. The world of the generous gets larger and larger, but the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller. God our Father was generous to the extreme in laying down the life of His son for our salvation. PS Andy goes on to speak about the nature of the heart of a generous person and how generosity is not purely related to finances, but time, attitude, many facets of our lives. Its also about how we use our words, how we serve, how we forgive. Do we do these things begrudgingly or with a joyful heart.

Listen to this inspiring message linking the them of Remembrance Sunday to the sacrifice of Jesus for our souls to the ways of our hearts.


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