Overworked and Overwhelmed Business Owner Help Is Here Don't Sacrifice Any Longer

The Business of Business Podcast

06-10-2021 • 37分

Overworked and Overwhelmed Business Owner Help Is Here Don't Sacrifice Any Longer with Kasey Compton

When your in growth mode it's easy to start feeling overwhelmed and working too much? You probably got into the business for the perks of ownership. Between doing your books, marketing, fulfillment, and the many other tasks in your day you have no more time. One word...systems! You can apply systems in your business to make scaling easier.

About Kasey

Kasey Compton is a determined entrepreneur who has successfully scaled four businesses past the multi-million mark. Kasey designed her mental health practice, Mindsight Behavioral Group, to be highly recognizable, community-focused, and profitable, going from zero to three million in less than three years with plans to dominate the world! She is on a mission to help business owners find the entrepreneurial confidence to design and live the life they've always wanted.

Hi, I’m Kasey Compton. I went from bankrupt to Boss Babe when I took my first company from zero to three million in less than three years without ditching my life to do it. That experience allowed me to find the confidence I had stuffed down deep beneath all my fear and shame.

Now, I own a business consulting firm, a marketing company, a virtual assistant business, a commercial real estate corporation, and a hair salon in addition to my growing mental health practice.

I chose not to let fear get in my way and built my confidence one decision at a time.

Because of my experience, I am on a mission to help people find their own entrepreneurial confidence.

How did I do it? Glad you asked…..

Life is full of systems, even if you don't call them that. You have a system for checking the mail, a system for getting ready in the morning, and a system for running your business. When we strengthen those by increasing efficiency and decreasing friction, we create ease and confidence and decrease our limits.

Weak systems limit your freedom by tying you to your tasks. Feeling overworked and overwhelmed? Often, it's a systems issue.

When your systems are secure, you have the peace of mind to start a new business, scale your current business, or change paths altogether.



Full Transcript Below

Overworked and Overwhelmed Business Owner? Help Is Here, Don't Sacrifice Any Longer with Kasey Compton

Wed, 6/30 12:02PM • 37:18


people, business, book, kasey, system, scale, scaling, reach, leads, component, businesses, business owners, good, marketing, person, work, hear, questions, healthcare, writing


Kasey, Roy Barker

Roy Barker 00:07

Hello, and welcome to another episode of The Business of Business Podcast. I'm your host Roy. Of course, we are the podcast that brings you a wide variety of topics from a diverse set of guests. We always are trying to find out those little missing pieces to help make us more successful. And also, we'd like to provide experts that can help you if you're bumping up against something that's holding you back, definitely give you some things to think about or somebody to reach out to.

Today, we're excited to have Kasey Compton with this. She is a determined entrepreneur who has had who has successfully scaled for businesses past the multi million dollar mark. She's designed for mental health practice, mindset behavioral group, to be the recognizable community focused and profitable, going from zero to 3 million in less than three years. with plans to dominate the world. I love that she is on a mission to help business owners find the entrepreneurial confidence to design and live the life they've always wanted.

Also, She is the author of fix this next, it's a book kind of geared at health care practitioners, if I'm not mistaken, that helps them to figure out what they need, or help them prioritize the needs of the business. So Kasey, thanks so much for being with us today. Yeah, thank you for having me. I'm excited to be here. So before we get too far into this, tell us a little bit about your story. I mean, I've read some other collateral, and you've got a good story to tell. So, you know, kind of tell us a little bit about that how you ended up here.

Kasey 01:37

Yeah, I think, um, my story is very similar to a lot of a lot of other stories that I hear, it's kind of that it sounds so cliche, but it's sort of like that rags to riches story, I started with basically nothing after a terrible relationship, and was working for a company and felt like I had no control over my future and the trajectory of my life that I was living in. So after a pretty rough, high risk pregnancy, that kept me on flat bed rest for about five months, after I had my daughter, I just decided I was going to take things into my own hands. And I tell people that the only thing I could really afford, because we lost almost everything we had during that time, because I wasn't financially prepared for that kind of hit.

