You cant tell me they not Scared $hitless!!!

The Common Cents Party Podcast

15-05-2021 • 55分

Ted Cruz and For the People Act. Poll tax.

Arizona Gov. Ducey signs a new law that will purge infrequent mail voters from the ballot list.

South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster issued an executive order banning vaccine passports and preventing schools and local governments from creating mask mandates.

California governor proposes $12B to house the state's homeless.

Liz Cheney ousted from GOP leadership role over Trump criticism.

Why do sports teams require public money to build a stadium?

The Braves' real estate empire

Ohio's COVID vaccine lottery: Here's who is eligible to win $1 million

Gaetz Wing-man Joel Green-berg Set to Plead Guilty in Sex Crimes Case

Can we save the Postal service?

Tennessee passes a bill that withholds funds from schools teaching about systemic racism.