Banditos- The Refreshments Decomposition

Decomposition Podcast

30-11-2020 • 1時間 12分

Teresa didn't do her homework.  Katie gets saucey.

This song sounds like 1996.  If you listened to the radio in 96' then hopefully you remember this song.  Or the chorus, at least.  The Refreshments released Fizzy, Fuzzy, Big and Buzzy in 96, had a big his with "Banditos." and then promptly disappeared from the radio and Mtv.  They are still around today as Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers and still writing fantastic songs.  This album is a top 10 for Brad.  High energy songs with stellar guitar hooks and excellent writing, to boot.  Which is why he owns 2 copies.

Roger Clyne writes Springsteen-esque story-songs that paint a vivid picture without spelling it out for the audience, as if they were the stupid people that populate the world.

Teresa is an excellent guitar playerist "Near, near, near, near..."  That's her shredding

this episode gets sexy, Katie can't keep it in her pants

Tempe, AZ's 2nd biggest post-grunge, alt-rock band of the mid-90's


Twitter: @decomp_pod