The only thing I could afford to do was think and check out library books. So that's what I did, I spent a lot of time thinking about business and how I wanted to start my own and what that was going to look like. And very soon after, that's what I did. And it just has taken off. And one thing has led to another and I've found a lot of joy in creating and designing things from from nothing into something that is helpful to people.

Roy Barker 03:03

Yeah, that's awesome. I love to hear those stories. And I do like the component about you had time to think and he had time to, to, you know, check out these books, because I feel like education is very important. And I'm you know, I believe, even if you want to do a trade, the college experiences, important. But there's also a lot of other ways to gain that education, you just have to, like, reach out and take the time. To me, that's the biggest part is a lot of great books, but trying to take that time to really do it, study it and put it into play. It's difficult.

Kasey 03:36

It is I think people forget to that their, that their community is so rich in opportunity. And aside from just reading, I would you know, every time I would speak to the bank, or you know, the banker, or my CPA, or my accountant or any kind of professional, I would ask questions. And I would say, you know, so if I were going to do this, what should I be doing now to prepare myself and just really trying to build relationships so that I could hopefully leverage those relationships at some point down the road.

Roy Barker 04:13

And I was having a conversation with a gentleman over the weekend. And we kind of talked about that a little that. You'd be surprised how willing people are to help you out if you just ask the question. And I think you have to, you have to be mindful of how you approach people the relationship you have and how you ask it. But so many times people will be glad to help you out even you know, sometimes even people that are in the same industry in the same town a lot of times you know what I always do, try to find somebody that's maybe a little geographically diverse than I am to reach out to but I've never been turned down.

And but I always try to have something to give back to them as well. You just can't put a price in that. Right totally agree So, now you, you have a mental health practice the the mindset behavioral group, is that correct? And so you've been able to scale that I mean, going from three years to multi million dollars. That is, that's really quite a feat.

Kasey 05:17

Yeah, that's what that's what I hear. And and you know, honestly, I didn't know that that was that big of a deal. I live in a very small town in South Central Kentucky. And so there's not a lot of other supportive industry, people in my community that I can go to and say, because I would always wonder, I would say, Wait, are we on track? Like, are we are we where we should be? Is this normal? I was just always trying to establish a baseline, how much should I be making in this role, and nobody would tell me, I had no idea.

And so for a couple of years, I just kept my head down and just focused on what I was doing, and didn't even try anymore to look around and try to compare. And it just it, it happened, I think, because I was able to find what worked on a smaller, more manageable scale, and create systems to be able to sustain that when I was ready to scale it. So that's really what I did in that whole first year was, let's just fine tune everything, let's look at every single thing and ask ourselves, will this work?

If it's 100 times the size or you know, 10 times the size, and if it didn't work, then we wouldn't do it, we would change it. And so that's, that's really what happened is just put all the time into developing the systems. And then when we were ready to really go for it, there was there was no capacity anymore. You know, it was just it was limitless, almost right

Roy Barker 06:50

Yeah, the thing that he talked about an important part about developing systems, practices, procedures, not only, you know, for the scaling portion, but I think this goes for the business things as well. Because a lot of times, you know, once you start scaling, and you get behind on the other systems that you have, that you need to support this growth, it can be detrimental. And I hate to always bring this up.

But it's a real problem is that I have seen some very successful marketing and sales people that have gone out of business because they didn't have the support for the growth, you know, in basically what it is. It's just word of mouth, you went to their business, you didn't get good service, even if they have a good product or whatever, you know, word of mouth to the community, and they're dead. And so I think it's important to build that base.

Kasey 07:43

Yeah, absolutely. And that's actually So you mentioned the book that I wrote. And that's one of the big components in that book is I believe that there are taken from Mike mccalla wits, his original model called the business hierarchy of needs, I adapted it a little bit, but we believe that sales, you're in your sales level of your business, which is your foundational level of your business, because without sales, you have no business.

There are five coordinates and one of those core needs is delivering on commitments. And that is where so many people miss the mark, they they over promise under deliver, they without even realizing it get a bad reputation. They they can't do they want to do what they say that they're going to do, but they can't they don't have the infrastructure, strong enough to support that. And I think that that's where most businesses start to fail is right there at that level in sales.

