Episode 8: Supporting victims and communities in north Wales

Wales Safer Communities Network

07-12-2022 • 26分

Welcome to Series 2 of the Safer Communities Podcast. Our guest this week is North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner, Andy Dunbobbin. In this episode, we’ll be looking at what’s being done in north Wales to support the safety of women and girls.

Advice, support and additional information
- If you’ve witnessed or been the victim of crime, please report it to the Police. Call 101 or report it online. In an emergency, call 999.
- Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner North Wales https://www.northwales-pcc.gov.uk/
- Police and Crime Plan https://www.apccs.police.uk/media/6948/north-wales-police-crime-plan-2021.pdf
- DASU North Wales https://www.dasunorthwales.co.uk/
- Gorwel http://www.gorwel.org/eng/
- Victim Help Centre North Wales https://www.northwales-pcc.gov.uk/victim-help-centre
- Sexual Abuse Support Centre (SASASC) North Wales https://www.rasawales.org.uk/
- Live Fear Free Helpline https://gov.wales/live-fear-free
- Welsh Government violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence strategy https://gov.wales/violence-against-women-domestic-abuse-and-sexual-violence-strategy-2022-2026
- Safer Communities Podcast Episode 7: Prevention – How bystanders can help to stop sexual harassment against women and girls https://open.spotify.com/episode/2oxX22ESo7F2FC7SdYc61z
- Additional information and useful links can be found on the Wales Safer Communities Network website https://safercommunities.wales/vawdasv/

If you enjoyed this episode…
Like, subscribe, and join in on the discussion via Twitter by tagging us @WalesSaferComms. If you are a Welsh speaker, you might like to listen to the corresponding Welsh language episode with Rhian Rees Roberts, the Scrutiny & Policy Officer, and Stephen Hughes, Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer, for the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for North Wales.