20: Message from Al


06-11-2023 • 13秒

As I pen down these words on my 20th birthday, I can't help but reflect on the journey that has brought me here. This year has been particularly challenging, and I've carried the weight of my identity as a Queer individual for quite some time. It's like I've learned the art of letting go, of releasing things that were never truly mine. I've let go of people I held dear, and I've buried some of my once-lofty aspirations deep within. Becoming an adult has proven to be a formidable task. It's no longer about right or wrong but about navigating the murky waters in between. The deep-seated pain, the enduring trauma – they've been my uninvited companions, teaching me the profound lessons of life. Yet, everything I've endured is a part of my journey to adulthood. I hold onto the belief that, someday, happiness will come, just as I had imagined it before. I have faith that I will become the person I once aspired to be. I find myself puzzled at times, wondering why growing up often involves hurting each other more than embracing one another. Is this pain an inherent part of growing up? I'm not sure. All the pain stemming from those closest to me – friends, past lovers, siblings, and even parents – has led me to a crucial realization: I cannot place my hopes and dreams solely in the hands of others. My life is my own responsibility. Today, I stand tall and look forward, ready for the next chapter in my life. To my dear self, happy birthday.