Roy Barker 08:44

Yeah. That and the other thing is trust. You know, I think that and I'm not sure exactly, you know, your model, but a lot of times, it's the, when we do decide that we want to grow, we have to have people around us that we trust that we can leverage our time because at some point, we're just one person there's 24 hours in a day and we just can't touch in handle everything. So how, how big of a component has that been in you growing your business huge.

Kasey 09:14

It's huge. It's it's actually the thing that I feel like it's our bottleneck all the time. It's the thing that slows our growth down. It's the thing that makes me question Am I doing the right thing Am I not almost feel like, you know, I've been burned a lot and I've told some stories about those. Those things because they're pretty bad. And it's all boiled down to trust, trusting the wrong people, giving them too much responsibility without enough accountability.

And you know, so I really focus now on bringing people in giving them responsibility, making sure that they're held accountable and watching it while it cycles and and then that gives me a better understanding of who I am. can trust and who I can't trust? Because I'm a very open person I don't you know, like, Well, I'll tell anyone anything. It's not it's not that's just my nature. But that's come back to get me a few times. Yeah.

Roy Barker 10:12

Yeah. And it's difficult. And that's something I'm talking about, you know, I do a lot with employee retention. And we have a mindset, unfortunately, in this day and time is that, you know, employee retention means that we have a pool table, and we serve beer, you know, whatever the, the gimmicks are on the back end. But you know, one thing I feel and, you know. I'll put this to you as a question is, it's hiring the right people on the front end.

Because if you make a bad hire, you can give them all the beer and barbecue and pool tables that they want, they can still be toxic. They can still not be getting the job done. And so, really, which kind of ties into another point about our systems and procedures is that if you want to build your business, by scaling, you can't wake up on Monday and said, Hey, I really want to scale. I need to start, you know, or I'm scaling, I need to hire people. These are things that you really have to get out in front of and do in a good lead time.

Kasey 11:14

Right? Yeah. Yeah. And I wish it were just as easy as theirs. I'll just be honest, you know, there's been times in my business when the need, the demand was so strong, that I have sacrificed what I really knew my business deserved. As far as employees and people. You know, I would find myself making excuses for certain applicants like, well, they're not really what I'm looking for, but they'll probably be okay. And there's never been a time that that has worked out positively. For me. It's always backfired.

And then, you know, I think that there are so many posts out there on LinkedIn, and on social media that says, you know, people don't leave bad, what is it, people don't leave bad jobs, really bad managers? Or, you know, I hate that stuff. Because, yeah, it's probably true. But it makes us that all these businesses feel like crap, because there's some times that people are gonna leave, and it doesn't matter how great you are to them.

And doesn't matter what you do to them, it's just not a good fit. So like, knowing what your business is all about, and knowing what the personality traits are that you are looking for, and the work ethic and the talents and the task. It's huge and and I think it's something that takes a lot of practice. So people that that don't do it a lot or aren't aren't interested in it, I think it takes them a little longer to find those people that they really do trust.

Roy Barker 12:48

Yeah. And I talk about marketing as a, you know, you have the market for talent, like you market for consumers that you know, you it's, sometimes we get put in a position, we have to put the indeed out indeed out, indeed, ad out there and see what we get, you know, I get that. But typically, you know, we have a bunch of poor people to wade through. And then like you said, we start making, you know, it's like, it's 11 o'clock at night.

And you're bleary eyed from looking through, you know, 300 resumes, it's like this guy here. That's when we tend to make poor decisions, where if we kind of get out there and market a little bit and talk to people keep our eyes open, when we're at other businesses. You can have people that actually want to come to work for you. And so you can have a choice. It's difficult, it takes some time, it takes some work, but the position that you're in, I think we we've all been there before. It's like, you know, we knew it was questionable, but we felt like we had to do it, we didn't have a choice. And then it takes us more time to unwind all the bad things that happen, you know.

