Episode 9 - Transportation Funding

Calimesa Insider

01-06-2024 • 29分

This week, City Manager Kolbow talks about transportation funding in Calimesa, with a focus on the Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) program. The latest nexus study is out for public review, so we explain what TUMF is, how it is divvied up, and what it is used for. Below are links to participate in the TUMF Nexus Study process:

Link to WRCOG's Studies & Documents page, containing links to the draft 2024 Nexus Study and information on the upcoming informational meeting: https://wrcog.us/201/Studies-Documents

Direct Link to 2024 Nexus Study: https://wrcog.us/DocumentCenter/View/10258/TUMFNexusStudy240513DRAFT

Link to Zoom informational meeting, taking place Tuesday, June 4 at 1 PM: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81502368810?pwd=WVlOaExpcVVrR2x2MjA4NTJrc3Vqdz09


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