“You are a wonder”: How stem cell donations save lives

Talk innovation: unlocking technology

26-05-2023 • 27分

A simple cheek swab could begin a new lease on life for patients with leukaemia. Stem cell typing is the first step in matching patients with donors. Join us to learn about typing from donors, people who've conquered a blood cancer, a biotechnology expert and a PR manager at an NGO that recruits donors and supports patients. We'll also provide details on an up-coming stem cell typing drive in Munich and The Hague, one of the ways we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the European Patent Convention this year.

Moderator: Sabine Lunau, EPO Communications manager


Aliki Nichogiannopolou, EPO Director: DNA, peptide and cell biotechnology

Andreas Böhm-Pélissier, member of an EPO Boards of Appeal

Jennifer Andersen, DKMS, Public relations manager


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