The Skill of Slowing Down (1 Timothy 5:22-25)
We have a bread maker at home.It has a timer, so, sometimes, on particularly delightful evenings, Emma puts the ingredients in and sets the timer so the bread starts baking in the morning before anyone is awake.This means the bread bakes for 3 hours AS we’re waking up. We are greeted with a perfect, full, rounded loaf in the morning - that tastes delicious - and the smell, my goodness...This bread maker also has a speed-setting. It’ll knead and cook the loaf in under an hour… but it’s not quite the same... looks almost the same, but the loaf is a little less full and a little less tasty...Sometimes things just need more time.What has this got to do with the Apostle Paul, his spiritual son Timothy, and our good fight of faith? Let's find out...Find out more about us here - crossroadslondon.org