The Kingdom Professional’s Takeover

Fellowship of Kingdom Professionals with Michael A. Blue

02-12-2022 • 55分

In this episode, host Michael Blue describes how God shaped his perspective and has given him a passion to teach the Kingdom of God and to enable believers to understand that God’s intention for us is to “take over” the systems of this world through the power of the Gospel. The takeover that God instigates has nothing to do with natural weapons or warfare. His takeover utilizes Galatians 5:22 and John 13:35, the fruit of the Spirit, I Corinthians 12:8, the gifts of the Spirit, can TAKE OVER in every realm through supernatural excellence in his or her performance and in his or her personality. The Bible says, “His banner over me was love.” Song of Solomon 2:4 He conquered with love. Love – not coercion, not military force, not protest, not oppression, not brutality – it is love that God has used throughout history, and still uses, to overwhelm culture. The world has no defense (and needs none) against the LOVE of God in the lives of his people. It is irresistible! The indwelling Spirit of God empowers the performance and the personality of His representatives to stand out in stark contrast to the darkness of this age. And people, all people, LONG for love. God’s love is the only satisfaction for the human heart. All these things that the world invests millions of dollars attempting to teach, i.e., customer service, civility, high ethics, these things are only fully derived from the Greatest Commandments in their essence: “Love God. Love people.”

New podcast episodes are available on Fridays everywhere you listen to podcasts. The Fellowship of Kingdom Professionals meets every Monday live with Michael A. Blue at 11:30 AM via Facebook and Youtube. Stay connected to all things Fellowship of Kingdom Professionals and connect to other Kingdom Professionals by joining our Facebook Group,

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