173. Jesus Christ series 2023, Part 4

Called By God Podcast

25-12-2023 • 1時間 16分

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We delve into the plot against Jesus Christ, the Pharisees' crucial role, and the scheming by religious leaders of the time. We examine Jesus’ unyielding focus on his heavenly mission, even when faced with danger, and discuss how this serves as a profound example for us. We then move on to contemplate the significance of the Last Supper, the impact of Jesus' betrayal by those closest to him, and the repercussions of Judas' betrayal.

Finally, we pause to explore the transformative power of Jesus' resurrection after the agonizing pain he endured for us. The tale of Judas, driven by money and greed, serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us of the consequences of not fully embracing our Christian journey. As we conclude, we examine the importance of sharing the Gospel and the immense love of Jesus that led him to die for us. We leave you with the thought to express our gratitude for God's grace by being generous and supporting our fellow Christians. This episode promises to deepen your understanding of the Biblical narratives and their relevance to our lives today.

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Plan of Salvation:

  • Hear: Romans 10:17
  • Believe: Hebrews 11:6
  • Repent: Acts 17:30-31
  • Confess: Matthew 10:32
  • Be Baptized: Mark 16:15-16
  • Be faithful unto death: Revelation 2:10

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