Episode 40-(S3-Ep 1)-"Like a Virgin"

Creek Talk Podcast with Stephen & Jayme

06-05-2022 • 1時間 50分

Welcome Back Creek Talkers!

Did you miss us?

We took a week off to deal with life, but we're back this week recapping Season 3, Episode 1, "Like a Virgin."

You guys, we're on SEASON FREAKIN' THREE!! How? Where? When did this happen?

Dawson (James Van Der Beek) meets a mysterious new woman (Brittany Daniel) on his bus ride home from visiting his mother in Philadelphia.  When bus girl suddenly shows up in Capeside, our mystery woman decides to wreak some hormonal havoc on our film buff/tv show namesake.

Joey (Katie Holmes) notices Dawson avoiding her, but all she wants is to talk to him and apologize. You know, for all that stuff that happened with her dad going back to prison? After one moment of vulnerability, Joey realizes that things may never be able to be the same between she and Dawson.

Pacey (Joshua Jackson) is still Andie-less so he decides to buddy up with his BFF Dawson and help him find his "bus girl." After a boat accident involving Dawson and said mystery woman, Pacey comes up with a quick plan to raise some extra cash for his friend.

Jack (Kerr Smith) and Jen (Michelle Williams) have now practically become an old married couple since he moved in with Jen and Grams. After an accidental football catch and an audition to join the Cheerleading squad, both of our loveable outcasts realize that their Junior year at Capeside High might be a little bit different than they had initially thought.

We also discuss strip clubs, Bob Segar's "Old Time Rock and Roll," and how Brittany Daniel pretty much looks exactly the same in everything. So, get ready Creek Talkers because this is the year of taking V Cards! Join us as we discuss Season 3, Episode 1, "Like a Virgin."

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**Original Theme Song Written & Performed by Justin Michael
**Original Lyrics Written by Stephen Gavis & Jayme Whitehead

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