And the other thing too, given the time to it, I've talked to people the this guy was in health care, and he hired like, 15 people in one month. And I'm like, Oh, my gosh, I've got a part time marketing person that when I have to replace this person, I mean, it takes two three weeks a lot of grueling this. I mean, he just sometimes you get what you give, and you really have to put a lot of effort to making sure that the right person the right fit, and that you're you know, that you can get along.

Kasey 14:18

Yeah, and thinking about costs. You know, we talked about, like customer acquisition costs all the time, but not a lot of people talk about employee acquisition costs. And I and I have a human resources person in my business, and that's what I talked to her about all the time is like, Look, yes, you know, we can hire people, but we have, it's almost like it's almost like you're in Vegas, you know, you're betting on this. Here. We've spent $2,000 already just to get this person in here.

And if we get them in here, and they're the wrong person, how much more money is that going to cost us and then if they are toxic, and they start spreading that bad apple seed across the company and five more leave, how much does that cost? Do you so it It's just really, people are so unpredictable. And so it's, it's hard, that's a hard component to manage. Yeah. And

Roy Barker 15:09

in your business, especially, you know, because I've tell you, I've had a lot of professional practitioners that I love them. And I hated to quit going to them. But the office staff and the people that surrounded them was, it was insurmountable. I mean, it was just too much, you know, and, you know, finally, I had to make a decision to leave this person just because of that. So, yeah, it's important component, because you're not the only one that has contact with your consumers or your prospects.

So again, it makes a lot of difference. And, you know, the cost of the acquisition, you know, there are a lot of numbers out there, but I've seen some as high as even for a $10 an hour and employee, you know, cost and maybe up to $10,000. Now, I usually put that average around, you know, 3000 5000, maybe 750 70 7500. But it's a, it's a huge component, especially if you start turning over 10 1520 people a year.

Kasey 16:11

Yeah, and, you know, that's true, especially what you just said, for my mental health practice. But, you know, I have other businesses too, that are not mental health or not healthcare related whatsoever. And, specifically, my consulting business, where the the, the face of that the person that is has the most communication and contact with my clients, if she sets a bad example, it looks, it looks poorly on me. So I have to really make sure.

And I think people don't always realize that you could have systems in place to make sure that that experience and those experiences that your customers or have or are having are happy and pleasant. And it's it's, it goes right back to that accountability piece. And so it's super important. We can't just, we can't throw money at something and then walk away. If we're going to put money into it, we have to make sure that we're getting money out of it.

Roy Barker 17:05

Yeah. Yeah. Unless that's a good transition to you know, being in growth mode and scaling is, you know, paying attention, then, let's just go back to you know, you design a good plan, you've kind of tested it, and life is good, but you can't just fling it out there and not pay attention. I mean, I'm sure that you still have to monitor that. And you still probably have to make some little tweaks, even if you think you got it 90% there.

Kasey 17:31

Yeah, yeah, I call it pressure testing, I don't know, everyone calls it something different. But I like to set up the system to, you know, set up the system with a very high capacity, and put it in as much of a controlled environment as I possibly can. So for example, let's say we're testing out a sales funnel, a new sales funnel, in the consulting business, if if we have 10 other projects going on at that time, and we have leads coming in from 10 different places, it's very hard for me to really key in on how effective the sales funnel is I'm trying to test and the system that we're going to use.

And so what what I like to try to do is just like turn everything else off, or at least figure out how to keep it from from muddying up the water here. And and then really just test it slowly. And then put some pressure on it, and then see where it cracks and then go back in and modify before I really open up and like, you know, some people are putting AD AD budgets and everything into certain marketing strategies. And I'm not gonna do that unless I know my system is working.

Roy Barker 18:45

Right. And I think that goes to a lot of areas of our business, it's like, if something is not working, a lot of times we make five different changes that we don't know, you know, were those the right changes, and I think that's a good thing is, you know, we make, make one change at a time if possible. And then let's see what the result Did that help. Because, again, you could make five changes, but you never know which one of those had the effect or, you know, one may have a negative offsetting the positive.

