This Little Light
Dawn Wing
Shedding light on topics the Church has left in the dark.
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WWJD Trailer
A bit of what's comin your way in episode 2!
Genealogy of Motherhood
Taking a look into the genealogy of Jesus, a hot topic, and some incredible science involving motherhood!
Weary With Heavy Burdens
This episode is a little heavy but it's necessary to talk about the heavy things sometimes.
Sunday Is Coming
We are coming to the end of Holy Week and goodness, has it been an eye opening week. Listen in to hear what the Lord showed me through this week!
House of Feels
We've made an altar of our feelings and it's time to tear it down.
Smoke And Mirrors
YOU get the opportunity to make a good choice today. Are you going to do it?
No Fear of the Unknown
Fear only has as much power as you let it have in your life. In this episode we talk about the science behind fear, what fear really is, and how fear motivated some of the Words greatest heroes!
Reset vs Revival
The enemy is deadset on a reset because he knows the Church knows revival is coming. We are on the very edge of an outpouring of Christ like we've never known in our lifetime! Friends, we must understand where we are in order to pray and prepare for where we're going. The enemy wants reset because he wants control and he is using any and everyone who isn't submitted to the will of God to try and get it done. We know Jesus has already defeated death, hell and the grave. Trust me, Satan knows as well. His days are few and he plans to spend every last one of them trying to take us all down with him. Our days are few as well and we have to get serious! As it is in Heaven can only come into fruition if we dedicate the rest of our days to advancing the Kingdom of God! Let's step into our inheritance and walk in all we've been given as the ones God adopted as His own sons and daughters. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords has given us more power, authority, and dominion than all the world's leaders combined and SATAN IS FULLY AWARE OF THIS. Knowing what the enemy is working on points us in the right direction to usher in all God has for the ones willing to receive! I'm so excited for the days to come and I pray after hearing this you're equally as excited!
Talking With A Teenager
Adults view the world through a very filtered lens. Our youth live it. Hearing about Jesus, life, and how to handle the two in this world straight from a 14 year old is something we all need to hear.
Know Your Role pt 4
We GET to raise godly children in 2022! Let's do it HIS way!
Know Your Role pt 3
"Marriage has a way of surfacing the worst in us. And then God calls each to love and respect that person anyway; essentially, He is asking them to put the gospel in action!" - Marcie Cramsey
Know Your Role pt 2
MEN!! Let me remind you... God intended masculinity to be apart of the divine strategy of establishing His Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven. Distraction disrupted all of creation but the death of Christ disrupted all of hell. Jesus perfected masculinity so you could walk out the divine strategy.
Know Your Role part 1
In order to be world changers we have to know who we are in the world, right? This is part one of at least a 4 part series called Know Your Role where I'll be talking about the roles of women, men, marriage, and children.
Not Today Satan
I had some explaining to do but I'm back and I've hit the ground running! Happy New Year!
There Is Hope
Merry Christmas friends! Praying you have the best Christmas!
Boundaries Are A Good Thing
Jesus was great at boundaries! Let me tell you about some of the ways he established those in his life and how he wants us to do the same!
Just Justice
Social justice is a lie but hallelujah for just justice!
Flip It
The real Jesus, fake manipulated Hippie version of Jesus, Romans 13, civil disobedience, outcasts, righteous anger, our call, and Australia. It all comes together in the end. Pinky promise.
Turn The World Upside Down
Haman, Esther, Mordecai, Hitler, the Holocaust, the Church, Native Americans, slavery, Civil Rights, abortion, and COVID.... ALL OF IT.
Not On Our Watch
SURPRISE!!! Astroworld, Altamont and a little heart to heart.
So, maybe the Church needs to start asking WWJD.... maybe? I think we may have forgotten that during COVID....