Klemmer Reacts to Dave Portnoy Cutting his Stream - Full Episode

KFC Radio

12-03-2024 • 1時間 19分

Timecodes: 01:26 Klemmer and John are pissed at the way co workers got in trouble 14:19 People weren't allowed to speak to Klemmer when he got out 21:51 The New York office is true blue Barstool 31:47 How do we chance the NY office? 52:31 Coming out of solitary confinement 58:10 Sleeping too much on the stream 01:07:25 Did Klemmer break solitary confinement? 01:13:58 Putting the puzzle together 01:16:33 What should John's speech be? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ KFC: Order KFC’s NEW Chizza at a participating KFC location today! https://kfcshop.com/?utm_source=%25s&utm_medium=Content&utm_campaign=KFC_Radio&utm_content=%25ecid%21 https://bit.ly/KFC_Chizza Netflix: NETFLIX | THE GENTLEMEN LIKE IT WHEN YOU WATCH. https://www.netflix.com/title/81437051 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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