The Kingdom Professional’s Gratification

Fellowship of Kingdom Professionals with Michael A. Blue

11-11-2022 • 45分

God has established a reward system along with the callings that He bestows. If you serve well in that which you are called to do, there is a “paycheck” associated with it. God has given you a gift. That gift is a means by which you are to govern. The outcome of this governing – positively impacting and influencing the world around us – is threefold in this order: the glory of God, the good of people, and the gratification of the gifted one.

Satisfaction does exist in the material wealth realm. However, it is the lowest level of fulfillment. Fulfillment may be the smile of a recovering patient, a sincere thanks from a client, or the achievement of your student: money cannot equate to the pleasure derived from knowing that you had a hand in these matters. As a Kingdom Professional, if you fulfill your assignment, you may expect satisfaction in varying degrees and dimensions. The greatest is the joy of knowing that you have pleased God. But after this is the reward of people’s good, which will also result in your personal gratification. It is God’s Will that His faithful stewards and collaborators shall ultimately and fully be satisfied.

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