The case for L2s in Africa with thinkDecade

Sovereign Frontier

08-09-2023 • 41分

thinkDecade joins Miss Purple on this episode to explore the case for L2s in Africa. In The Great Promise episode, a case was made about how crypto is a technology that promises financial inclusion and economic participation in a manner and scale never before seen for the everyday African. Unfortunately, this promise is threatened with challenges like transaction fees on L1 blockchains like Ethereum and Bitcoin. This episode continues the conversation by presenting how L2s such as Optimism are helping bring the Great Promise back on track.

The episode also briefly touches on Optimism's vast ecosystem and how it offers opportunities in the form of retroactive public good funding and ecosystem grants to people who provide value and build in the Op ecosystem. This means that if you are a developer who is building on Optimism, you can apply for grants to help fund your project. Additionally, if you are providing value to the Optimism ecosystem in some other way, such as by writing blog posts or tutorials, you can also apply for retroactive public good funding. This is a great way to support the development of the Optimism ecosystem and to get rewarded for your contributions.

The Optimism ecosystem is currently undergoing a great deal of experimentation with its governance and superchain thesis. We strongly advise you to keep an eye on this ecosystem.

Thank you for tuning in.

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The Bankless Africa show highlights projects, ecosystems, and people making impacts and driving crypto adoption across Africa. Get informed on all things Bitcoin, Defi, NFTs, web3, and everything in between.


None of what is shared in this show is financial or tax advice. This channel is strictly educational and is not investment advice or solicitation to buy or sell any asset or to make any financial decision.  Remember always to do your own research!

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