Woman Power Zone

Ariel Hubbard

Woman Power Zone is a podcast dedicated to empower women through inspiration, education and creativity.

Addressed are a variety of ways women tap into their power and magnificence, through the experiences and wisdom of our host and guests--The Power of Choice; The Power of Yes; The Power of Creativity; the Power of Following Your Dreams; the Power of Taking Action; the Power of Money, and more.

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Final Episode: The Power of the Aura Layers 6 and 7
Final Episode: The Power of the Aura Layers 6 and 7
On this, the final episode of the Woman Power Zone Podcast, Ariel thanks everyone who has ever listened and finishes the series on the last two layers of the auric field. KEY TAKEAWAYS The 6th layer is the celestial body or template, this are filaments of golden light, and this layer shows a person’s alignment with divine love. The experience on this level is divine love and spiritual ecstasy, feeling connected and love with source/god.The ketheric template is often brilliant white and reveals alignment with the divine consciousness. The idea on this level is to be connected to the divine mind and to understand the greater universal pattern, to understand the big picture, the higher consciousness, where are we going from here?What forms on the outer 3 layers is what ends up being created in the layers below them. When you change the outer layers you change your belief systems and behaviours at very deep levels, and permanently.These layers are definitely harder to see, but it’s usually the vibe that you’ll pick up off people as if they’re very light, ethereal, airy, open, flowing. These are energy feelings that you get from people who have active 6th and 7th layers. BEST MOMENTS “You can read with these two layers how open people are to spirit, intuition, connecting with people on the other side, connecting with spirit guides, or whether they’re psychic.” “I believe that there are other layers of the field that may exist, so if you get information on those feel free to let me know.” “When people are ready to awaken, spiritually, the outer layer become more active, if you see that happening, something powerful is going on.” “Reflect on how your life has changed or what you’ve learned through listening to this show.” ABOUT THE HOST Ariel is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Empath & Psychic who has been involved in holistic healing since 1988. She is also an educator, speaker, author & mentor for empaths, spiritual seekers & medical professionals. To reach Ariel, go to www.arielhubbard.com, where you will be able to contact her directly. Please let her know you heard her on the podcast & the assistance you need or question you have. Website Podcast: Woman Power Zone on all major platforms LinkedInIGFacebookYouTubeCH: @arielhubbard Pinterest   Pre-order form for Ariel's educational, hilarious, and spicy dating book:  The Empowered Woman's Guide to Online Dating: Set Your BS Tolerance to Zero Access to the Mindset Reset Club
The Power of the Aura, Layers 4 and 5
The Power of the Aura, Layers 4 and 5
On this episode Ariel continues her series on the auric field, on this episode she covers how we can read what’s happening for us in our relationships and what’s coming up for us physically in the energy field. KEY TAKEAWAYS It’s a good idea, when you’re connecting with people, to get a sense of how open they are to connecting in relationships and how are they doing physically and what’s coming up for them in the future.  The astral layer is the fourth auric layer and is about 1-2 feet out from the body. This layer has to do with the nature of our relationships, everything from friendships to professional relationships to connecting with other people on some level. It’s unstructured and looks like blue, billowy clouds, and it’s important because it’s how we indicate how we relate to others but also the condition of those relationships. The need is to have a loving interaction with friends and family and to give and receive love in many types of relationships.The etheric template is the 5th layer of the auric field, it’s multi-coloured and has a brighter light. It’s usually about 3-4 feet out from the body and it to do with what’s happening with the physical body. You can learn something about what’s coming up for the body in the future, if someone’s going to get sick or healthy, by reading this layer. It also reveals alignment with divine will.The etheric template can influence the state of the etheric body which in turn influences the physical body. Our ability to flow with divine will shows up in this layer. It’s really important to align with divine will, when you do that your life is a lot more harmonious. A way to feel and connect to the divine flow is to keep energy open in this 5th layer of your field. BEST MOMENTS “The third body in a relationship is the energy that’s combined between the two people, it can be enhanced with physical intimacy between the two people, but you can also injure it.” “A lot of people’s astral layers have been damaged by covid, either they shut down and don’t want to open back up or, in children, haven’t learned how to have good relationships with other people.” “Relationships are really key to enhance the flow of money as well as the flow of love and caring.” “If you want to be healthy long term you need to clear, charge, balance and harmonise the etheric template.” ABOUT THE HOST Ariel is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Empath & Psychic who has been involved in holistic healing since 1988. She is also an educator, speaker, author & mentor for empaths, spiritual seekers & medical professionals. To reach Ariel, go to www.arielhubbard.com, where you will be able to contact her directly. Please let her know you heard her on the podcast & the assistance you need or question you have. Website Podcast: Woman Power Zone on all major platforms LinkedInIGFacebookYouTubeCH: @arielhubbard Pinterest   Pre-order form for Ariel's educational, hilarious, and spicy dating book:  The Empowered Woman's Guide to Online Dating: Set Your BS Tolerance to Zero Access to the Mindset Reset Club
The Power of the Aura, Layers 1-3
The Power of the Aura, Layers 1-3
On this episode Ariel continues her series on the auric field, on this episode she covers the first 3 layers of the auric field which have to do with what’s happening in your physical body, your feelings, and in your thoughts. KEY TAKEAWAYS The energy field is very complex, it can change shape and colour millions of times in just a few minutes. Sadly, we don’t have very good equipment to measure or evaluate it. Auras are real, people feel them and react to them all the time they just don’t know they are. Any time you pick up on someone’s vibes/energy you’re felling someone’s aura.When you’re trained to do energy work you can actually help people change their belief systems by changing what’s occurring in their auric field. You’re changing the blueprint of what’s happening so that it can change inside of that person’s physical body.Everybody’s fields vary in size, when people say you have a big energy, that usually means that someone’s energy field is around 6 feet out – double the usual size. Small energy is the energy is contracted and insular, they’ve turned inward.The etheric layer, the first layer, is about 1-2 inches out (12 inches in some people). The second layer, the emotional body is usually 2-6 inches out depending on the person. The third layer – the mind – is usually about 6-12 inches out. So, they’re all usually within the first foot of a person. The layers are structured with gridlines which can be smooth and organised, but when their health isn’t well they can be distorted on the first and