167. Emotional Muscle Memory

The Long and The Short Of It

07-12-2021 • 16分

Jen made a surprising discovery upon her return to teaching in-person classes, and she shares with Pete the unexpected change she has witnessed in many of her clients.

Specifically, in this episode Jen and Pete talk about:

  • Why might people be different coming out of the pandemic, and how might that difference manifest itself?
  • What are ways in which we can release the habits and the stories we tell ourselves that no longer serve us?
  • How can one create positive emotional muscle memory?

To hear all Episodes and read full transcripts visit The Long and The Short Of It website: https://thelongandtheshortpodcast.com/.

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Learn more about Pete's work here (https://humanperiscope.com/) and Jen's work here (https://jenwaldman.com/).