Kasey 19:16

Right? Yeah, we think that whenever something is not working, that if we just throw more at it, it's gonna fix it. But I actually think it's the opposite. I think you got to start taking stuff away, stripping it down, and really being able to identify the problem and but that's just her nature is like wanting more, let's do more. This isn't working or not, oh, have enough money. You know, let's do more of this. more of that more of this. But I think we need to really start to look at like pulling back. Right, right.

Roy Barker 19:46

Yeah. And, you know, an example I've used before is like, Facebook ads, if you know, I've talked to people before, it's like, Yeah, but $25 last week on a Facebook ad and I got nothing from it. And so now I'm switching over to to Instagram, and then you know, the next week, it'll be switching over to LinkedIn, it's like, you don't really take the time to evaluate not only the the audience the time, but our the amount of reach all those different components, but also the longevity.

And, again, I'll let you speak to this. But I think that, you know, if you, if you push out a marketing message or an ad and you get a huge response, then I consider you to be one of the lucky ones that marketing typically is just a grind in and out every day, it takes time people need to see you, I don't know, eight to 12 times before they want to really engage with you. It's not as simple as just, Hey, I placed an ad out there. And that's all I really need to do.

Kasey 20:48

Yeah, yeah, I think the language is super important. I guess this is coming from the therapists in me, I haven't seen I haven't even seen clients, and probably three to 434 years now. But you know, we can we can get people to do what we want them to do if we know how to speak their language. And so many times I see people, they'll they'll say, Oh, you know, let's say, let's say I asked them. Well, have you have you tried Facebook app? Yeah, I already tried. It didn't work. Have you tried this? Yeah, I've already tried, it didn't work.

But they just like, give up after that one thing, but they don't even consider the fact that maybe the language was wrong. Maybe the audience like you said, maybe the audience was wrong. Um, you know, people don't want to be necessarily sold to I think people want to be understood. And if you can put your marketing message out there, so that people see it. And they're like, oh, wow, yeah, they get me, then. That gets so much more, so much farther than some of the other stuff that's going on out there.

Roy Barker 21:56

Yeah, and I'm a huge proponent of the, you know, what I call the educational marketing is I don't, I don't want to just keep hammering you. Are you ready to buy? You know, what do I need to do to make you been like, take the time to educate? And, you know, like, even in email marketing, it's a good. One strategy I have is, if I see an article that may pertain to you is like, I'll send you a copy of it and say, like, Hey, I saw this article, here are three good points. I thought you might that might interest you or be helpful to your business.

And so number one, if you have existing clients you do this with that keeps this good relationship that you're interested in them and their success, but also with prospects is they don't feel like they're just hammered you. It's like, you can show them the value of having you in their life and in their business,

Kasey 22:45

right. Yeah, totally. I'm 100% on board with that. I don't, I don't like people that just ask ask, ask, ask ask. It's just it's a turn off. Right.

Roy Barker 22:56

Right. Well, so what are some other things that we need to think about? You know, if we want to scale, just some tips, tricks, some things that you've learned along the way you've had since you've had great success with it?

Kasey 23:08

Yeah, a few things that I would look at really before scaling, specifically. Gosh, there's so many things. But one of the things I always like to do if I want to grow something, but I'm not sure, when's the best time or any, you know, there's still some uncertainty is first I just want to uncover and unpack, I always call it unpacking my kitchen, I just want to throw everything out of the cabinets and put it out on the floor and see what I have. So I want to know, like everything that's going on in a particular system in the business.

So like, let's say it's leads, how are we collecting leads? I want to know, like, how are we what are the different ways we're collecting leads? Who are the different people involved in the collection of leads? What do we do with the leads when we collect them? I just want to know all of that stuff. And then the next thing that I do is I just start streamlining it. So I asked myself, how many platforms do we have? There's technology has so many options. And they're great, but sometimes, you know, if you have like if you're using QuickBooks for payments, and Zapier for zaps, and a different CRM and kajabi for your web host, like you're having to actually move through all those different platforms to just convert one lead, that's too many.