second layers. When they have negative thoughts or unclear thinking the gridlines can be distorted in the third layer. BEST MOMENTS “When I switch on the aura camera when I’m giving reiki, you can see beams of light shooting out of my hands, it’s amazing.” “The colours vary per person; blue can mean one thing for one person and something else for another.” “When people say they’re living their best life that expression describes our highest level of manifestation, perfection and well-being. It’s a blueprint we can have in our auric field where it’s organised the way it should be organised: flowing, even, connected, whole.” “The average person on the street can read the condition of the emotional body pretty easily, most of us can pick up on what other people are feeling because they’re broadcasting it through their emotional layer.” ABOUT THE HOST Ariel is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Empath & Psychic who has been involved in holistic healing since 1988. She is also an educator, speaker, author & mentor for empaths, spiritual seekers & medical professionals. To reach Ariel, go to www.arielhubbard.com, where you will be able to contact her directly. Please let her know you heard her on the podcast & the assistance you need or question you have. Website Podcast: Woman Power Zone on all major platforms LinkedInIGFacebookYouTubeCH: @arielhubbard Pinterest   Pre-order form for Ariel's educational, hilarious, and spicy dating book:  The Empowered Woman's Guide to Online Dating: Set Your BS Tolerance to Zero Access to the Mindset Reset Club
The Power of the Aura Overview
The Power of the Aura Overview
On this episode Ariel begins a new series on the auric field so you can understand about people’s vibes and why you’re feeling what you’re feeling when you connect with people.  KEY TAKEAWAYS People think that the auric field emanates off their body like heat waves, but the reverse is true. The auric field existed before we came into our bodies, that’s why psychics can pick up on babies that want to come in and incarnate with a parent before they’re pregnant, they can feel the presence of that soul’s energy field before it physically comes into existence.The energy anatomy system is all the different structures that are in our energy anatomy. We have the chakras, the auric field, meridians, and nadis, which are structures of energy that bring something from point A to point B – these can be nervous system/neural pathways, blood vessels, or meridians. Energy management is clearing out distortions and imbalances in the auric field, chakras, meridians, nadis, realigning correct flow, charging and sometimes centring.A lot of empaths have the subconscious belief that it’s their job to process other people’s energy because they think they’re better than other people. They process it, send it back, and then they feel tired and blame those other people because they feel drained. That’s not the case; subconsciously what empaths are doing is moving other people’s energy through their system and processing it without their permission. This can create karma for you, if you’re doing this, and violates universal law. No wonder you feel tired! If you aren’t feeling physically well, you probably have something going on in your energy field that doesn’t feel positive. If you’re feeling emotionally off, your triggered, you’re upset, you can’t focus mentally, these are all indications that something’s going on in your auric field. If you’re having ‘bad luck’ there could be something going on in the outer layers of your auric field, bad luck is really a manifestation of some kind of spiritual issue. You probably need some clearing of your auric field. BEST MOMENTS “Each layer of the auric field is responsible for a different aspect of our consciousness and existence.” “If your energy’s not flowing in the way it was meant to flow, you’re not going to feel physically that great.” “It takes time to learn how to develop the skill of being able to see the auric field, it takes practice and patience.” ABOUT THE HOST Ariel is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Empath & Psychic who has been involved in holistic healing since 1988. She is also an educator, speaker, author & mentor for empaths, spiritual seekers & medical professionals. To reach Ariel, go to www.arielhubbard.com, where you will be able to contact her directly. Please let her know you heard her on the podcast & the assistance you need or question you have. Website Podcast: Woman Power Zone on all major platforms LinkedInIGFacebookYouTubeCH: @arielhubbard Pinterest   Pre-order form for Ariel's educational, hilarious, and spicy dating book:  The Empowered Woman's Guide to Online Dating: Set Your BS Tolerance to Zero Access to the Mindset Reset Club
The Power of the Chakras: Galactic and Universal
The Power of the Chakras: Galactic and Universal
On this episode Ariel completes her series on the chakras by discussing the energies of the galactic and universal chakras.  KEY TAKEAWAYS If you’ve ever felt disconnected, unloved or lonely you might want to look at working with the galactic and universal chakras. The shishimna is a line of energy that goes from the universal chakra, through your galactic, through your solar system to you upper Earth, to your transpersonal point, then it moves through all the chakras in the midline of your body, then it goes to your feet, between the knees down to the Earth chakra. That line of energy charges up your chakras, so it’s essential it stays open. This chakra is the point of higher consciousness which resonates at the galactic level. There are higher beings that are responsible for what happens in this galaxy, a way to connect with them is by opening your galactic chakra & expanding your consciousness out from that galactic chakra.Whether you believe in aliens or other life forms or not, there’s a lot of life & energy in the galaxy. All the different suns, planets, moons. Imagine you can connect with the power & energy of that, it’s lot bigger than just you in your own single body. It’s very energising to connect with this. It helps give you a bigger perspective, that there’s more going on than the small things in your day.These are not traditional chakras, but the soul lesson is connecting to divine energy at the source, the colour is brilliant white, the purpose is to be in the silence of the divine energy. When you meditate, first you are aware of your thoughts &, if you’re not well versed in meditation, these thoughts will distract you. As your brain waves slow from a beta to an alpha to a theta you drop down into a space of deep silence & profound energy & you’ll expand into a consciousness that’s bigger than you. Then you’ll start to feel the presence & consciousness of the divine beings our there in the universe.  BEST MOMENTS “If you manage your energy consistently your whole life is better.” “Meridians aren’t the same thing as the central channel, they work along the same lines but at a different depth.” “The soul lesson is connecting the soul from the galactic perspective to the Earth plane perspective.” “By connecting with the ball of light at the centre of our galaxy, that opens you up to a larger perspective of what’s happening in our entire galaxy & all of the billions of planets and lifeforms.” ABOUT THE HOST Ariel is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Empath & Psychic who has been involved in holistic healing since 1988. She is also an educator, speaker, author & mentor for empaths, spiritual seekers & medical professionals. To reach Ariel, go to www.arielhubbard.com, where you will be able to contact her directly. Please let her know you heard her on the podcast & the assistance you need or question you have. Website Podcast: Woman Power Zone on all major platforms LinkedInIGFacebookYouTubeCH: @arielhubbard Pinterest   Pre-order form for Ariel's educational, hilarious, and spicy dating book:  The Empowered Woman's Guide to Online Dating: Set Your BS Tolerance to Zero Access to the Mindset Reset Club
