Watching Robocop with Kit Power Ep.21 - w/RJ Barker

talkingrobocop's podcast

19-02-2020 • 2時間 1分

In episode 21 of Watching Robocop with Kit Power, I am delighted to be joined by legendary fantasy author RJ Barker. RJ is simply one of my favourite human beings, and in this freewheeling, wide-ranging conversation, topis we alight upon include:

  • The gorgeousness of ED209
  • The joy of heavy-duty painkillers
  • The negative impact of carpets on ED209
  • How the gas station attendant is really all of us
  • ED209's family life
  • Squidgy head man
  • The ballad of ED209

And much, much more. Enjoy, and thanks as ever for listening.

RJ Barker's work can be found here (and you should go find it, it's awesome)

Theme tune provided by The Disciples of Gonzo, from their track Superhero. Listen to more from them here:

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