So I want to know how many platforms do I have how many steps are in this process, and just start trying to clean it up as much as I possibly can. I usually shoot for about 50% so I try to cut the steps down by 50%. What I found is that reduces error. The more the more steps, the more opportunity for error that you have within your system. Also. It just reduces it makes it easier so that you can bring in people whether it systems or virtual assistants or whatever they are, to help run the system for you. I think people often think that the the people and their business are the ones that should bear the brunt of the work. But really, the brunt of the work should be within the system.

And the last thing I do is just automate. So that's when I bring in technology and say, Hey, I'm manually having to send this email when this happens, let's figure out a way to get that to happen automatically. So just looking for ways to clean that up. And if you can just go through and identify each of the different systems in your business and do those three steps for whenever you decide you want to scale and grow, then all you have to focus on is sales, you just have to focus on how I'm going to get more leads, because everything else is going to take care of itself.

Roy Barker 25:48

Yeah, and just kind of building on that one thing I marked down here, while you were talking was to, it's always good to look at things to from your consumer side. Because I will tell you, you know, I've had some of those experiences where you go through this, and then you finally ask the person, if you ever get to talk to somebody, it's like, Have y'all ever really been through the customer journey, because it's like, it's, I don't know, my, my theory in life has never make it hard for people to give you money.

And so when you put obstacles in their way to like, just getting to where they need to sign up or get a call. But whatever it is, don't make it hard, there's got to be a way to simplify it. And I think that was, you know, something I've always heard about Steve Jobs. And what made the iPhone and the iPod so successful was he told his engineers, I want them to go from beginning to end in three steps no more. And so you know, they worked really hard to, you know, work on that process to cut it down to minimal needs to get from point A to point B.

Kasey 26:49

I love that you notice that because I totally forgot to mention it. But that's what whenever people come to me and they'll say, well, we have, you know, 100 different systems in our business, where should I start? And I always say you need because we call a most of our clients. So I say you need to follow the client's journey. So what is what is the first point of contact that they have with your company? And what does that look like? What does that system look like? And then just work through that journey? And that's how you know where to start? So that's, that's great. I'm glad you brought that up.

Roy Barker 27:24

Yeah, yeah, the other thing I was thinking about, too, is technology is that, you know, we have to, maybe not us individually, but we have to assign monitors for that. Because, you know, I've got a good friend that's in marketing. And for some reason, I went to her website one time, and you know, it was the blue screen of death, I couldn't get there, whatever.

And I'm like, you know, but that's something that we just never think about is kind of like, you know, once we set the system, we never really think about going through it to make sure all of these steps are working. So yeah, technology is great, as long as we you know, make it work for us instead of us working for. Yes. So tell us a little bit to let's talk about the book, and prioritizing the needs. What are some suggestions that you give people in the book?

Kasey 28:10

Well, so in the book, I have what's called the healthcare hierarchy of needs. And it's basically if anyone listening has ever heard of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, it's very similar to that it's a it's a triangle. And it's divided into three sections. The on the base is sales in the middle is profit. And then the very tip top is order. And so what I tell people to do is ask themselves five, the five questions in each of the core levels, starting with sales?

And if they answer no to any of the questions that are directly related to the coordinates of their business, then that is where they start. So you're always going to start on the lowest level of an identified need. So for example, I'll just give you an example. So maybe those people who aren't as visual and more auditory can understand in the in the base level of sales, these are the five core needs that we believe all businesses should have. So the first one is lifestyle congruence, we need to know what our business needs to make in order to, I don't know, supply us with the lifestyle that we want to have.

So we know how much money we need to know the numbers. The second thing is just the prospect attraction. So are we attracting enough of the right kinds of clients to meet that level of need? And then from there, it's client conversion. So are we converting enough of those people that we are attracting? And then we get to delivering on commitments, which is basically are you doing everything that you say you're gonna do? And then the last one is collecting on commitments are you able to collect on that on those transactions and so if you To answer a no.

That you could not do that to any one of those questions, the one that was the low on the lowest level, that would be your starting point, because we think about like trading our business, like we treat our patients and mental health. If you came to me, and you said, Kasey, I'm having panic attacks five to six times a day. Feel like I'm floating, I'm just anxious, I'm not going to look at you and say, Okay, let me just teach you how to breathe. No, I need to get to the core, like what is what is the reason you're having these panic attacks? And let's treat that. And so this, this framework here that we've created is really based on like, let's always go after the core, rather than treating the symptoms of the core. Exactly. That makes sense.