The Power of the Chakras: Upper Earth and Solar System
The Power of the Chakras: Upper Earth and Solar System
On this episode Ariel talks about chakras that get out of balance if we’re feeling depressed or disconnected. KEY TAKEAWAYS These are two upper chakras that are above the head, their function is that when something’s going on in our environment, around the Earth or in the solar system – like an asteroid/comet is shooting through – that can affect our solar system chakra. Sometimes you feel loopy, weird, spacey, out of it even though you don’t know why, sometimes that has something to do with things going on above us. You might want to clear these upper chakras.The soul lesson of the Upper Earth chakra is to fulfil a desire to incarnate on the Earth plane. Its colour is silver & its purpose is feeling your connection with spirit at all times while you are present in your body.Through your Solar System chakra you can tune into information that’s happening in the solar system from the beings that regulate & work with what’s happening in our solar system. The soul lesson for this chakra is connected the soul to this particular solar system & this [articular area for incarnation. The colour is gold, orientation is connecting the higher consciousness of your soul to the solar system. Unconscious issues can create blockages or congestion lower down the shashisma. The Upper Earth chakra has to do with your feeling oneness & a connection with spirit. Some abuses and traumas can have to do with frustration on the Earth plane; feeling like it’s a scary place, feeling like you’re tired of experiencing different kinds of mental abuse or mental illness or being abandoned by source. BEST MOMENTS “These upper chakras are like GPS for your soul to come into your body.” “There are beings that are responsible for what’s happening in the solar system, like spiritual masters, & a way to connect with them is through your Solar System Chakra.” “Some people, when their upper chakras aren’t open compensate with excesses (drugs & alcohol) or fear of the ‘heavy energies’ on the Earth plane.” “Some people who meditate all the time do so because they’re trying to avoid dealing with the lessons of the Earth plane & why we came here.” ABOUT THE HOST Ariel is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Empath & Psychic who has been involved in holistic healing since 1988. She is also an educator, speaker, author & mentor for empaths, spiritual seekers & medical professionals. To reach Ariel, go to www.arielhubbard.com, where you will be able to contact her directly. Please let her know you heard her on the podcast & the assistance you need or question you have. Website Podcast: Woman Power Zone on all major platforms LinkedInIGFacebookYouTubeCH: @arielhubbard Pinterest   Pre-order form for Ariel's educational, hilarious, and spicy dating book:  The Empowered Woman's Guide to Online Dating: Set Your BS Tolerance to Zero Access to the Mindset Reset Club
The Power of the Chakras: The Transpersonal Point Chakra
The Power of the Chakras: The Transpersonal Point Chakra
On this episode Ariel talks about how the transpersonal point chakra and its effect on how present you are in your body & feelings of floating above yourself or being disengaged.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Downloads are bits of data that are sent from spirit, downloaded from higher consciousness through the central channel through the upper chakras & the transpersonal point through your crown & from there through your brain & body. People call it inspiration, epiphanies, bolts of insight.The soul lesson is recognising your choice to incarnate in your body on the Earth plane, & the colour is opalescent white. The purpose is to fill yourself with spirit at all times. The Earth plane is a wild place. It can be delightful, joyful, harmonious, fun, amazing, creative, but it can also be very dangerous & stressful as we all know. It’s important for us to make a point; we chose to be here, we came into body & matter to solve something, experience it & grow through resolving it.Positive personality traits of this chakra are: Feeling optimistic, trusting in the plan, being flexible, & trusting the flow of the universe. Negative traits are: Feeling depressed, anxious, disconnected from people & the divine. When we’re connected to the source energy we also feel connected to other people. BEST MOMENTS “The transpersonal point chakra is the GPS for your soul. It’s between 1.5-3 feet above your head & it has to do with your soul’s way of connecting with your body.” “The energies of wisdom & information come into us from higher levels of existence, so these charkas should be open, but not too open.” “When people are really depressed, the chakra is not open.” “This is your body’s connection with spirit or your body as a temple for the soul – it’s the place for your spirit to reside while you’re living here on Earth.” ABOUT THE HOST Ariel is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Empath & Psychic who has been involved in holistic healing since 1988. She is also an educator, speaker, author & mentor for empaths, spiritual seekers & medical professionals. To reach Ariel, go to www.arielhubbard.com, where you will be able to contact her directly. Please let her know you heard her on the podcast & the assistance you need or question you have. Website Podcast: Woman Power Zone on all major platforms LinkedInIGFacebookYouTubeCH: @arielhubbard Pinterest   Pre-order form for Ariel's educational, hilarious, and spicy dating book:  The Empowered Woman's Guide to Online Dating: Set Your BS Tolerance to Zero Access to the Mindset Reset Club
Eileen Vierra and the Power of Memory 2
Eileen Vierra and the Power of Memory 2
On this episode Ariel is joined by Eileen Vierra to talk about memory books and how they can keep alive the memory of somebody you love who has passed or keep memories alive for those with dementia. KEY TAKEAWAYS It’s important to tell stories, but it’s also important to write them down. When my grandmother had dementia I created a 7x’’ book for her reminding her who people were. People with dementia remember really old memories, not current ones which is fascinating because you think that memories fade when you get old.The sense of smell in the brain is close to the memory centre in the brain. That’s why, if you walk into a place & you smell cookies, it can take you back in time to when you were a little kid, or when you smell someone’s perfume & it reminds you of your grandmother.Celebration of Life books are important for a couple of different reasons: They give you a place to go to relive somebody who’s special in your life that has passed. Sometimes photos drive the book and other times text drives the book. You can also do them for pets.You can also put generational information in the book about who the person was, who their parents were, where they were born, names, dates, family information & history. Not only do you then have that information but so does your whole family, especially if you make copies of it and share it with them. It tells the story of their life, their businesses and how they changed over time. BEST MOMENTS “Looking at scrapbooks and memory books illicits memories from the past.” “Photos take you back in time, they’re like tickets to the past.” “The process of making the books can be really therapeutic for people.” “Nostalgia is good for people’s psychology & their social wellbeing.”   