Metamask Snaps : Customize your Web3 wallet w/ Christian Montoya, Senior Product Owner at Metamask

Sovereign Frontier

30-10-2023 • 31分

In this episode, thinkDecade talks to Christian Montoya, Senior Product Owner at Metamask Snaps, about the latest innovation happening within the Metamask ecosystem: Metamask Snaps. Metamask Snaps are plugins that allow users to install various applications into their Metamask wallet and interact with a wide range of blockchains and DApps. Christian shares his story of how he got into Web3, what Metamask Snaps are and how they work, and what are some of the use cases and benefits of using them.

Expect the following ⬇️

  • What is Metamask and how does it work
  • What are Metamask Snaps and how do they work
  • How to install and use Metamask Snaps
  • Some examples of Metamask Snaps and their use cases
  • The benefits of using Metamask Snaps for users and developers
  • The challenges and opportunities of building Metamask Snaps
  • The future vision and roadmap of Metamask Snaps
  • How to get involved and contribute to Metamask Snaps

Metamask website

Metamask Snaps website

Metamask Snaps GitHub repository

Metamask Snaps documentation

Metamask Snaps examples

Christian Montoya’s Twitter

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