American Warrior Festival Episode 1- Adapt and Overcome

The American Warrior Festival Podcast

26-06-2020 • 1時間 52分

In this debut episode our host Dan Clor shares with you what the American Warrior Festival is all about. He is then joined by 3 special guests in Lieutenant Colonel U.S.M.C. retired Terry Hagen, founder of Broken Warriors Angels and Vietnam Veteran Fred Alvarado and Oliver's Candies owner Jeremy Liles as they discuss their relationship with the American Warrior Festival. In this episode we feature our programs with the Yankees, Raiders and LA Kings, music by our American Warrior Festival flagship band Weapon-X and topics that explore our theme "Adapt and Overcome."

Host : Dan Clor

Producer : Don T. Pena

Executive Producer: Dan Clor

Mastering : Bill Scott

Audio/Video intro and outro : Bill Scott and Trevor Nystrom

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