ABOUT THE GUEST Eileen Vierra has worked in many different industries, from banking to teaching, & even as a tour guide for T-Mobile Park & the Seattle Mariners. But, through her life, one thing has remained constant: Scrapbooking. She loves creating things that tell a story, that can be held & felt, that are cherished for years to come. Eileen then learned about Creative Memories where she could create scrapbooks for others. She quickly realized that her business was going to beyond selling products, she wanted to see how to do it for themselves. So, she set up Saturday Workshops for them & later ‘Coffee Crops’ daytime workshops & more recently, Weekend Scrapbooking Retreats. Eileen considers herself an educator, a scrapbooker, & a facilitator who doesn’t just provide the supplies but shows people how to use them. Website ABOUT THE HOST Ariel is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Empath and Psychic who has been involved in holistic healing since 1988. She is also an educator, speaker, author and mentor for empaths, spiritual seekers and medical professionals. To reach Ariel, go to www.arielhubbard.com, where you will be able to contact her directly.  Please let her know you heard her on the podcast and the assistance you need or question you have. Website: www.arielhubbard.com Online Courses: http://hubbardeducationgroup.myclick4course.com LinkedIn: @arielhubbardIG: @arielhubbardFacebook: @HubbardEducationGroupYT: @arielhubbardCH: @arielhubbard Pinterest:   https://pin.it/6Z6RozS  Pre-order form for Ariel's educational, hilarious and spicy dating book:  The Empowered Woman's Guide to Online Dating: Set Your BS Tolerance to Zerohttps://eworder.replynow.ontraport.net/
The Power of the Chakras: The Crown Chakra
The Power of the Chakras: The Crown Chakra
On this episode Ariel talks about how the crown chakra can help if you’re feeling depressed, like you have no connections to anyone, or like you weren’t switched on or lit up about life.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Those of us who have a crown chakra that’s too open have a tendency to try to check out from life with too much meditation, using drugs, too much service work/giving. Those whose crow chakra closed it affects our pineal gland which affects our sleep/waking cycles & mood, it’s really important we have the crown chakra open. It’s element is ether, its archetype is the higher power/divine, its sense is claircognisance which is a kind of knowing, people who download information & know stuff – A bit like in The Matrix where the characters are plugged in and information is downloaded into them.Positive personality traits of this chakra is feeling oneness with all beings & yourself & god/the divine. Negative personality traits are wishing to escape from physical reality & not taking responsibility for their Earth-plane life; their actions, choices, decisions to live a healthy, balanced adult life.Understanding that you’re connected to the source of the universe & that you’re always connected helps people resolve issues with their fear of death. That comes up a lot with age, as people get closer to a point of leaving their body, a lot of people experience anxiety & depression around that. When the crown chakra is open & they feel connected with source it can help to alleviate those feelings. BEST MOMENTS “This chakra connects our soul to our body, it brings in spiritual energy from the universe.” “Doing too much of something is not balance. Meditate regularly if you want to become self-realised but, if you meditate all the time that’ll be a problem, you can’t check out all the time.” “If your crown chakra is too open I teach people to make it smaller and divert that extra energy down to energise their other chakras, especially the root chakra.” “If you ever feel anxious, freaked out or overwhelmed, you probably have too open of a crown chakra.” ABOUT THE HOST Ariel is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Empath & Psychic who has been involved in holistic healing since 1988. She is also an educator, speaker, author & mentor for empaths, spiritual seekers & medical professionals. To reach Ariel, go to www.arielhubbard.com, where you will be able to contact her directly. Please let her know you heard her on the podcast & the assistance you need or question you have. Website Podcast: Woman Power Zone on all major platforms LinkedInIGFacebookYouTubeCH: @arielhubbard Pinterest   Pre-order form for Ariel's educational, hilarious, and spicy dating book:  The Empowered Woman's Guide to Online Dating: Set Your BS Tolerance to Zero Access to the Mindset Reset Club
The Power of the Chakras: Third Eye
The Power of the Chakras: Third Eye
In this episode, Ariel talks about how to open up your ability to see auras & how to trust your own intuition more deeply. KEY TAKEAWAYS If you want to see the auric field you have to open the third eye chakra because it has to do with your ability to see things from a higher perspective, which includes energies like the ones around people’s bodies. Its element is light or the mind, its archetype is Athena the goddess of wisdom & judgement, the sense is inner vision or clairvoyance, & its shape is the star.Meditate first to open up your third eye. Ideally, you meditate on opening your third eye. Get someone to sit in front of a light or dark background, breathing normally. Then you open your eyes and look around that person, when you first open your eyes you can usually see a layer of the auric field which has to do with the condition of the physical body.The third eye activates the higher mind for creative thinking & brings awareness of the big picture & one’s place in it. It’s our source of insight, inner vision & spiritual intuition. Interestingly, body image & self-image are also beliefs that develop in this chakra.Trusting in divine perfection helps us understand that things are happening that are not in our control but are happening for a reason. While we may not understand them right now we might later. When the third eye chakra is open it can help you see that.   BEST MOMENTS “This chakra will help you to see visions, the future, to open up to higher awareness. A lot of this is also learning to trust your own intuition & what you see.” “A lot of people who have intuitive abilities have been taught to ignore them because we tend to tune things out.” “The aura has 7 different layer which are each related to a different issue/area of life.”“We can’t make changes in our lives if we don’t believe we can change. We need to see ourselves differently and make changes in order to shift.” ABOUT THE HOST Ariel is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Empath & Psychic who has been involved in holistic healing since 1988. She is also an educator, speaker, author & mentor for empaths, spiritual seekers & medical professionals. To reach Ariel, go to www.arielhubbard.com, where you will be able to contact her directly. Please let her know you heard her on the podcast & the assistance you need or question you have. Website Podcast: Woman Power Zone on all major platforms LinkedInIGFacebookYouTubeCH: @arielhubbard Pinterest  Pre-order form for Ariel's educational, hilarious, and spicy dating book: The Empowered Woman's Guide to Online Dating: Set Your BS Tolerance to Zero Access to the Mindset Reset Club
The Power of the Chakras: The Zeal Point Chakra
The Power of the Chakras: The Zeal Point Chakra
