TEACHERS... Is Your Your Financial Health On Life Support?

"Crystal Loves Texas" Podcast

13-03-2024 • 1時間 7分

Hey CLT Family!

Join me tonight on my "Crystal Loves Texas" Podcast as I continue with part two of my three part series highlighting the state of Houston area teachers and education. Tonight, our special guest will be Bridgett Springer, "The Financial Lady", whose career as a financial advisor brought her to the chilling realization of how under-prepared most Texas Teachers are when it comes to securing their financial future, and the realization that teachers TRS retirement just wasn't enough. I was absolutely shocked when I learned the reality of this scenario. But there IS hope, and it's never to late to take control of your life beyond the classroom. Learn how tonight! Please SHARE this post with anyone you know who is currently in education or is recently retired!









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