What The Hell Is Wrong With Us? Ep. 1 - Weaveworld

talkingrobocop's podcast

06-06-2019 • 2時間 34分

In a new, not-Robocop-related podcast, frequent guest of the show George Daniel Lea and I discuss various works that have had a significant impact on us. In this first episode, we discuss Clive Barker's Weaveworld, a childhood favourite. Expect digressions into other Barkers works, references to King, the 80's, Thatcher's Britain and Section 28, and so much more. Hope you enjoy it.

George's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPISvY5rQc11WHawNX5w-Nw

George's website:http://www.strangeplaygrounds.com/

Help fund the podcast and Kit's writing by backing his Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/kitpower