On this episode Ariel talks about the chakra that works with the energy of motivation, the motivation to grow, to heal, & to expend your consciousness. KEY TAKEAWAYS The Zeal Point chakra is a new chakra, if you work with this energy you can combine it to work with your third eye and your intuition, which is your crown chakra that works with your higher consciousness.The Zeal Point is located in the upper lip through to the occiput in the back. Its element is ether, which activates spiritual awareness, and its archetype is the shaman.The thoughts that we think and feel are influenced by other people’s thoughts and we influence other people through our thoughts, feelings and beliefs too.It requires a lot of enthusiasm, drive and desire to shift yourself into higher states of consciousness, or even higher states of existence in your day-to-day life.If you are advancing in your career, expanding your network, increasing your volunteer work, and striving to improve your life, it indicates that your Zeal Point chakra is open.The Sacral chakra is associated with positive personality traits such as excitement, motivation to move forward on your path, and being willing to do what it takes to achieve your goals.The Sacral chakra can involve making changes to your belief systems, thinking patterns, habits, and actions to make progress. This may include embarking on a workout regimen, making changes to your diet, or starting to save or invest your money. BEST MOMENTS “Opening the Zeal Point chakra gives you the motivation to move forward, keep going & keep growing.”“Aspects of the divine can manifest as a flavour. Some say they’ve experienced Lord Krishna and he has a blueberry flavour & Mother Mary tastes like roses.”“The purpose of this chakra is to assist you with motivation on your spiritual path.”“We up-level according to our divine purpose because we have trust that it’s guiding us & that we’re going to align with it.” ABOUT THE HOST Ariel is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Empath & Psychic who has been involved in holistic healing since 1988. She is also an educator, speaker, author & mentor for empaths, spiritual seekers & medical professionals. To reach Ariel, go to www.arielhubbard.com, where you will be able to contact her directly. Please let her know you heard her on the podcast & the assistance you need or question you have. Website Podcast: Woman Power Zone on all major platforms LinkedInIGFacebookYouTubeCH: @arielhubbard Pinterest  Pre-order form for Ariel's educational, hilarious, and spicy dating book: The Empowered Woman's Guide to Online Dating: Set Your BS Tolerance to Zero Access to the Mindset Reset Club
The Power of the Chakras: The Throat Chakra
The Power of the Chakras: The Throat Chakra
On this episode Ariel talks about the how opening the throat chakra and how it can help with trouble with over-giving & not enough receiving, expressing your needs, wants & desires, or how you feel about your work or relationships that are difficult & fraught. KEY TAKEAWAYS Your ability to express yourself is one of the most important traits that you have, it applies to so many situations in your life; your interactions with people, the way you communicate in business & relationships, also your ability to say what you need & want, & the ability to receive – which are areas of deficiency for a lot of people.In my experience in my massage practice is that the neck is the tightest part of the body. The longest distance in the world is the distance between the head & the heart & a lot of the congestion & the stuck energy is in the neck. People shut down their throat chakra & stuff down their feelings & their throat gets so tight they can’t speak their mind. They could also be shy, embarrassed or are socially awkward, these are all places where people don’t express their inner truth or experiences about something.If you want to open this chakra you could use your voice, write, sound out your feelings, toning, singing. All these tools can be used to express your feelings, needs, emotional states & to become more conscious of what is happening in your own body.It’s important to gather information from the world by reading & hearing. We process that information through the temporal lobe & visual centres in our brain, but we also process that energy through the throat chakra. The ability to hear our spirit guides is also processed through the throat chakra as well as the ability to channel energy, do guided writing, or telepathy. BEST MOMENTS “The throat chakra is the seat of hearing & clairaudience, it’s your ability to hear & receive information but it’s also expressing divine will & the ability to speak your truth.” “This chakra is also the seat of responsibility, truth, finding one’s voice & the ability to receive.” “It’s really important to clear debilitating mental belief patterns & eliminate energy chording patterns that feed into old belief patterns or self-talk or things we’ve heard from other people in our lives.” “People who gossip, boast, curse too much, have a dominating voice, they interrupt people all the time, & they exaggerate are all expressions of too much energy flowing out through that chakra & not going in. Chakras are supposed to send energy in & out of the body.” ABOUT THE HOST Ariel is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Empath & Psychic who has been involved in holistic healing since 1988. She is also an educator, speaker, author & mentor for empaths, spiritual seekers & medical professionals. To reach Ariel, go to www.arielhubbard.com, where you will be able to contact her directly.  Please let her know you heard her on the podcast & the assistance you need or question you have. Website Podcast: Woman Power Zone on all major platforms LinkedInIGFacebookYouTubeCH: @arielhubbard Pinterest   Pre-order form for Ariel's educational, hilarious and spicy dating book:  The Empowered Woman's Guide to Online Dating: Set Your BS Tolerance to Zero Access to the Mindset Reset Club
The Power of the Chakras: The Thymus Chakra
The Power of the Chakras: The Thymus Chakra
On this episode Ariel talks about the how opening the thymus chakra can help with getting focussed on finding direction, sense of meaning, or a purpose in life. KEY TAKEAWAYS A lot of people lack a life direction, there are a lot of books & courses dedicated to teaching people how to get in touch with their life purpose. One of the things people lack is an understanding of why they’re here, what’s the point, why are they doing this? The lesson of this chakra is about being true to yourself & your purpose. Some of us go through our lives ‘as normal people’, we have kids, a job, relationships. As the kids start stepping into adulthood some of us take that time to revisit and ask why we’re here. Sometimes we end our relationships (romantic or friendships), or we end a job. It’s important to have a reason rather than feel aimless, now you get to figure out who you are, why you’re here, & set soul goals.When you feel a sense of significance & importance, either with a person that you meet or an activity that you do, that’s because your thymus chakra is ready the energy of that potential activity. It could be going on a retreat or studying in a certain field of study, it’s about deciding to do something to fulfil your purpose. The thymus glad itself is a very important glad that is large when we’re children & produces T-cells, which is an important part of our immune system. But, it tends to shrink when we grow into adulthood. This is symbolic, but a lot of times, as kids, we’re very open to the newness & joy of life, exploring what that means, & excited about it. As we get older we tend to get a little jaded & shut down. The chakra can still be opened although the glad itself has shrunk.  BEST MOMENTS “This new chakra exists halfway between the throat and heart chakra at the base of the throat. It has to do with your life purpose, why you’re here & what you came here for.” “It’s important for us to have meaning to our lives, otherwise we tend to get depressed.” “If you run into someone & you feel like you know them, you should explore getting to know that person more because there’s probably a reason you feel that way & it’s probably pretty important.” “If it feels scary, that might mean that it’s important for you to do, look at or accomplish. It may actually help you accomplish your true purpose by doing that thing.” ABOUT THE HOST Ariel is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Empath & Psychic who has been involved in holistic healing since 1988. She is also an educator, speaker, author & mentor for empaths, spiritual seekers & medical professionals. To reach Ariel, go to www.arielhubbard.com, where you will be able to contact her directly.  Please let her know you heard her on the podcast & the assistance you need or question you have. Website Podcast: Woman Power Zone on all major platforms LinkedInIGFacebookYouTubeCH: @arielhubbard Pinterest   Pre-order form for Ariel's educational, hilarious and spicy dating book:  The Empowered Woman's Guide to Online Dating: Set Your BS Tolerance to Zero Access to the Mindset Reset Club