Roy Barker 30:51

Yeah, no, definitely. Because I find that in a lot of businesses is like, something's not working, right. And so we try to implement these other things to offset that. And then next thing, you know, you've got 10 processes that really go back to the original thing, just not working like it should. It's, again, that's, you know, these are the good reasons that we need to really look at our situations and our systems and processes, you know, pretty regularly, not things change, too. You know, I guess that's another point is that we always want to stay on top and stay out front, we never want to wait till things get so bad that we're, you know, way far behind in any of those things. Right. Yeah, absolutely. So, um, anything else that you want to talk about? Excuse me on the on the book?

Kasey 31:43

I'm not really I don't know, when you will air this episode, the book comes out July 19. Okay, it's, it's available right now on Amazon, it has been for a while for pre order, we're really excited about it. It's been, it's different. It's a it's obviously it's a business book, but it's also full of a lot of story, I really wanted to write something that wasn't boring, and that people actually wanted to read. So you know, it's a, it's a good little mix of, here's what I'm trying to teach you, here's a good story. To emphasize my point, here's what you need to go do it,

Roy Barker 32:21

you know, when I worked in, in a portion of the healthcare as consulting for quite a few years. And I think a couple things to mention maybe is and I'll let you weigh in is that people get into, like health care professions, because they're usually caregivers, and they are good with the service that they provide. And all that doesn't necessarily mean that they're good business people. Right. So you know, one thing, it's, we can't let our egos get in the way and say, Well, I'm the business owner, so I have to make all the decisions, or I have to do all the jobs.

And the great thing about the day and time that we live in is we can find fractional help, or get consultants to come in and help us, you know, kind of push to get over the hills, though, you know, it's not a reflection of weakness or not being able to not knowing something just to reach out and ask for some help.

Kasey 33:17

Yeah, I think we we think that we should do at all are we, you know, we're like the bootstrap kings and queens of America. And, you know, that's not, that's not always good. And I've done it too. I mean, I've I'm like, very stubborn, I will figure it out myself, just let me do it myself. But when you want to scale and grow, you have to relinquish that control, because it will not happen. And if it does happen, you're going to be miserable in the process.

Roy Barker 33:45

Yeah, and I think that's the bottom line too. We all want to be happy we want you know, we get into business because, you know, we probably want to make a little more money, we want to have that time to enjoy it. And so we can't let a sift ourselves get into this position where you know, the business is running us instead of us writing business and yeah, I think that's a good component that you know, definitely check out the fix this next prioritizing the you know, the needs of business especially and it's geared more to the healthcare audience, correct.

Kasey 34:15

It is and there Mike mccalla Wits wrote the book fix this next that is geared for all business owners. But really, the interventions that we teach in both of these books apply for every type of business, okay.

Roy Barker 34:29

Okay, awesome. Well, Kasey, thanks so much for taking time out of your day to be with us. We certainly do appreciate it. Before we get away a couple questions. First off, what is a tool or a habit, something that you use in your daily life that really adds a lot of value and can be professional or personally the one

Kasey 34:47

I'm, I like to have daily writing routine. So every single day at 10 o'clock for an hour is when I just sit down and I block everything else out and I focus on writing. It doesn't matter what kind of writing it is, but something It just kind of keeps me clear headed and focused.

Roy Barker 35:03

Okay, awesome. All right. So tell people first off, you know, how can they reach out? Or well, who do you like to work with? How can you help them? And of course, how can they reach out and get a hold of you and then just run through the book one more time before? Yeah.

Kasey 35:16

Yeah. So we work with overworked, overextended business owners who are wanting more, but they don't really want to sacrifice any more time to get it. It is not industry specific. We work with everyone from, you know, hair salon owners to commercial property, real estate, until health and the whole nine yards. The best way to get ahold of me is either through social media, Instagram, or Facebook, or our website is just Kasey Compton com.

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