FAMILY COACH SEGMENT: Meet Gloria Howard-Smith

Transforming Families with Randy and Lesli

20-02-2024 • 31分

Meet FRP family coach Gloria Howard-Smith!  Contact Gloria here.

To learn more about our The Family Reformation Project and The Family School click HERE

To Register for the Family School Open House click HERE.

Lean more about working with one of our FRP Family Coaches HERE.

If you believe in our mission at FRP- Help us restore families to God's design by giving your best financial gift HERE. THANKYOU!

Learn about how the FRP is helping families heal, grow and thrive through The Family School and Raising up Family Coaches based on the insights found in the best selling book by Dr Randall Bixby - The Family Legacy- Shaping Culture from the Inside Out... How to heal your family, live your legacy and shape culture in the process.

Follow or Subscribe today! Rate - Review- and SHARE with your friends and family to help us get our message to families in need.

Also receive today's free download tool for listening prayer called the FAMILY SOCIAL COVENANT TOOL and learn how to create a healthy culture of trust, love, support, fun, and safety in your family.

You can get FRP Core Essentials Digital Bundle HERE - (Book, Workbook, Video E-Course)


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