The Power of the Chakras: The Heart
The Power of the Chakras: The Heart
On this episode Ariel talks about the heart chakra & how to bring more unconditional love into your life. KEY TAKEAWAYS A lot of us have issues with our hearts, it’s the theme of a lot of stories, plays, & movies where someone has a closed heart who aren’t able to love & they finally meet someone that opens them up to loving. In the spiritual journey, the heart chakra is the joining between the spiritual, human self & the spiritual self.The sense of the heart chakra is feeling & touch, the soul lesson is sister- or brother-hood or love, compassion, companionship, but it’s also love. The colour for the heart chakra is green or pink, if you’re wearing any green or pink jewellery or clothes, eating green or pink foods, looking at green or pink flowers, all those things work with the heart chakra. The orientation is self-acceptance & acceptance of others. IN the last few years that’s been a major problem, there’s been a lot of judgement, cancel culture, people getting mad about 1 tiny thing & rather than talk bout it they cancel someone & never speak to them again or getting in fights on social media. Those are all signs of having a closed heart chakra.Your heart is an organ that has its own intelligence. You’ve heard people talk about the head & the heart wanting different things, I talk about the trifecta: The head, the heart & the body; when all aspects of that self are united things flow really well. If you bring the spirit in too, that really binds things.The glands and organs affected by this chakra are the heart, obviously, & the pericardium, which is a sack of tissue that surrounds & protects the heart, the lungs, and the pleurite which protects your lungs, & even your arms which is why sometimes people feel heart attacks in their arms – mostly men more than women.  BEST MOMENTS “The Sanskrit word for the heart chakra is ‘Anahata’ which means ‘unstruck’.” “Especially in cultures where there’s a lot of mental activity, judgement is a key activity that we tend to overdo, you want to do your best to not judge people.” “Empathy is something that’s been missing a lot in recent years & it’s something we have to work on as a collective species to get back, it’s important, & part of that is opening up the heart chakra.” “When you’re spending time with someone who makes you feel good mentally, emotionally & physically, that’s a good match or connection for you, romantically.” ABOUT THE HOST Ariel is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Empath & Psychic who has been involved in holistic healing since 1988. She is also an educator, speaker, author & mentor for empaths, spiritual seekers & medical professionals. To reach Ariel, go to www.arielhubbard.com, where you will be able to contact her directly.  Please let her know you heard her on the podcast & the assistance you need or question you have. Website Podcast: Woman Power Zone on all major platforms LinkedInIGFacebookYouTubeCH: @arielhubbard Pinterest   Pre-order form for Ariel's educational, hilarious and spicy dating book:  The Empowered Woman's Guide to Online Dating: Set Your BS Tolerance to Zero Access to the Mindset Reset Club
The Power of the Chakras: Diaphragm
The Power of the Chakras: Diaphragm
On this episode Ariel talks about issues with digestion, the top and bottom halves of your body feeling disconnected, issues with feeling humourless, social skills or relaxing & how these can be helped by your diaphragm chakra. A great book to do Shadow Work with to open the Diaphragm Chakra is Romancing the Shadow by Connie Zweig and Phillip Wolf. KEY TAKEAWAYS The diaphragm chakra deals with unprocessed emotional upset or trauma & deeply held family patterns. The sole lesson of this chakra is letting go of these things & its colour is burgundy. Yoga teaches you to breath with all of your lungs, down to the diaphragm and back up. To do that you have to sit & pay attention to your breath which puts you in a situation where you have to present. When you’re being present you are put in touch with your feelings & what’s happening inside of you rather than being up inside your head with the chatter & thinking about a bunch of ‘stuff’.When you’re stressed you natural repress feelings, it’s part of the survival mechanism. When you’re running away from a lion you can’t be in touch with all your feelings because you wouldn’t be able to function the way you need to in order to survive. When you relax the feelings come back. The problem is that people are running around feeling stressed all the time & stress is a really big issue, it’s the source of a lot of health problems & affects our emotional state & our biochemistry. When you work with your diaphragm chakra to let yourself feel again it helps to release stress, increase cortisol, helps you get in touch with deeper things that you may have been shutting off. These are not always bad things either.It’s amazing that people can spend decades running away from emotions that are attached to a core wound. They have a feeling they’re afraid to feel again, so they wrap layers of other emotions around it. The deepest part of healing is removing those layers, getting in touch with them, feeling them & releasing them until you get to the core. Once you get to the core & release that, the dynamic of whatever that trauma/upset releases & you’re feed up & have more energy to do other things like be happy, be motivated to accomplish your goals. BEST MOMENTS “One way to know you have tension in your diaphragm is if you’re not taking deep breaths.” “This chakra helps us understand how we perceive reality & regulates how we process our deep unconscious emotions.” “Emotions are like layers of a cake/onion… when you get all the way to the core the emotion is released & the chakra clears.” “If you get in touch with your family patterns & the emotions behind them, the goal is not to continue to repeat them, it’s to transition out of those & to heal them so that your descendants & their descendants don’t have to repeat these patterns.” ABOUT THE HOST Ariel is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Empath & Psychic who has been involved in holistic healing since 1988. She is also an educator, speaker, author & mentor for empaths, spiritual seekers & medical professionals. To reach Ariel, go to www.arielhubbard.com, where you will be able to contact her directly.  Please let her know you heard her on the podcast & the assistance you need or question you have. Website Podcast: Woman Power Zone on all major platforms LinkedInIGFacebookYouTubeCH: @arielhubbard Pinterest   Pre-order form for Ariel's educational, hilarious and spicy dating book:  The Empowered Woman's Guide to Online Dating: Set Your BS Tolerance to Zero Access to the Mindset Reset Club
