0 - We Learned More From A Three Minute Record - Wrecking Ball PILOT

talkingrobocop's podcast

02-07-2023 • 2時間 31分

In which the brilliant James Slater-Murphy and I sit down, pretty much on a whim, to talk about our favourite Bruce Springsteen album, only to back into what we've realised will be a 30-episode deep dive into his studio albums, and selected live performances.

The format is simple; we discuss our initial encounter with the record, then our overall experience, then we go track by track.

It turned out pretty good. We're excited to do more. Hope you dig it.

Our patroen backers will get early access to future episodes:

James Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jimslater

Kit's Patreon: www.patreon.com/kitpower