How to Regulate Mom Anxiety and Kids' Big Emotions | Whitney Call
When's the last time you felt completely overwhelmed as a parent? Or looked at the child in front of you having a meltdown and felt your own meltdown coming on? And to be clear, we're not just talking about toddler tantrums. At any age and every stage, kids' big emotions can be difficult to deal with, especially when you're trying to regulate both for them and for yourself. How do you deal with the anger, frustration, overwhelm, fatigue, overstimulation and overall sensory overload? Comedian, writer, and filmmaker Whitney Call offers the parenting lessons and techniques that have allowed her to be the first line of defense for her children's big emotions, while sustainably regulating her own. She and Lisa talk mom anxiety, decoding the way kids communicate, and what self-compassion looks like as a parent.
#thelisashow #BYUradio #parenting #emotions