The Power of Cording Release
The Power of Cording Release
On this episode Ariel talks about energy cords & how to disengage your energy from other people in a healthy way – not from cord cutting, but through disengagement. KEY TAKEAWAYS Cords are bioplasmic streamers, energies that we send out from our energy system, through our chakras or sometimes through our auric field to connect to other people. It’s normal for us to do this on a daily basis, whenever we meet someone & engage with them we’re cording, even looking at them. It’s normal for people to attach through cording, the problem is staying attached after we need to disengage. We sometimes don’t know how to let go, or they don’t know how to let go of us.A lot of people who work in the energy medicine field teach cord cutting, but the problem with this is you create an injury to a cord while cutting it. What you should do is disengage energy – theirs from your field & yours from their – & clean the energy up as it passes through. You don’t want to send bad energy to others because that creates bad karma for you. Disengaging cording is like leaving a room & going out the front door. You literally leave them in their space & you in your space. This is a very helpful process when you feel like you need to clear energy after an argument or you have a busy day seeing lots of clients, you don’t want to take the energy of the previous client(s) into the meeting with the next one. Use the violet flame to transmute negative energy into positive energy so you’re not bring their negative energy back into your space. When you release your energy from their field you should also do this for the same reason. This cleans up not only the frequencies of these energies but it opens up and clears your energy so you can be clear of mind, focussed & at peace. In this state you have the ability to identify upcoming goals, actions you’re going to take to follow through on them, clear up resistances to positive changes in you life, take action. It gets you out of being stuck into movement, action & flow. BEST MOMENTS “As humans we attach & we tend to stay attached, such as still thinking about someone from a love relationship even if it didn’t end well.” “Sometimes you can feel bad juju or bad energy from someone, that’s because they’re sending energy your way & the thoughts aren’t necessarily positive.” “Cording in & of itself isn’t a bad thing, it’s natural to connect with people when you interact.” “Cords are energetic structures like arms & legs, when you cut them you damage them, it’s like cutting someone’s arm off. You don’t cut, you just diengage.” ABOUT THE HOST Ariel is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Empath & Psychic who has been involved in holistic healing since 1988. She is also an educator, speaker, author & mentor for empaths, spiritual seekers & medical professionals. To reach Ariel, go to www.arielhubbard.com, where you will be able to contact her directly.  Please let her know you heard her on the podcast & the assistance you need or question you have. Website Podcast: Woman Power Zone on all major platforms LinkedInIGFacebookYouTubeCH: @arielhubbard Pinterest   Pre-order form for Ariel's educational, hilarious and spicy dating book:  The Empowered Woman's Guide to Online Dating: Set Your BS Tolerance to Zero Access to the Mindset Reset Club
The Power of Chakras: Solar Plexus
The Power of Chakras: Solar Plexus
On this episode Ariel talks about self-esteem issues, lacking clarity or motivation & how the solar plexus chakra can help with these issues KEY TAKEAWAYS The solar plexus charka is a really important chakra because it has to do with how we feel energy, how we flow it through our system, & how we read other people’s energy. If this chakra isn’t clear, we don’t accurately perceive other people’s energy. The solar plexus is a name for the extensive nerve plexus that’s in the belly. Its purpose is to make sure the intestines are functioning correctly so that we can absorb our food. But, it’s also very sensitive to our emotions & feelings which are in turn influenced by the energy that flows through the solar plexus chakra which is yellow. If you’re not feeling motivated you probably need to eat, wear, look at, & visualise yellow.The purpose of this chakra is transformation because – physiologically - we’re taking food and turning it into energy in the intestines. It’s also about mental clarity; if you’re feeling foggy you probably have something going on with your digestive system. If the digestive flora are not doing well it can affect our mood & our mental clarity. There’s definitely a connection between what’s in your food & what’s in your mind, it can affect our mood.We send chords out through this chakra out to touch other people. There’s nothing wrong with chording, we do reach out to other people & send energy back & forth through those chords, the problem is when we over-chord, over-attach & try to pull/push energy from/to other people & stay attached when we need to let people go. BEST MOMENTS “You want to work with this chakra by flowing yellow energy in the middle of your belly.” “We need to feel self-esteem & like what we have to say, share, or who we are is of value or interest to other people. Confidence also emanates from this chakra.” “Release your attachments to outcomes & other people.” “It’s all about balance, not too much or too little of something, you want something that’s just right.” ABOUT THE HOST Ariel is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Empath & Psychic who has been involved in holistic healing since 1988. She is also an educator, speaker, author & mentor for empaths, spiritual seekers & medical professionals. To reach Ariel, go to www.arielhubbard.com, where you will be able to contact her directly.  Please let her know you heard her on the podcast & the assistance you need or question you have. Website Podcast: Woman Power Zone on all major platforms LinkedInIGFacebookYouTubeCH: @arielhubbard Pinterest   Pre-order form for Ariel's educational, hilarious and spicy dating book:  The Empowered Woman's Guide to Online Dating: Set Your BS Tolerance to Zero Access to the Mindset Reset Club
The Power of Birthdays
The Power of Birthdays
On this episode Ariel talks about the power of birthdays and gives some fun ideas on how to celebrate yours, whether it’s something you celebrate for a day, a month or something you try to ignore.  KEY TAKEAWAYS You could use your birthday as a personal State of The Union. It could give you some perspective on how you’ve done in the past year, how you are today & where you’re going. If you haven’t been goal-oriented in the past, this exercise can be enlightening on your journey.Instead of feeling bad, guilty ashamed about, or even punishing or judging yourself for something you feel like you should have done differently in the past, visualise/imagine that you’re someone else looking back at their past year. As that other person you have no emotional attachment or judgement, you’re just observing. What could this person have done differently? Ask them how they feel about the actions taken that they feel they could have done differently. If you think about where you are in your life right now, at the time of your birthday, you could take your practical goals that you’ve been writing about on your focus wheels (if you’re using them) & think about what’s been coming to you in your dreams recently about something you’d like to accomplish. You could write those ideas down as things you would like to accomplish now & in the near future.Do you feel like exploring, inspiring, helping, saving (money or time, not people as this can lead to a Messiah Complex which makes like more complicated). Think about your life right now & how you can bring more joy to it by spending time doing actions & with people that light you up. BEST MOMENTS “Where have I been, where am I now & where am I going?” “What has happened in the past year that you would have liked to have done differently?” “What choices or changes could you incorporate into your goals right now & coming up in the near future that’s different?” “A lot of the time your dreams are actually guides to help you create what you’d like to create in the future. Sometimes you higher self communicates with you through your dreams.” ABOUT THE HOST Ariel is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Empath & Psychic who has been involved in holistic healing since 1988. She is also an educator, speaker, author & mentor for empaths, spiritual seekers & medical professionals. To reach Ariel, go to www.arielhubbard.com, where you will be able to contact her directly.  