Episode 3: Looking beyond the obvious – Safeguarding and community safety with British Transport Police

Wales Safer Communities Network

14-09-2021 • 28分

Welcome to our brand new podcast series exploring community safety in Wales.

Our guest this week is Inspector Richard Powell, British Transport Police. In this episode, we talk about safeguarding and community safety, and protecting the vulnerable through collaborative working and looking beyond the obvious.

Advice, support and additional information
-If there is a crime in action or immediate threat to life dial 999.
-Small Talk Saves Lives campaign https://www.samaritans.org/wales/support-us/campaign/small-talk-saves-lives/
-Samaritans Cymru 116123 https://www.samaritans.org/wales/samaritans-cymru/
-Mind Cymru 0300 123 3393 https://www.mind.org.uk/about-us/mind-cymru/
-CALL Helpline Wales 0800 132 737 https://www.callhelpline.org.uk/
-Rail Suicide Prevention https://railsuicideprevention.co.uk/
-BTP County Lines Taskforce https://www.btp.police.uk/news/btp/news/england/btp-county-lines-taskforce--its-role-results-and-efforts-to-tackle-gangs/
-BTP Child Sexual Exploitation https://www.btp.police.uk/advice/advice-and-information/caa/child-abuse/child-sexual-exploitation/
-Barnardo’s https://www.barnardos.org.uk/
-Parents Against Child Exploitation https://paceuk.info/
-NSPCC https://www.nspcc.org.uk/
-Every Child Protected Against Trafficking UK https://www.ecpat.org.uk/
-Children and young people can contact:
Fearless to report crime anonymously
Gangsline for free advice and support from ex-gang members
Victim Support if they've experienced crime
Childline can provide advice for children and young people
-Modern Slavery Helpline 08000 121 700 https://www.modernslaveryhelpline.org/?language=
-BAWSO https://bawso.org.uk/home/Human-Trafficking/
-Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 https://crimestoppers-uk.org/campaigns-media/campaigns/sexual-harassment-on-the-railways-zero-tolerance
-If you see or experience sexual harassment on any train or in any station you can text 61016 or you can call the railway’s sexual harassment line on 0800 783 0137
-BTP Sexual Harassment – advice and information https://www.btp.police.uk/advice/advice-and-information/sh/stalking-harassment/what-is-stalking-harassment/
-BTP Sexual Harassment – how to report stalking or harassment https://www.btp.police.uk/advice/advice-and-information/sh/stalking-harassment/how-to-report-stalking-harassment/
-BTP Sexual Harassment – campaign page https://www.btp.police.uk/police-forces/british-transport-police/areas/campaigns/Sexual-Harassment/
-National Stalking Helpline https://www.suzylamplugh.org/pages/category/national-stalking-helpline
-There is also support provided through the Child Safeguarding & Adult Safeguarding arrangements which are based within each Local Authority across Wales https://safeguarding.wales/
-Corresponding Welsh language episode https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/rhwydwaith-cymunedau-mwy-diogel-cymru/id1580571117?uo=4

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