007 - Mehreen Akhter - Normalizing Postpartum

SHE SPEAKS by GCW Publishing House

28-09-2020 • 15分

Mehreen is a mom of two living in Montreal. After having her second child and experiencing the challenges of having 2 under 2 she writes about motherhood and postpartum health and well being. She is a strong advocate for maternal mental health and is working towards empowering moms and moms-to-be to feel comfortable in their new role.

In this episode, Mehreen shares:

1) How to feel empowered in your new role as a mother.

2) Taking care of yourself during postpartum recovery period

3) Making the journey to parenthood easier

Mehreen asks the very important question, "why does our health care system not have something in place to help new mothers with their mental health?!". She speaks about the importance of checking in with yourself after having a baby and reaching out for help when you just don't feel right.

You can find Mehreen on Instagram @LetsTalkBabyy

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