Please let her know you heard her on the podcast & the assistance you need or question you have. Website Podcast: Woman Power Zone on all major platforms LinkedInIGFacebookYouTubeCH: @arielhubbard Pinterest   Pre-order form for Ariel's educational, hilarious and spicy dating book:  The Empowered Woman's Guide to Online Dating: Set Your BS Tolerance to Zero Access to the Mindset Reset Club
The Power of Dreams
The Power of Dreams
On this episode Ariel talks about the power of dreams in a dream-like way, which is the most useful way to talk about this subject. KEY TAKEAWAYS I remembered wanting to be a ballerina dancing on stage & making people happy with the dance. I remember wanting to get straight As even though other students mocked that kind of performance where I grew up. I remember wanting my mum to find another nice man to be with after my parents divorced. As I recalled the dreams I was flooded with many kinds of feelings and wishes & I realised that a lot of the things I wanted to happen lived in my dreams.Karl Jung talked about seeing every character in a dream as yourself as well as looking at vehicles in dreams as representations of your life & the state of your life. If you look at these things in your dreams as different aspects of you or your life you could use that information to address dealing with scary dreams.We all repress things, it’s part of living in a society that has rules & values which we don’t always agreed with, we supress certain parts of our personalities to live in societies. It’s understandable that you might process some of those feelings through your dreams. But, the shadow side in your nightmares is not evil.Common pursuit dreams involved being chased by something or something that’s scary, eventually you hit a dead end & have to turn and face it. It you practice making intentions before going to sleep to remember your dreams when you wake up, there’ll be a symbol in the dream that’s going to help you realise that you’re dreaming. What you can then do is you can control the dream, freeze the pursuers, ask them why they’re pursuing you & you can either fight them, tickle them, wave a magic wand & change them to being friendly.  BEST MOMENTS “I never met a dream I didn’t like.” “My dreams changed & became more family oriented as I got older, they became more about processing my emotions & understanding myself at a deeper level.” “Dream language doesn’t work in a logical, rational way but through association & symbolism.” “The outside world reflects your internal landscape. When you change the way you relate to what’s going on in your subconscious  you can also experience different results in your outer world.” ABOUT THE HOST Ariel is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Empath & Psychic who has been involved in holistic healing since 1988. She is also an educator, speaker, author & mentor for empaths, spiritual seekers & medical professionals. To reach Ariel, go to www.arielhubbard.com, where you will be able to contact her directly.  Please let her know you heard her on the podcast & the assistance you need or question you have. Website Podcast: Woman Power Zone on all major platforms LinkedInIGFacebookYouTubeCH: @arielhubbard Pinterest   Pre-order form for Ariel's educational, hilarious and spicy dating book:  The Empowered Woman's Guide to Online Dating: Set Your BS Tolerance to Zero Access to the Mindset Reset Club
The Power of the Focus Wheel
The Power of the Focus Wheel
On this episode Ariel talks about the power of manifesting & gives you a great tool called the ‘My Focus Wheel’, which you can find on her website as well as the form she references during the show. KEY TAKEAWAYS One of my favourite aspects to this form (which looks like a pie chart & you rank the sections from 1-10) is the statement: ‘what I’m delegating to the universe’. It’s important to delegate stuff to the universe because, while you’re in a process of manifesting & creating it’s very important to say what you want to create, to take steps on that & to be clear on what those steps are. However, there are certain things that are going to be outside of our control like other people’s problems/issues, finding a significant other. This takes it off your personal plate.A lot of us want to create certain dreams, experiences or energies in our lives, delegating the ‘how’ is a way to put out to the universe that you want to manifest this thing even if you don’t know how. Sometimes we get intuitive hits to move forward with a certain point of action/project/person & then our mind freaks out and gives us imposter syndrome or self-sabotaging thoughts, these are also good things to delegate out to the universe.If your 2 big declarations are: I am a magical manifestor & I am at peace, the next segment of the focus wheel asks what you’re manifesting this week. Here you’d put “I’m taking action on my intuition/ideas” or “I’m going to meditate 15 minutes a day to get in touch with my intuition” & what you’d like to create for the day. For peace it can also be meditation or it could also be that you’re letting go emotionally whenever issues arise, as well as “I take regular walks in nature”.Why is it important to recap on your wins and achievements during the week? It give you a dopamine hit & we need that. We need to take a few minutes – especially if life is hard – to sit in that energy of what’s working, what’s good, what are you grateful for, what are you happy about, what makes you feel alive. Be specific: What did you do? BEST MOMENTS “It helps you focus on what’s working & what’s not in your life, & what you can do about it. It’s great way to tap into resilience, creativity & to get some new ideas about how to do things.” “When most people have fears come up, they are more about the fear of success than failure because, when you manifest that your life is going to change.” “A lot of us have what I call ‘the box of limitations’ – a set of beliefs that keep us small & tiny & in a space where we’re not manifesting who we want to be as the biggest, best person we could be.” “If the numbers on your wheel are 5 or less, that’s an area you could do some work on.” ABOUT THE HOST Ariel is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Empath & Psychic who has been involved in holistic healing since 1988. She is also an educator, speaker, author & mentor for empaths, spiritual seekers & medical professionals. To reach Ariel, go to www.arielhubbard.com, where you will be able to contact her directly.  Please let her know you heard her on the podcast & the assistance you need or question you have. Website Podcast: Woman Power Zone on all major platforms LinkedInIGFacebookYouTubeCH: @arielhubbard Pinterest   Pre-order form for Ariel's educational, hilarious and spicy dating book:  The Empowered Woman's Guide to Online Dating: Set Your BS Tolerance to Zero Access to the Mindset Reset Club