The Root of Power - Embody Peace, Heal Trauma & Be Happy

Amanda Chils

Top Podcast For Healing Trauma & Anxiety, and learning to be happy. Are you ready to step into your full power, align with your highest desires and live your dream? Are you suffering and struggling and working so hard to just survive, but want more - a life you love? Are you overwhelmed with information about how to live your best life and achieve happiness? I’ve got you, my sweet croissant. Each week I teach YOU how to finally ditch stress and anxiety and take ACTION to live your dream life. I am fully committed to teaching true wellness through providing education, interviewing wellness leaders and keeping things simple. You are a gift, this life is a gift; and I sincerely believe that when you are living your best life, you become a lighthouse for others. I cannot wait to show up for you, teach you how to show up for yourself and help you get to the root of your power. read less


Is it emotional exhaustion or compassion fatigue or burnout?
Is it emotional exhaustion or compassion fatigue or burnout?
emotional exhaustion: a state of feeling emotionally worn-out and drained as a result of accumulated stress from your personal or work lives, or a combination of both. chronic state of emotional depletion. Allostatic load. compassion fatigue: “a state of exhaustion and dysfunction biologically, psychologically, and socially as a result of prolonged exposure to compassion stress and all it invokes." also called vicarious trauma. burnout: a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress Think of these as a spectrum. EE more from life stressors. CF/B more from work/responsibilities. EE could be from carrying unresolved trauma, stress overload, being out of alignment, living with or experiencing systemic oppression, late state capitalism, chronic stressors, being chronically dysregulated, Sx: apathy, withdrawal, isolation, exhaustion, soul tired, irritable, feeling stuck or helpless, not being able to do what you know would help, only paying attention to negative, headaches, tense muscles/sore body, trouble sleeping, brain fog, depression, numb,   How to mitigate/fix Heal trauma. Rewire your mind for growth, healing, helpful thoughts. Cut out stressors/toxic people, things etc. Radical acceptance. Do whats useful to have done and possible to do. Learn to build a resilient nervous system. Mindset work. Journaling Process emotions. Make choices that create/maintain alignment Locus of control Do things that feel energy giving. Move well, eat well, sleep well. Connect with others. Set boundaries. Radical honesty. Radical accountability. Do work that feels purposeful. Let go of perfectionism.
Unlock Your Potential: Break Free from Limiting Beliefs
Unlock Your Potential: Break Free from Limiting Beliefs
Most automatic things we do are conditioned responses that we learned during childhood, but they're no longer serving us. Until we are 6, we exist mostly in theta brainwaves, which is associated with a hypnotic state. We are the most suggestible we will ever be. Everything a child that young hears is taken as true, nothing is questioned. Most people then never question the programming they received as children. This is good for adults who need to teach a child how to behave in the world quickly, and not so good for the child that becomes the adult if they don't learn to question their programming.   Some I come across often: You dont have to do something every day for it to be consistent, successful or effective. Your partner doesnt have to follow your schedule for your relationship to work. Love is not earned, but neither is it unconditional. You dont need permission to do thing you want to do. Just because someone disagrees with your choice, doesnt mean its the wrong choice. Your healing journey is your own and wont look like others. Youre allowed to disappoint other people when doing whats best for you. No one really gives a shit about what you're doing/no one notices/cares. You're allowed to change your mind. Quitting does not mean failing. You don't have to forgive people who have hurt you. Having an abundance of money doesn't make you evil. Life doesn't have to be hard. Relationships don't have to last forever to be good, and breaking up/getting divorced doesnt mean the relationship failed.     How to break: Question and assess if your automatic assumptions are true, and even if they are true, are they helpful. Write down a list of beliefs you have about how people or the world "should" operate. Question these. When you hear a should, that's programming. Assess if your behaviors are actually getting you the life you want, if not theres programming to undo.